The improvements arrived with the arrival of the discussed patch 1.2 to cyberpunk 2077 there are a lot of them, and the list of fixes to the game is huge, although some problems persist. However, it seems that with the many improvements that have been made, gods have also arrived interesting content, however, visible only to data miners, and which would be centered on the popular character of Panam, perhaps even anticipating a additional content dedicated to her.
Panam is one of the supporting characters present in the story of the protagonist V and is a biker belonging to the clan of Aldecaldos. The group is part of the diverse population of Nomads with whom it is possible to create relationships of trust during the game, and is a "family" that often travels to the desert near the city of Night City
Returning to Panam, without going into too much detail to avoid possible spoilers, the girl is one of the characters with whom it is also possible to build a stable emotional relationship, as long as you have chosen a character with masculine characteristics, given the heterosexuality of the young riders. In the game, however, reports are available for all tastes and orientations, we let you deepen the matter in ours dedicated guide.
As for the content we mentioned earlier, this was detected by a data miner and then published on the page Reddit of the Aldecaldos - Forever Free and shows some summaries of lines of dialogue that would concern Panam while talking with protagonist V. The discussion is about the relationships with other characters in the game and their emotional involvement in the events of the main story. With some hints also to particular private photos to send to the player.
The leaked news is therefore encouraging, but we still recommend that you take it with a grain of salt, as it is made up of rumors. not yet confirmed officially and above all because they are part of content that could easily be abandoned by the developers, or profoundly modified over the following months.
Despite this, what appeared online, although extremely limited in content, can give us hope for the possibility of concrete post-launch support for the game of CD Projekt RED, which had however already been announced months ago, but which could now finally materialize.
After all, Cyperpunk 2077 has been through all sorts of things in recent months, with for example the very complex situation of the product on old generation consoles on which the product has still shown itself limp even after patch 1.2. A shame, since the intrinsic quality of the product is certainly noteworthy.