Recently, we have received several rumors about the next title dedicated to the franchise of Assassin's Creed, which is expected to be released by the end of this year. In recent days, the well-known insider Shinobi602 he said, replying to some comments on his Twitter profile, that the presentation of the new Assassin's Creed Ragnarok, although at the moment it is not clear if the new chapter of the series will be called that, it would be imminent by now. In the tweet the insider reiterates that he is aware of the announcement date of the title, confirming, with an eloquent GIF, that we are now running out.
Also, according to reports from j0nathan in the past few weeks, in Assassin's Creed Ragnarok it will be possible to choose the gender of your character (just like Odyssey), will see the return of the hidden blade and Scandinavia will not be the only territory of the game to be explored. We bring you back in detail when stated by j0nathan on Twitter:
Some information on the next AC:
- There will be the Vikings
- It won't be called Kingdom (nor Ragnarok)
- The hidden blade will return
- Even the shield
- The main character should be a woman (but we can still choose the male character)
- The name of the main character is not "Jora".
- Scandinavia will not be the only territory of the game.
- It will contain even more RPG elements than Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
- It will present many supernatural contents related to the First Civilization.
- The game will not be in cooperative mode.
- The release is still expected by the end of 2020.
- The official announcement will come in late April or early May.
- Shinobi602 (@ shinobi602) April 25, 2020
- Shinobi602 (@ shinobi602) April 25, 2020
Quelques infos sur le prochain AC:
- Ce sera bien chez les Vikings
- Il ne s'appellera pas Kingdom (ni Ragnarok normally)
- La lame secrète sera bien de retour
- Le bouclier aussi
- Le personnage principal devrait être une femme (mais on pourra quand même choisir un homme) pic.twitter.com/U7F0EUXsxR
- j0nathan⚡ (@ xj0nathan) April 13, 2020