According to what emerged in the last few hours, Blizzard he is working on an "unannounced AAA multiplayer" game for PC and consoles. The news would have leaked from a new series of job announcements of the American giant, indicating that the new project in development, in addition to being a first-person shooter, will exploit a new generation graphics sector it's one unique and innovative artistic style. In the words of Blizzard's senior artist, Dan John Cox, the company would be trying to fill 16 vacant positions, figures destined to support the small development team for the realization of the project not yet announced. Here are his words:
My team is looking to hire a LOT of people for a REALLY REALLY interesting project. We also have some great Associate level design works !!
This is hands down the best project and team I have ever worked with in my career. Send me a message or write me a message and I'll leave you the link for the job!
Also, although no official details about the new one have yet been shared AAA multiplayer shooter in progress at the studios of Blizzard Entertainment, several rumors suggest that the project may also present an offline single-player mode, although at the moment there has been no confirmation in this regard. Among the various announcements available, we can see how the company is looking for a level designer who can help create "epic and memorable worlds", suggesting that the new shooter may have many different maps available.
Waiting to find out more details on the new project in progress, we remind you that Blizzard reiterated (on the occasion of the BlizzCon 2021) That Overwatch 2 will not be released this year (like the next chapter dedicated to the famous saga of Diablo) on the various gaming platforms. In addition, we would like to point out the intention of the development team to be as transparent as possible in the future, with more regular updates so as to keep fans of the highly acclaimed team first-person shooter informed.
I'm also just gonna toss this one in up front cause you'd work with ME and I want nice people. We are also actively hiring for diversity, its a really important part of building a solid team.https: //t.co/DBwmptZ4Dt
- Dan John Cox (@danjohncox) March 11, 2021