In the past few hours, a YouTuber has recreated Among Us in TI-84 Plus CE, making the most of the humble hardware of the graphing calculator. The recreation obviously does away with some gameplay details and features, but it's still an impressive showcase for many of the same gameplay elements that Among Us fans know and love. As a mandatory purchase in many school systems, graphing calculators are no stranger to this type of thing - one of the most striking recent examples was the successful attempt to perform Doom on a potato-powered graphing calculator. Sure, the TI-84 line of calculators has very limited processing power, so any port will include tradeoffs from the original game.
The name of the user who re-created Among Us from scratch is Everyday Code and took well over 55 hours of work, leaving the source code description to his video for anyone who has a TI-84 Plus CE calculator and wants to see it in action. In addition to recreating the characters of the crew members, the boy also implemented the complete map of The Skeld. As mentioned before, however, there are many key elements missing, such as the various tasks to be performed within the map and other aesthetic details of the scenario. Also, there doesn't seem to be any kind of functionality related to emergency meetings. This means that this recreation is essentially a 'single player experience in which the player takes on the role of a impostor: Everyday Code pointed out that the game could theoretically support the multiplayer, but unfortunately he didn't have a second calculator to test this firsthand.
This is an exciting time for Among Us fans: the developer InnerSloth he just revealed The Airship, the latest map in the game, which will offer players an entirely new set of room layouts to memorize, as well as a mix of new tasks. One thing that will never change though is the satisfaction of secretly killing crew members as an imposter, and this is something that both the original game and the graphing calculator version capture well.