The news arrives through a tweet account official "@TheMediumGame“, Which you find at the bottom of the article, illustrating to the community a simple clarification regarding what it can do or not Marianne within the two worlds of The Medium. I'll play the game on PC ed Xbox Series X towards the end of the year, but it looks like this will also come up PS5, we will have to be patient to get further information from the software house Bloober Team. The authors, within the tweet, are keen to highlight and outline the contours of the dynamics of the gameplay that will involve us and immerse us in the dual reality of The Medium. The team, in fact, states the reason for this choice:
Marianne cannot fully control her power to live in two worlds at once. This means that you will experience both worlds in various combinations, sometimes one at a time, sometimes both at the same time. You will spend approximately one third of your playing time in Double Reality.
After tests on tests carried out in the internal testing phases, the developers have stated that the player will be immersed for a long time (one third of the entire duration of the gameplay) within the dual reality. According to various sources, we will find ourselves in moments of pure 2D alternating with sections during which we will command Marianne in first person in 3D, ending up in game fractions set in this "double reality". In this mod, either the player will experience the split version between reality and nightmare. In summary, The Medium is a next-gen psychological horror title. The player will be involved in the role of a girl, Marianne, who will lead the gamer in three different gaming experiences. We will be dealing as already mentioned with 2D and 3D worlds, also ranging through the dual reality that arises from the union between our world and what Marianne is experiencing in her fearful nightmare.
Marianne cannot fully control her ability to live in two worlds at the same time. Which means you will experience both worlds in various combinations, sometimes one of them at a time, sometimes both at once. # TheMediumGame #PCgames #XboxSeriesX #Screenshoot #DualReality pic.twitter.com/LWTB92n8LK
- The Medium Game (@TheMediumGame) July 29, 2020