With the upcoming release of Monster hunter rise we decided to retrace the most important chapters of the saga of Monster Hunter. To embark on this journey, we couldn't help but choose the best way to remind all longtime fans, but also new ones, how difficult the game can be. Capcom. So we present what they are for us the ten toughest creatures we've learned to love (and fear) over these long years. A Top subjective which combines the beauty and aggression of monsters, as some of them can put you in more or less difficulty according to your style of play and your skill.
Winged Wyverns, Elder Dragons, fire-breathing creatures, frozen monsters, enemies as big as mountains and others as agile as the wind, who made us sweat the proverbial seven shirts before we could get the better of them. Some of them returned forcefully throughout the saga, others have become emblems of death for specific chapters. So you just have to equip yourself, have a nutritious meal and call your trusty Felyne to read this Top 10 with us. We hope it will prepare you better for future clashes: one of all, the fearsome Magnamalo, which will come with Rise.
THEEruzerion is an elder dragon introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier Z. Like many other Elder Dragons, he is territorial and aggressive, alternating the player's study phases in combat with brutal and relentless attacks. The right side of his body takes advantage of the element of Ice, while the left one that of fire, elements that he manages to control thanks to his own two horns, attacking the player with puffs and bullets, but also with powerful elemental explosions.
Shagaru Magala
Lo Shagaru Magala made his first appearance in the series with Monster Hunter 4. Upon reaching adulthood, this Elder Dragon achieves formidable power with a wide variety of attacks and evasion techniques. Players will not only have to deal with fearsome physical attacks, but will also have to contend with its unique abilities, such as its range virus with which it infects players, and the continuous "fury" status, which gives less time to parry and treat wounds.
Tempered Kirin of the Guiding Lands
Although at first glance it may remember a unicorn, Il Kirin is also an Elder Dragon, first appearing in Monster Hunter. Its main weapon are the lightning, which manages to throw on the player with innate grace and agility. Over the course of the saga he appeared in different versions, one more fearsome than the other. If you are about to face one hardened, get ready, it will be an epic challenge.
Cruor Diablos
Although you may face a Devils in virtually every chapter of the series, the horned Wyvern of the desert of Monster Hunter Generations it is certainly one of the toughest. This variant is bigger, stronger, more aggressive, can quickly change the direction of its attacks, and when it enters fury mode it releases a hot steam. A real enemy of hell.
Il Valstrax is a slender Elder Dragon covered in silver scales. You shouldn't, however, be fascinated by its appearance for too long: its wings a tridente allow him to shoot at very high speed, hitting players like a huge flying spear. His dragon element shots are highly lethal. His main attack, "around the world“, Leaves no room for escape.
Furious Rajang
Il Furious Rajang is a variant introduced with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. This fanged beast sees a strengthening of all the abilities of his standard counterpart, becoming extremely more aggressive. Fortunately, his weakness to ice we will allow players to have a chance of survival. But do not sing victory, it is truly only one.
As we get closer to the podium of this ranking, things get more and more difficult (as if so far the opponents described are a walk in the park). L'Alatreon in fact has the control over fire, water, thunder, ice and the dragon element, combining them into spectacular and deadly combos. Prepare your best set and cross all the fingers you have.
Introduced in Iceborne, Safi'Jiiva is a huge red dragon that has lost the otherworldly aspect of Xeno'Jiiva. However, the experience has given him more control over his powers, which are channeled into a whole host of lasers and deadly explosions directed against the players. Being the enhanced form of a final boss, it cannot fail to possess a deadly area attack, called "sapphire of the emperor“, Which eliminates any living creature within the radius of the marvelous explosion.
Ventus Nargacuga
Deviant form of the Nargacuga, was introduced in Monster Hunter Generations. Recognizable by its white color, in addition to being larger and faster, it stands out from the basic shape thanks to the ability to generate powerful shock waves thanks to the lashing of its tail, a skill that earned it the nickname of White shadow whipping the wind.
White Fatalis
First introduced with Monster Hunter 2, White Fatalis is one of the five black dragons, nicknamed the Ancestral Dragon. Unlike the normal Fatalis, he is covered in a white mantle that glows with light, but when he rages his throat and chest glow with red sparks. His main skill is to call back scarlet lightning from the sky that completely annihilate the hunters leaving no trace, carrying instantly to game over. He's the baddest monster in a top 10 bad monster, did you expect less?