Call of the sea, the first video game in the works at the development studio Out of the Blue formed by a group of veterans who previously worked on titles such as Metroid: Samus Returns, Red Matter, Gylt, Celeste, Deadlight, Guacamelee 2 and Spacelords, and published by the Swedish development studio Raw fury, previously known for titles such as Night Call and Kingdom: Two Crowns, is certainly one of the most intriguing titles coming to the next-generation home console Microsoft products, Xbox Series X. The Lovecraftian-toned title is a first-person puzzle-adventure game that will put players in the shoes of Norah, a woman who will find herself forced to explore a mysterious and wild island in search of some information about her husband Harry, who disappeared into thin air in the course of an expedition.
Thanks to a gameplay video showing the first 18 minutes of the game it is possible to take a first look at the incredible and evocative setting, which will be able to catapult players to an island full of mysteries and secrets to discover. Through the video, moreover, it is possible to notice some of the numerous ones puzzles that players will have to face in order to continue the exploration of the vast game world, and which will allow them to discover the remains of an ancient lost civilization. The discovery of this occult civilization will completely change the way we see the things around us, transforming the colorful world around us into something very different, distorted and surreal.
We remind you that Call of the Sea will arrive by the end of 2020 su PC, Xbox One and on next-generation consoles Xbox Series X e Xbox series s and that according to the latest statements made by the programmer Manuel Fernandez, will fully support the Smart delivery of Microsoft and will reach i 4K to 60FPS, with full support for the ray-tracing. We just have to wait for more information on the title, which at the moment does not yet have an official release date.