Being a very large open word, in Horizon: Zero Dawn you can find various items but some are special in that, if you resell them to specific merchants, you will receive rewards of a certain value. In this guide we will explain where to find these particular items and which are the merchants to be able to resell these and other useful loot in the Guerrilla game.
What are the three sets of special items
Throughout the story you will collect three different sets of items which are i Ancient vessels, Banuk statuettes and Metal Flowers. These things can be exchanged from the merchant in Sundial, but only after you have faced the main mission called "A seeker at the gates". Each time you sell one you will receive a chest in exchange that will contain rare items useful for your paraphernalia.
Here are the guides dedicated to Ancient Vessels, Banuk Statuettes and Metal Flowers:
- Ancient vessels
- Banuk statuettes
- Metal Flowers
Where to find the three sets of special items
Since it will not always be easy to find them, especially considering their position, sometimes complicated as for the Banuk Statuettes, it will be more convenient to buy the specific maps from the merchant who is located just outside Embrace. These maps will be a valid help because they will indicate the approximate position of the objects to be searched, then you will be able to find the right location with your ability as players.
Those interested in the three sets of special items
Only when you have completed a set can you sell it. The merchant Kudiv will buy you the Metal Flowers, Palas the Ancient Vessels and Cantarah the Banuk Figurines. We also remind you that completing these collectibles will earn you the related Trophies.
Other useful loot
In Horizon: Zero Dawn, since it is possible to caft everything you need, you will be able to find various items. But there are some that are less common than others that you will need most of all to make clothing and weapons. Let's see which are the most coveted items and where to find them.
Skins and bones: they are among the most difficult to find. Animals are rare and most of the time you will find little meat and small bones of little consequence. Whenever you see an animal, catch it because anything you fix will still be an interesting loot. Fish bones are harder to find because you will spend little time in the water. Therefore, if you need parts of fish you will have to fish specifically.
Crystal Braiding: Obtained from the Rockbreaker, Colossus, Storm Striker, Thunder Devourer, and Exterminator machines.
Machine Hearts: they are obtained of different types according to the machines.
Luminous Braiding: obtained from the Secodonte, Longipede, Arcapode, Incendiary Manticerius, Freezing Manticerius, Kerataur, Razziatore, Celermorso, Pursuer and Corruptor machines.
Machine Core
This rare part of the machine has a different value to the merchants depending on the size. The small one is of great value, the medium one is highly valued and the large one is of enormous value. Now let's see in which machines they can be found.
- Small Machine Core: obtained from Cornalunghe, Ferrariete, Smeriglio, Cervavito, Cornaguzze, Sweeper, Corsiero and Vedetta.
- Medium Machine Core: Obtained from Corruptor, Incendiary Manticerius, Freezing Manticerius, Longiped, Razziatore, Scorcher, Secodon, Arcapode, Celermorso, Pursuer, Kerataur and Geloartiglio.
- Big Machine Core: Obtained from Colossus, Exterminator, Rockbreaker, Stormcaster, Thunderstorm, and Rogeclaw.
Desert Glass: obtained from humans, check the bodies of the bandits.
Slagshine Glass: obtained from humans, check the bodies of the bandits.
To waste less time, head to the points where the Horizon: Zero Down map has the symbol of one of the machines you are interested in, in this way you will have more chances of getting what you need. Also, if you find a corrupted area go there, as Corrupted Machines tend to drop the most substantial loot.