Il 27 February of this year, Pokémon he has accomplished 25 years. On the same day, the highly anticipated were announced fourth generation remake and a third title that looks really good, despite dangerous drops in frames and recycled textures, that is Pokémon Legends: Arceus. In any case, a quarter of a century is now gone, studded with wonderful games and not exactly exciting titles. Here, therefore, we will deal with drawing up the Check these top 10 of the best videogame products Game Freak and not only: we will examine, in fact, in addition to the titles of the main series, also the best ones spin off, in order to offer you a detailed and objective ranking. Well, there is no time to waste! Paraphrasing the Professor Oak, a journey among pocket monsters themed memories awaits you.
Pokémon Red and Blue
In tenth place in our ranking we find the first generation titles, released for GameBoy in 1996 in Japan and arrived in Europe three years later. It is the pair of games with which historical fans began their fantastic journey into the universe of pocket monsters: everything started from Biancavilla, or from Pallet Town, if you played them in English. In the region of Kanto we faced and defeated the Team Rocket, we got on thePlateau Blue to become Masters, we met for the first time Mewtwo and we lost our minds trying to capture Mew, often failing. There are many technical limitations of the first work by Game Freak, but two historical titles remain.
Pokémon Snap
The title in question came out for GameCube in September 2000 in Europe, while in Japan it arrived a year earlier. The aim was to photograph as many pocket monsters as possible. The concept that, in fact, allows players to play the role of real researchers is very interesting. The experiment of evolutionary methods was very successful: making some monsters evolve was really complex. After 20 years, we will retrace the footsteps of photographer Todd Snap in the new title for the Nintendo Switch. We were looking forward to it.
Pokémon Colosseum
Thanks to this video game released in 2004 for GameCube, we visited the new region of Auros. Unlike Stage, in which we could only make Pokémon fight each other, in Colosseum it was possible to capture the second and third generation pocket monsters. This work maintained the classic fighting mechanisms of the main series titles and, to them, combined the exploration of a real region, that of Auros, precisely. The goal was to rid the region of the evil organization Crypto.
Pokémon XD
No, we are not using the "historical" laughing face, quite the contrary. This game is the sequel to Colosseum: the events take place within the Auros region, which has aged for five years. We will again have to deal with the Crypto criminal organization, but this time our opponents will be able to count on a wonderful and very powerful Shadow Lugia: purifying it will not be so simple. The title was released in 2005 always for Nintendo GameCube.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven
According to many, this title released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS is one of the best ever themed pocket monsters ... how to blame him? The facts take place in the Arid Region and is the third installment in the Explorers series. This game was the protagonist of the most dramatic moment in the history of the entire franchise: the sacrifice made by Grovyle, which acts as a shield to save the protagonist, and finally takes the evil Dusknoir with him into the time gap that leads to the dark future. Powerful Feels.
Emerald Pokémon
Third third generation title, released in May 2005 for GameBoy Advance. It is set in the region of Hoenn and is, in fact, an improved version of Ruby and Sapphire. What made this title better than the others is the presence, among others, of the Battle Park for the first time in the franchise's history. The music, characterized by the strong presence of brass, has remained in the memory of all fans and those who have had the good fortune to play this title. Finally, the cutscene showing the intervention of Rayquaza, Pokémon cover, which puts an end to the clash between Groudon and Kyogre represents one of the highest points achieved by the series.
Platinum Pokémon
The third fourth generation title, set in the region of Sinnoh and out for Nintendo DS in 2009, it managed to greatly improve the gaming experience of users had with Diamond and Pearl, thanks to the introduction of many new features concerning the map, animations, history and gameplay, as well as some purely aesthetic improvements. A curiosity: did you know that Arceus could not be obtained in Generation IV games, since the Sky Flute, a necessary tool to go to the Space Origin, has never been distributed?
Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
On the lowest step of the podium we find the sequels to Black and white, fifth generation titles set in the region of Unimatrix Zero. The game duo came out in 2012 and the respective storyline takes place about two years after the events of Black and White, when the villain Ghetsis it manages to cover a large part of the region with ice. The strength of this generation is the maturity of the topics covered, as well as some purely mechanical choices. In addition, there are several graphic improvements, as well as plot and gameplay. Unlike the prequels, here you can use pocket monsters from other regions right away.
Pokémon Black Version and White Version
In second place of this special top 10 we find the first two fifth generation titles. This pair of games was released in 2011 for the Nintendo DS and introduced the region of for the first time Unimatrix Zero. Here, too, the speech made for the sequels applies: mature plot, mature antagonists e difficulty worthy of being called such. Also, to use or capture pocket monsters from other regions, it was necessary to first beat the Alloy. This choice, and not only that, at the time was heavily criticized by the fanbase. Today, eleven years after their release, the fifth generation is unanimously recognized as the best ever.
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
On the top step of the podium we find the second generation remake, released in Europe in 2010 for Nintendo DS. Yes, there was a time when Game Freak could do better remakes than the main series titles. The magic of the second generation, set in Johto and Kanto, met that of the fourth generation and the result of the marriage was simply perfect. The sublimation of the encounter between these fantastic regions takes place at the Sinjoh ruins, theater of one of the best events ever, that of Arceus. Magical atmospheres, dual regions, the Battle Frontier and remastered music make this pair of games the best ever produced by the franchise.
We have reached the end of this long journey: what do you think of our ranking? Do you agree with us or would you change some position? Let us know!