If there is one title that has earned everyone's respect in recent years, it has been Remothered: Tormented Fathers. Defined by many as the spiritual heir of Clock Tower, he managed to combine an intriguing and maddening plot with a gameplay that, like no other of its kind, gave a suffocating sense of helplessness, a general disorientation, and the terror of shooting the angle even just to take an object. After its first release on PC, the game's success has been growing, and it has also deserved its arrival on consoles. With such a great confidence and résumé, the wait for her following (and prequel at the same time) Remothered: Broken Porcelain it could only be huge, a wait destined to end on October 20 this year when the game will hit all shelves. In the last few days we have been able to finally get our hands on a demo of the title of Darril Arts, noting with pleasure that in addition to jealously preserving the characteristics that marked the success of the first chapter, the proposed gameplay and the pace of the game are even more modern, adding important mechanics and bringing the level of immersion to the stars.
It's not over…
Without going into details and without anticipating too much about the excerpt of plot and events that we experienced, know that in the demo we were in control of Jennifer, a young girl - whose name will be familiar to most - who is currently in a hotel (theAshmann Inn) which has not yet reopened to the public for the season, and which is hosting problematic girls. Clearly this is not the only character we will meet in the story, and even if some intriguing previews have already been made from the trailers shown in the last few weeks, we will certainly not be the ones to spoil the taste of the surprise.
From what we have been able to test in the two hours of play available (obviously also calculating the phases to be repeated in case of game over), probably Remothered: Broken Porcelain will keep all promises made: the narration has a well-defined rhythm, the video sequences have their roots even more in a cinematic style, alternating with the playful phases in a genuine and non-suffocating way (thanks also to the inclusion of real time cinematics). One of the strengths of the brand is the atmosphere, and even in this we are not betrayed: oppressive, disturbing, with sudden changes and paradoxically delicate for some nuances, she is a companion who held our hand for the entire duration of the demo. The Ashmann Inn, at least in the section we visited, didn't seem as labyrinthine as Villa Felton, and the more enlightened game section also made things easier for us to explore ... but don't expect this to be so "free", Why a Stalker will always be on your heels.
… And it won't be over anytime soon
The gameplay has been enriched with several features. In full survival horror style, our defenses will be limited, and as the brand wants we will basically be led to hinder the path of the Stalkers, to stun them, distract them or block the doors. However, in Broken Porcelain the dynamics in which we will be able to take advantage of these features are much more varied and will aim to make us interact a lot with the game environment. One of the peculiarities of this new title concerns the crafting: evolved considerably compared to the first Remothered, in addition to the edged weapons to be exploited to defend ourselves when we are attacked, we will be able to modify and combine several of the distractions that we will find, making them even more effective, for example, by modifying dolls, bottles, music boxes and strings with chemicals and more. This makes the search for objects even more essential, and although you will have to be silent and become invisible, it will also be necessary to beat every corner, cupboard or table to find something useful. Also pay attention to the various papers, not only because some will be indispensable to continue in history, but because they will serve to shed light on the events and make you mentally connect the pieces of the puzzle. These can also be examined in a special menu, as well as the objectives (and I take this opportunity to underline that the interface used is decidedly more intuitive and "modern" than what was seen with Tormented Fathers).
Of course there is still more to say about the variety of situations we found ourselves in in this short demo, but again, we don't want to overdo the information. To accompany everything we think there colonna sonora, a small jewel created by Luca Balboni, confirmed after the already excellent work done on the first title. Technically Remothered: Broken Porcelain has defended itself quite well, showing only some uncertainties that, already known to the team and communicated in advance, will be resolved by the time the product hits the shelves (with this build that in all probability was not even as recent as the current works ), so we are happily optimistic in this area too. We can't wait to get our hands on the full version of the game and tell you about it in the review, because if these are the premises ... there will be a lot to say!