During an interesting panel held during the Anime Festival Orlando 2019, Reuben Langdon e Dan Southworth - dubbers of Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry 5 - showed a video that is still secret but we know it was made and commissioned by Capcom. Before the video started, in fact, the two asked everyone present not to use mobile phones or other devices to film everything, given that the video will be published directly by Capcom over the next few weeks.
Obviously, a lot of fans immediately started speculating on the content of the video, with several users coming to the conclusion that everything could relate to a new DLC dedicated to the highly appreciated epic of the Japanese company, news that many would like very much, especially after Capcom itself had announced that the title would not have seen the arrival of new additional content.
We remind all our readers that Devil May Cry 5 is currently available on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.