In the last few days the free demo of Catherine: Full Body, a reissue of the wonderful adventure / puzzle by Atlus, but which will enrich - e a lot - the strange story of Vincent Brooks already lived on PlayStation 3 a few years ago. In fact, in this new title the graphic sector has not been simply retouched, but a new character has even been added: a young and pretty girl named Rhine. However, in addition to its sudden appearance, to all the implications and deviations that the plot can take with its presence, there are also other big news that will characterize the game, even in the gameplay.
Climb your "blocks"
Even if the playable levels of the demo are only two, we manage to build a very general picture of what awaits us in this new edition. Already from the main menu we become aware of all the modalities that will be present:
- Golden Playhouse: the classic story mode, which will make us experience Vincent's story from beginning to end, studded with all his disturbances and… nightmares. We have the choice between 4 possible levels of difficulty, that is easy, normal and difficult, with the addition of a zero level called "safe" difficulty, where Vincent's nightmares will not be dangerous and the possibility of dying will disappear. The GP can also be used in mode Remix, a great introduction designed to completely overturn the game and to offer an even more varied experience to those who already know Catherine! Some blocks will have different shapes (practically cubes joined together that will form geometric shapes of various sizes).
- Babel: the mode returns that will see us climb really complicated levels and with the constraint of being able to use only a limited number of objects within the puzzle.
- Colosseum: will allow us to challenge another player in various levels.
- Online Arena: the mode is totally new, which will allow us not only to face another user online, but also gives us the alternative of playing cooperatively with a friend!
Within the demo, however, it will be possible to face only the Golden Playhouse, which will be proposed to us in safe mode (probably to preserve the rich puzzles until day one).
Blackberries, blackberries, blackberries!
Tasting the new Catherine: Full Body, we immediately notice the incredible amount of content that has been included and the features that have been increased. First of all, already the initial speech and the appearance of the attractive Trisha, the Venus of Midnight, whose huge Afro hair is now divided into two large tufted hair, revealing her entire face, stands out in a completely different way. Comparing the new game to an excellent wine, tastier and more full-bodied, the adventure that Atlus offers us will certainly be richer and, it is assumed from their statements, sexier. Already from the first story video shown (unpublished, given that Rin will introduce us) we understand how much the work is still devoted to fanservice, dictating the tones of the game outright. The video that followed instead, is exactly what we find at the beginning of Catherine, with Vince and Katherine sitting at a table talking about their present ... and future.
And then the nightmare: let's start playing the part where the action is in force, with the tutorial that will explain us how to climb, move blocks and use objects. There where the differences we have noticed are very few, such as a couple of positioning of the controls on the pad and the usefulness of the white block that now creates a platform of cubes around the protagonist (we do not know if it is a definitive thing, or only works in safe mode), testing the adventure in Remix mode was something fresh and addicting, even if the difficulties were far from punitive.
Moving on to Vincent's daytime and evening phases, for the former we have not yet had the opportunity to see anything, while for the latter we have only been shown the use of the cellular (just like in the first Catherine). However in this Catherine: Full Body, although the features are the same, they have been improved: for example to write an SMS we will not have to go to trial, but we will have a quick selection in front of us. In addition, the story and the stages that tell it have been enriched with details (like the photo that Katerine will send us, which she did not do in the first version of the game).
Even if we couldn't get our hands on it Rapunzel nello Stray Sheep and we have not been able to chat with the various customers of the restaurant, or perhaps order a drink, this little taste was enough to understand that what awaits us will be great, and that it will be worth playing. There are very few chances that those who have already tried Catherine will not be able to appreciate this new version (also because there will be a lot of unprecedented), however for the final judgment we will have to wait for the release of the title, which we will talk about extensively in the review!