For a few months the film has been released in theaters, soon it will arrive in DVD and Blu Ray versions, but the origin of Warcraft dates back to many years ago. Leaving aside it, what we are talking about today is World of Warcraft, an MMORPG set in the universe of the same name, which has allowed all Blizzard fans to live within a rich, well-kept and truly fantastic world. This game immediately required a double form of payment: the purchase of the game or its expansion and the monthly subscription. After the last expansion, Warlords of Draenor, the title had had a free fall, due to the lack of content and the lack of depth of the new features. World of Warcraft Legion, a new expansion coming out on August 30th, does not want to repeat the same mistakes, and during Gamescom we were able to discover new details.
Legion was born with one goal: to return home all World of Warcraft fans who, over time, have abandoned Azeroth. To do this, Blizzard has decided to focus on certain features that allow replayability and add depth to the gameplay:
- In terms of plot, each class will have its own story this time: playing with a Warlock you will experience a story that will touch famous heroes different from those who will instead see a Paladin.
- The Raids will receive a new difficulty, the Mythic Plus: this, by adding new modifiers and changing the boss aggro system, will make life even more difficult for the players who want to try it.
In terms of content, we already know that a new class will arrive, the Demon Hunter, personally trained by Illidan, along with artifact weapons:
- The Demon Hunter class will be easy to learn, but difficult to use: the average World of Warcraft player will be able to easily level it, do missions and much more, but only a lot of training will allow players to be able to use this class in PvE and / or PvP .
- Not everyone has always dreamed of becoming a demon hunter: for these players, the artifact weapons (which will be taken at the beginning of the first Legion quests, and will be customized and enhanced by continuing in the quest line), will be the player version of the famous weapons already seen in the various stories that dot World of Warcraft.
Finally, new information came out from the technical point of view:
- Dynamic servers will allow you to manage queues and player flows, so as not to create downtime in the first days of launch: these functions are already active now in the beta, so if you are playing right now you can already see how things have improved.
- Content will be released frequently, so as not to create dead moments in the expansion game time window.
- The NPCs who will receive a horde of players positioned in front (obstructing the passage) will still be clickable, avoiding unpleasant moments of misclicking.
In short, it is very close to the release, about 9 days: the conditions for one of the best expansions are there, we will have to see how Blizzard will manage the whole thing.