After the unloved Crackdown 3, deepened within our specific review, the saga sees a turning point in this period, however, linked to its first two chapters. In fact, due to the coronavirus, the division Xbox has decided to provide all players with the option to download for free Crackdown 1, through the following link e Crackdown 2, by clicking here. The two titles are available on Xbox 360, and consequently also on the Xbox One family thanks to the backward compatibility allowed by the hardware.
We are talking about two games considered extremely fun, between explosions everywhere and a free-roaming characterized by a widely destructible map, which is certainly able to entertain players in this period of epidemic. The two games can in any case be downloaded without the need to incur any cost and without having one of the subscriptions offered by the Redmond house, so it could be worth trying them given their complete free.
We hope you enjoy the news and that you can try Crackdown 1 and Crackdown 2 in case you run out of games to play during this time. Taking this opportunity, we refer you to our monthly article - updated daily - concerning all free games for the main videogame platforms.