In the past few hours it has come to light that the existence of Alan Wake 2 may have been hinted at in a far from hidden way at the end of the second and final DLC Control, AWE (Altered World Event). Before starting with the article, we would like to specify that within this article there are some spoiler inherent to this last additional content (of which we leave you our review here) and to the game itself. As he explicitly said Remedy to the AWE announcement, this is the first real content officially included in the project "Remedy Connected Universe". In fact, the main mission entrusted to Jesse Faden it has to do with Alan Wake, and more specifically with the Dr. Hartman, the psychiatrist who he wanted to exploit the powers reality folding of Alan Wake (and other artists like the Andersons and Thomas Zane) within the 2010 game.
In this new Control DLC, Jesse is "contacted" via the Hotline by Wake himself, who prompts her to take a look at the "monster"Free in Investigative Sector. There, we learn that Dr. Hartman sought to partner with the Federal Bureau of Control to further investigate paranatural phenomena. However, the FBC considered him a paracriminal and decided to keep him locked up in the Oldest House, even though he was eventually released after being considered only a "low threat". Unable to let go of his obsession, Hartman returned to Cauldron Lake and dived, only to be transformed by the Dark Presence present there. Now a real paranatural threat, Hartman was again arrested by the FBC in the dedicated area "Bright Falls AWE"Of the investigative sector. He broke free, however, and killed everyone in the area, which resulted in the entire investigation department being blocked.
But the most interesting part, as mentioned at the beginning, comes after having it beaten. The protagonist Jesse Faden is contacted by Langdon, the guy in charge of supervising all the altered objects of the Panopticon sector. Langdon just received an alert about an Altered World Event to be held once again in Bright Falls, but for some strange reason, the event date is "a couple of years into the future". Also, Alan Wake's latest message clearly mentions that he intends to write a story about a hero who would save him from the Dark Place, where he is still trapped by the end of the game. That hero is clearly Jesse Faden. Fans have rekindled hope for Alan Wake 2 ever since Remedy managed to get the publishing rights back for the IP. At this point, it seems obvious then that a new game set in Bright Falls will be released in 2022 or so!