I The Game Awards just concluded they have been an excellent stage to present different games to the world. The ads weren't wasted, as were the surprises, and Bravely Default II it was just one of them. The brand is, certainly, one of the most loved that have lived the Nintendo 3DS era, and as happened for the Pokémon, the time has come to make it make the long-awaited debut on the new console. Its two predecessors, namely Bravely Default e Bravely Second have been acclaimed in the past by both audiences and critics, but this project will be something new as it is considered a real new beginning.
A new story
Although Bravely Default II shares the same universe of the previous games, will tell a new story with new characters. Currently they have shown four, and we do not know if the full party will be composed of only these protagonists, or as we progress in the adventure more will be added. Unfortunately we don't know anything in particular about the plot in general, but thanks to the trailer released - albeit not very informative - we can steal some details and begin to imagine what the storyline will revolve around. During the main campaign, even if the incipit is one of the most classic, we will be called to protect the light and defeat the darkness: the crystal holding the girl from the trailer will probably be protected and kept for the duration of the main quest. The title Square Enix it will make us cross many lands, all with different habits and characteristics.
While it's not much in the way of storyline, we know the strength of Bravely Default, in general, it is the ability to trace the steps of previous RPGs with extreme skill, giving us users a strong imagination capable of filling even that void left by nostalgia and time that inevitably flows day after day.
Who we find
To work on Bravely Default II there will be well-known names for those who follow the world of RPGs, in fact it is the team that worked on the first - and also the most beautiful - title of the saga. However, precisely for this reason the bar of expectations is inevitably raised, given that now not only will they have to deal with a new beginning, but they will have to cope with the undisputed quality of the first chapter of the series. Certainly the arrival of the title on Nintendo Switch gives us hope as regards the attention to detail, given that from this point of view the exclusives of the big N have never disappointed since the hybrid console made its debut on the market. The platform as many of you know has different features that allow the development of graphically more complex games. Who knows how they will manage to surprise us this time.
The project was entrusted to the team Claytechworks, who will manage the production itself. The creation of the game soundtrack and audio was taken over by the group Revo. Team members will also participate in the project Asano. But it is right to spend a few more words on the music that has always characterized the gaming experience of Bravely Default. Although from the trailer we can really hear a small and short excerpt of what will be the saoundtrack of the work, we are sure that the accompanying sounds will be able to transport us into the narrative, making us feel an integral part of the journey. The final product will be launched on the market in 2020, but the date is still to be defined.
In conclusion we can say that the presentation of Bravely Default II it was as pleasant as it was unexpected. Certainly fans have been looking forward to this return, and the "new beginning" will also please many players who will approach the saga for the first time. If you are a fan of role-playing games this is a product that you must absolutely take into consideration, given the undisputed quality of the previous chapters, the first more than the second. We will probably receive some more news at E3, but we hope that its release anticipates the Los Angeles event so as to get our hands on it as soon as possible.