For a long time now, ray tracing has been presented among the features of the two main next generation consoles Xbox Series X e PlayStation 5, but it will also be present in the version of PlayStation 4 Pro e Xbox One di Crysis remastered. To be clear, although the concept is similar, it is software-specific ray tracing made possible by the Crytek Engine: there is a big and big difference compared to the famous hardware-based ray tracing, which will also be a very important part of the new generation system. Sony.
In conjunction with the announcement of the news, a short video was also released, which shows - with a comparison - more specifically the tech innovations graphics of this long-awaited remastered with and without the new ray tracing technology. It will also be easy to see how additional reflections are added to the ocean, as well as to the puddles present on the ground of the game world. The title will also include support for televisions HDR, so it should be quite interesting especially seen from the eyes of a veteran who has played it even in the now distant 2013.
Before wishing you good viewing, in case you don't know, Crytek yesterday confirmed that Crysis Remastered will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC (via theEpic Games Store) starting from 18 September. The title in question will be available in digital version at the figure of 29,99 €.