When the first chapter of Resident Evil came out, the novelty of the zombies was particularly functional, but only with the arrival of Resident Evil 2 the brand has taken that leap forward in which many were hoping. Leon and Claire were the most characterized protagonists, the game inserted intriguing elements and the gameplay advanced in that inexorable evolution that will take it, later on, up to the seventh chapter. Unlike 2, Resident Evil 3 it had many differences with the previous chapter.
Assuming that this third chapter was conceived as a spin-off (and it shows), it had a decidedly inferior development team on board: led by Kazuhiro Aoyama, the software house only served to exploit what little life remained at the PlayStation 1, while Mikami he was working on what would later become the first (discarded) draft of Resident Evil 4. In addition to this, it was the first time that Resident Evil even had a subtitle next to the issue; Nemesis. It was therefore taken for granted that, after the remake of the second title, the developers aimed to bring this chapter born under a bad star but now in the hearts of all gamers to Ps4 and Xbox One.
Would you be my Valentine?
The game puts us in the shoes of Jill Valentine, member of the STARS forces who is in Raccoon City during the contagion already seen in Resident Evil 2. The story of Jill Valentine, which starts one day before that of Leon and Claire and ends one day later, exploits the "knowledge" factor : the heroine of Resident Evil 3 is in fact one of the members of the Bravo team, where in the first title of the series we also found Chris Redfield. Similarly, the demo we tried immediately takes us into the role of Jill Valentine, who must find a way to save herself and the various people she will find in the dangerous city.
What we saw in the demo it is a decidedly more predominant push towards action: thanks to his past as a STARS member (remember that Claire is a civilian and Leon a policeman), ammunition and weapons available in-game seemed more "powerful" than those of the second chapter. This will probably be smoothed out in the full game, but for now, we liked being able to kill more zombies than expected. The game map is also very different from the remake of Resident Evil 2: Jill, in fact, finds herself on wide streets right from the start, surrounded by shops and various obstacles that represent an important diversification from the narrow corridors we were used to with the second episode.
Here, too, things will certainly change in the full version, but we already look forward to slightly more free sessions. To conclude the “diversity” package, there is the avoidance: Jill will be able to dodge various attacks, sneaking easily and even avoiding being bitten. The inventory has also been changed, which remains faithful to the functionality of the 2 but slightly adjusts the User Experience with a more minimal, intuitive and marked graphic interface.
Run, run, there's the Nemesis!
The thing the demo obviously had to show us was the Nemesis, and so it was. This BOW, a direct evolution of Mr. X, also occupies its role of pursuer in this game, that Terminator who will hunt us beyond belief. The difference from the previous Tyrant will be found in agility and in the moveset: this time, in fact, the Nemesis will be able to give us more trouble with sequelae of different attacks, leaps capable of shortening distances and a more advanced artificial intelligence.
Resident Evil 3 was the first title in the saga to have a subtitle, and it is quickly explained: the Nemesis is an iconic enemy, famous to fans of the saga and not, capable of populating our nightmares more than any zombie encountered. The way he hunts poor Jill in the demo is well constructed, slightly different from the original, but anxious enough not to make us think of mere differences (be they positive or negative).
A brief excerpt of the game cannot make us understand if this Resident Evil 3 Remake will be in step with the previous one, or even with the original, but we can certainly confirm how this time the technical leap has been, albeit slight: the graphic engine is more accurate, the details are better and, albeit slightly, there are qualitative differences with Resident Evil 2 Remake. Spanish voice acting and localization are the icing on the cake of a perfect demo, which just teases us to make us want to return to Raccoon City.