In a few weeks we will finally be able to get our hands on the new chapter of the famous series Capcom, Monster hunter rise, an exclusive Nintendo Switch that is preparing to revolutionize the title with many new features that, in the demo already released and in the one that will arrive today in the Nintendo eShop, are quite interesting. Before continuing, it must be explained that this Demo 2 of Monster Hunter Rise is nothing more than the first demo with the addition of a new hunt, that of the Magnamalo, a creature that is really difficult to kill and that is why it conquers the cover of the game itself. If you are interested in finding out our opinion of the Demo that has already been released, then we invite you to read our preview.
For real hunters
The mission dedicated to Magnamalo is immediately marked with a bright red, to indicate that it will not be "simple" as the two previous hunts: if in fact those gave enough time to the player to be completed, this time the ticking of the clock will stop only after 15 minutes, a meager timer for such an arduous challenge . To this we also add the capacity of the Magnamalo of kill the lighter classes with one shot (or the characters already injured) and here we have the perfect formula for the challenge dedicated to real hunters. Demo 2 therefore, rather than expanding the experience to novice players, seems to propose a higher level of difficulty for the old fans of the brand, as if to make it clear that the game will not only aim to show itself in its new dynamics (and decidedly faster ), but will also try to bring back what fans of the brand love to madness: the extreme difficulty during a hunt.
The first thing that must be emphasized with regard to this new hunt is the management of life: if in fact time is already running out, if you end your life you will find yourself having to start again at a considerable distance from the monster (although the game has many ways to speed up the routes). As if this were not enough, this creature halfway between a Japanese demon and a tiger will aim to launch purple flames capable not only of inflicting a lot of damage, but also of putting a status on the character which, if not treated in time, will lead to a damage from explosion. To all this obviously goes the melee attack of the monster, fast and powerful, and its very high defense, to the point that it will be difficult even to stun it.
Obviously it is very likely that this hunt will be easier in the full game, as the demo forces us to choose between pre-built classes, which certainly invalidates the challenge as a dedicated and customized build could help to take down the Magnamalo. In short, the one we tried and that you can try in the Monster Hunter Rise Demo 2 looks like one advanced challenge, useful for newbies to understand where the game is headed and interesting for hardcore players who will be able to find a really high-level challenge, which is much in demand among fans. Obviously we just have to wait for the official release of the game to understand how this degree of difficulty will be managed, but already knowing that a similar level will be reached brings into play many tactics that often become necessary to break down some sizes and which, above all, become vital part of the game and strategic soul of the hunt.