Announced on stage in early 2018, Those who remain sui is shown sporadically over the past couple of years with a few short trailers, but never revealing too much detail. We finally got to try the title developed by Camel 101 in a demo that allowed us to play the first twenty minutes of the title. Are you curious to know if this is really worth the wait first person psychological horror published by Wired Productions and Whisper Games? Find out with us in our game preview!
Between light and shadow
In this short demo we got a taste of what will be there plot by Those Who Remain. The game opens with the protagonist Edward heading for the Golden Oak Motel. His destination is not accidental: the man has realized that he has made a serious mistake and wants to end his extra-marital relationship to try to regain the trust of his wife and daughter. The motel looks like a very unkempt and, above all, desolate place. From the completely empty reception, Edward still manages to figure out which room Diana, the woman he is looking for, has rented.
The room, however, is completely empty, there is only the sound of running water coming from the shower. Returning to the motel parking lot, Edward hears the engine of his car, ready to go. The protagonist then remains on foot, away from home, in the macabre city of Dormont. Edward does not give up anyway and decides to chase his car, obviously to no avail. Not long after, however, he notices that the city is haunted by some frightening presences that hide in the shadows. The protagonist also understands that these creatures cannot survive the light.
This intriguing incipit, which has positively struck us despite the fact that at the moment it is not possible to express a complete judgment, is accompanied by a formula of gameplay rather classic. As anticipated, Those Who Remain is a first-person horror and it is therefore possible to move around the game map and interact with some items. It is also possible to launch some, even if at the moment we have not found a real use to the thing ... which we think will be found in the final release of the title. During our test we had to solve some simple puzzles, which mostly turned out to be connected to the finding of some keys necessary for the advancement of the adventure.
As in any self-respecting horror, gods cannot be missing antagonists. During our rehearsal we had to deal with the aforementioned figures who reside in the shadows and which bring to life the key mechanics of Those Who Remain. In order not to be reached by these creatures it is in fact necessary stay in the light. Certainly not an original mechanic, but which remains very interesting and did not seem to have any smudges.
The sleeping city
What really stands out about the Those Who Remain demo is the gorgeous one atmosphere, definitely ghostly and anxious. To fuel this last component is the continuous presence of enemy figures, who observe us from the shadows and continue to follow us for the duration of the adventure. In addition, some elements have sent us back to several works both videogame and not, including the well-known Stranger Things series and a vague recovery of the terrifying Sottosopra.
From a technical point of viewInstead, the Camel 101 title has ups and downs. Certainly the light effects they are well made - God forbid, they are fully part of the playful component of the title - and the settings are no less. Some polygonal models however, they made us turn up our noses and we hope that they can be changed before the release of the title. Even the sonoro it's average and features spooky audio tracks. Also good dubbing, even if completely in English. However, the title was subtitled in Spanish and this can only make us happy. In short, we are really curious to try Those Who Remain in its entirety which, we remind you, will arrive 15st May on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Later the title will also be released on Switch.