There is still no concrete news on the next chapter of Battlefield, however that it is in development is now certain and Electronic Arts she also said she was satisfied with how the work is progressing. Well, today we may have come into possession of interesting information regarding the setting di Battlefield 6 which, according to a well-known insider, should be set in modern times.
This is a fairly reliable insider, as he has leaked a lot of correct information about some Call of Duty chapters in the past. The journalist also intervened to support his hypothesis Jeff Grubb, which therefore feeds the possibility that it is true information. However, the news must always be taken with a grain of salt and we must obviously await official confirmation from Electronic Arts. In this regard, the company could release details on Battlefield 6 in the course of the next EA Play, event scheduled for next June 19th at 01:00.
You'll be a happy bunny next year then ? https://t.co/5sC3fd2Zxk
- Tom Henderson (@_TomHenderson_) May 8, 2020
Elaboration - I was simply referring to the setting and direction of the next Battlefield game, not a remaster. https://t.co/uKNOAKXBZ0
- Tom Henderson (@_TomHenderson_) May 31, 2020
Yup. https://t.co/Yotw6vVBcU
- Jeff Grubb (@JeffGrubb) June 9, 2020