A new escape, arrived via Resetera, allows fans of the community to be able to take a first look, unofficial, to the new map coming up on Call of Duty: Warzone. This setting will probably be heavily inspired by the next upcoming title of Treyarch. How would it then be discovered? Numerous video clips were found, dated from Call of Duty: Cold War beta, saved as “WZ”. They therefore suggest that they will probably be merged to give life to a new map destined for the free-to-play battle royale. In these videos it is possible to see numerous ski slopes, different areas for forestry, reinforcing what was already described in the previous leak regarding the new setting.
At the moment, however, it is not yet clear how exactly it will work, but according to many sources, it seems that Call of Duty: Warzone will receive, in the future, a brand new map. However, we know that the current game setting was "cut" and used in "Ground War" mode in Modern Warfare, therefore, taking up this technique from the fans, the hypothesis formulated mostly by the latter is precisely that these shots obtained from the multiplayer of Cold War, will provide an accurate preview in what will become Warzone. Thus making a brief summary of what has been said so far, it would therefore seem that the new game setting is In Russia with names of some places including the following: Mines, Chemical laboratory, Meteorological station, Ski slopes...
At the moment we just have to wait for further official information on the matter, although many leaks of information, when put together, are able to provide a "complete picture" of what lies ahead with the new landscape. Finally, the leaker himself suggested that even if the game map it will be smaller than the current one, it will be though more open.