Have you ever thought of playing a video game dedicated to one of the films directed by Christopher Nolan? Although a video game dedicated to one of his films has actually arrived on the market (let's talk about Batman Begins, which had a tie-in produced by Electronic Arts and developed Eurocom), movies original directed by the English director have never had a videogame transposition. Nolan himself has revealed that he would be intrigued to see his films in the form of video games, but nevertheless he would not want a product of this type to be limited to a simple tie-in. Here's what the director said in an interview with the journalist Geoff keighley:
You don't just want to make a licensed game, you don't want to just tie yourself in to something and use the film's established brand. As much as people generally take advantage of movie-to-game adaptations just by sketching provenance branding, you wouldn't want to just do that. You want it to be something exceptional in its own right. […] It's not something to be taken lightly but it's definitely something that interests me, it's a fantastic world.
It is certainly not the first time that the words "video games" and "Nolan" are found in the same sentence: three of his most famous films (namely Batman Begins, Inception and The Prestige) have been shown via the mode Party Royale di Fortnite earlier this year. Additionally, the trailer for his most recent film, Tenet, premiered in the battle royale of epic Games. As for Tenet (here you can read our review dedicated to the film), the film is directed by Christopher Nolan, in a period of pandemic from COVID-19, managed to cash out 362.2 million dollars around the world. A little exciting number but justified by the delicate situation in which the film industry finds itself.