THEE3 2019 which took place in Los Angeles in the last few days opened last week with a live broadcast on several occasions by Electronic Arts which, although not astonishing the public as one would have hoped, has updated us on the work in progress regarding the important titles that will be part of the lineup in the near future. Among the titles could not miss without a doubt FIFA 20, yet another son of EA Sports in the best-selling football simulation series in the world. Although we were blown away and we didn't see any images of the game itself during the space dedicated to it, we were presented with the mode Volta Football, the biggest novelty within the 19/20 iteration. However, this inclusion led the development team and the publisher to make choices, or rather, cuts (did someone say “The Journey”?). But let's proceed in order and let's analyze all the information we have on FIFA 20!
The first of the good news is that the presence of official licenses for the UEFA Champions League is more than confirmed after the excellent 2019 vintage, and therefore the title will include all the rights to include the official competition within the new chapter of EA's football simulator. As for the licenses for the various leagues, all the major ones in Europe, such as the Bundesliga Liga A series.
The end of the journey, the beginning of another
As you may have guessed from the previous paragraph, in FIFA 20 there will be no "Travel“, Saying goodbye - or will it just be goodbye? - to the career of Alex Hunter, who in the last 3 years has marked an important addition to the series. However, E3 2019 led us to clarify what will actually be the cornerstone of the news: Volta Football. Eleven years after the release of Fifa Street 3 we return to playing football in the way that for many young people is the most common, not among grassy or synthetic fields, but in the most disparate street or suburban pitches ... and indoors ! In Los Angeles, only 2 of the modes that will be included were shown, one is clearly FIFA Street and the other The Vault, with two teams of five players to clash until the last second.
However, this time Electronic Arts wants to create all this in our image and likeness, and here is the possibility to create our personalized avatar, male or female, within Volta Football, choosing both clothing, hair and clearly the movements! The social part therefore becomes indispensable (especially in these times) and the online also goes to FIFA 20 to mark a pivotal role also for Volta: the Volta League will therefore see the possibility of being promoted or demoted, and the Volta World which will allow us to build our dream team. It does not end here, because in a clearly far-sighted way, the "narrative" part that Il Viaggio proposed has been replaced - with great response from fans - by Volta Story Mode, a campaign from the most disparate games with different modalities to dictate the rules.
FIFA 20: technique and artificial intelligence
Great revolutions, according to what has been declared, will be made on a technical level, which will touch almost all the cornerstones of the video game. This includes artificial intelligence e physics, but also passaggi, dribbling, beat mode for penalty shoot-out e free kicks, up to the "Timed Finishing”Added last year. First of all some changes will be made on the ball, on the movements without the ball and on the movement with and without it: the result we will get will be many more one-on-one clashes, giving the player without the ball a greater “authenticity” in the contrasts and more empathy for the defender. More importantly, it is now the effect inflicted on the ball will affect the trajectory, offering much more realistic detours. Finally, too the part of the player's foot that hits the ball will affect the rotation of the ball!
As for artificial intelligence, EA Sports is working a lot on Defender AI balancing: the features described above favor the player in manual defense, and also the AI-controlled defenders will be less efficient. However, some changes will be made to give defenders a better chance of tackling particularly fast players.
The balance will also affect the slip, the tiri, manual exits of the goalkeepers, and also the steps, where the short and simpler ones will be more precise, but where the more complicated ones (such as the 360 degree ones) will be slower and weaker. The penalty kicks and those of punishment have been made much more spectacular, in combo with the spin changes that can be induced to the ball we talked about earlier. The feeling of control should also be firmer. The entire shooting section was basically remodeled, promising only good things. As we anticipated, even the Timed Finishing will be fine-tuned, thanks to the numerous player feedback that reached the developers. For these tweaks, the team working on FIFA 20 has reduced the timing to reach the green window from 2-4 frames to just 2 frames, so as to make it more complicated to return to the "comfort zone" of precise shots.
FIFA 20 on Nintendo Switch: half version?
As is known, FIFA 20 will also be available on Nintendo Switch with his version Legacy Edition. However, the discontent for the owners of the nintendo hybrid was not long in coming, because apparently this version will not be equipped with many of the features that make this iteration unmissable: for example, the Volta Football mode will not be present on the Switch (the real macroscopic addition). The other news of great depth will also not be included in this sense, and the console of the Kyoto house will see a title arrive that will enjoy a new look, updated roses and support, but nothing more substantial. However, it is not clear whether this is the beginning of the end, or whether it is a transition phase in the franchise's relationship with the console of the great N.
In short, there are really many expectations that the public has built behind the game, and we remind you that it is already available for pre-order in stores. k at a more than advantageous price for a limited period. The public demo to try out the new football title in limited form should arrive during the first or second week of September, while the release date of FIFA 20 is set for the 27 of the same month, but will be playable for a total of 10 hours in one week preview through EA Access. FIFA 20 will be available for PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch.