After the disappointment of many fans during the conference dedicated to the titles Playstation 5 for not having had any confirmation on the matter, it would seem that the leak released what day ago it is confirmed. The user Daniel Ahmad just reposted an announcement made by Gematsu. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time will be released soon for old and new generation consoles and will be officially presented during the Game Summer Fest to be held on 22 2020 June. The fourth installment in the series created by N - creators of The Last of Us Part II - was highly anticipated by all fans and nostalgics who grew up with Crash.
This was (is) going to be announced at the Summer Game Fest June 22nd showcase. https://t.co/noqhanwlaj
- Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) June 19, 2020
There is no news yet regarding the plot, graphics and game modes, although it is clear that it will be a lot similar to previous games. Surely, being also planned for the new consoles coming out (PlayStation 5 ed Xbox Series X) the title will be able to fully exploit its potential. We just have to wait a few days to find out more during the digital festival. For all the news about this and all the other upcoming titles, as usual we will not fail to keep you updated.