Not infrequently it happens that games that have been released for some time on PC or consoles after several years regain a new life by also landing on mobile platforms. An example in this sense concerns the series of Grand Theft Auto which, having achieved resounding success on PlayStation 2 e Xbox, landed on Android e iOS with milestones such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas e Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. To these it has also been added for a few months Company of Heroes, famous real-time strategy game developed by Relic in 2006 and released on iPad last February. Realized by Feral Interactive, porting for Android e iOS will keep all the functions and features of the original PC game unaltered, obviously adapted to the peculiarities of mobile platforms.
As can be seen from the trailer released by the software house and present at the opening of the article, Company of Heroes will catapult you in command of war operations United States of the second World War aimed at liberating Normandy on the occasion of the historian D-Day. The player must, through the issuing of precise orders to his soldiers, advance along the enemy territory in order to conquer important points of interest that will allow not only to earn additional resources thanks to which to continue the advance but also to restrict the areas of influence of the enemy. The conquerable resources (petrol, labor e munitions) are essential in order to have sufficient armored vehicles and teams to carry out the offensive and their scarcity makes their use particularly strategic, penalizing their reckless use. It is also possible to use the buildings conquered to produce infantry units and increase their offensive potential.
Downloadable starting next September 10th su Google Play e App Store, Company of Heroes will require no in-app purchases but a one-time payment of 14,99 € at the time of download. Those who have already bought it on iPad will be able to download it for free on your own iPhone.