After about a year from its first and unconvincing appearance, we have had the opportunity to discover many details about Marvel's Avengers, thanks to a dedicated event entitled War Table. The work developed by Crystal Dynamics aims to bring together the greatest superheroes The Marvel movies within a single production, giving each of them a very specific weight. As we know, the title will have both a single player campaign and a multiplayer component, and it has nevertheless been guaranteed that both aspects will be absolutely central to the purposes of the game (which we are sure will want to remain in the market for several years. ). In fact, it has recently been confirmed that whoever will buy the title on PlayStation 4 you can also redeem it for free on PlayStation 5. If this news were not enough, the team has confirmed that during the life cycle of Marvel's Avengers new content will be constantly released such as: heroes, stories and unpublished settings.
In a nutshell, we're talking about any House of Ideas fan's dream title but, as mentioned earlier, its first appearance only sparked a lukewarm reaction from fans. These months of silence, however, have been good for the team, who seems to have listened to player feedback modifying some aspect of the game - such as character design. In addition, the software house has evaluated a clearer and more direct approach with users, as happened during the recent event.
Comics in its purest form
Although we had already been informed quite clearly about the plot, this aspect was further investigated by bringing out new and interesting details. As we know, in San Francisco theA-Day, a festival dedicated to the Avengers. However, this will soon turn into a tragedy due to the terrorist attack piloted by Taskmaster, which will decree the defeat of the avengers, the death of captain America and their dissolution as a team. To counter the supervillains, however, ordinary people are not enough, this problem will be answered by l'AIM (Advanced Ideas Mechanics), a company that aims to exploit sophisticated technologies that can make up for excessive crime. This organization, however, soon turns out to be ruthless, crushing everything and everyone in a bloody dictatorship imposed with iron and lead. Finally, however, we have a name and surname, since the figure behind all this has been revealed: George Tarleton, a man who believes that the super are absolute evil, and who pits the population against the heroes in order to destroy the Avengers. Obviously, Taskmaster's principal behind the San Francisco tragedy is the head of the AIM, who masterminded everything down to the smallest detail.
The facts shift beauty five years later, with the focus set on a girl named Kamala khan, in art Ms. Marvel. The young woman has the power to grow, a kind of mix between Ant-Man e Mr. Fantastic. Kamala has managed to get hold of confidential information, which not only exonerates the avengers, but also proves that AIM is only part of a much larger story, hidden behind the San Francisco massacre. In fact, the main villain turns out to be MODOK, a being with extraordinary powers, which allow him to connect with any type of technology.
What has just been said is obviously only linked to the single player campaign, which will be curated in order to offer a complete experience even for lovers of story-driven titles. From what has been shown, it seems that Marvel's Avengers takes more cues from the comic universe than from the cinematic one, with a quantity of quotes, designs and out of the ordinary easter eggs.
To the future
The central focus of the Marvel's Avengers experience will also be multiplayer, which will develop through a co-op mode. From the war table it will be possible to access the War zone, online missions that can be carried out with any superhero. This will naturally be the part where Square Enix will have to beat the most in the months following the release (also because, if the goal is to keep the title alive over the years, they will necessarily have to keep it updated with new content). Unfortunately, the lack of post-launch support it was the biggest flaw of most of its competitors on the market: users tend to get tired easily of this type of experience, a trick is needed to keep attention constantly high. We hope that the developers have taken advantage of the mistakes of their colleagues, so as to make happy all the Marvel fans who buy the game.
In this sense, however, the software house has reassured us, because new heroes, aerial and stories will be constantly included, all totally free. The only expense related to real currency will concern the skins of the characters, which will allow you to customize the avatar with a multitude of costumes. Going back to the War Zones, these will be large areas that they will exploit their own narration by creating a battle on screen very close to that of the films. Players will also be able to apply the skills of various superheroes to perform truly spectacular combo moves.
Avengers united
As for the gameplay, we have certainly seen better, but all in all it is in line with what is present in most of the titles on the market. If there were any doubts about the work, this presentation was quite explicit: it will be a pure action with mechanics reminiscent of Destiny, but about this
we will come back later. The video mainly showed the powers of the various protagonists, also highlighting how they can be customized. Indeed, you can change the "class" of the various heroes implementing different gear, the real core of the gameplay. In any case, in terms of fluidity and reactivity, the combat system does not seem to reach the levels of the Batman trilogy, and neither does the latest Marvel's Spider-Man. In this sense, however, the team will still be able to work a lot and we are sure the feedback they will receive after the beta will be fundamental. The aforementioned gear will have a strong impact on the in-game customization possibilities, since they will make up the real role-playing soul. In addition to the classic skill tree - which also seemed very large to us and which will give you the opportunity to unlock very scenic moves and special attacks - the gear will heavily influence the combat system. You can, for example, focus on a Iron Man specializes in melee versus ranged combat. There is no wrong choice, the tastes of the players can be freely explored and expanded.
Also, again thanks to the video presented, we ultimately learned that the famous Helcarrier will be a real HUB to start the missions, both single player and multiplayer, with the structure can be expanded, modified and improved. However, it is not certain that it can fly again, since when you find it the first time it will be a wreck in the middle of the mountains. Apparently then, it will also be possible to unlock a sort of crew for the gigantic ship, and of these allies we have now seen three very iconic ones in the Marvel universe: Dum Dum Dugan, Nick Fury and his right arm Maria Hill. In conclusion, we can say that Marvel's Avengers has proved to be worthy of our trust: it is certain that something about the combat system is still to be filed, especially in its fluidity, but we are sure that the team will be able to work at its best in the time preceding the Exit. To give our more in-depth opinion, however, we will have to wait for the beta, which we hope will see the light soon. The game draws so much strength from the Marvel universe that it's impossible not to be impressed, catering to the tastes of both younger and more veteran fans.