In Horizon Zero Dawn, the open world with a post-apocalyptic background developed by Guerrilla Games, there are different types of collectibles. In this guide we will explain two of them, exactly i Ancient vessels and Metal Flowers.
Where are the Ancient Vessels
These containers are nothing more than coffee cups, and to have the whole collection you will need to find 12. When you find them all you will receive a reward at the Meridiana merchant, who will give you 1500 Metal Shards in exchange. Finding all vessels in Horizon Zero Dawn is also required to unlock the “All Ancient Vessels Found” Trophy.
The map will show you all the positions, moreover the Ancient Containers are easily identifiable because they are placed on small piles of material. They can also be easily located with the Concentration skill, in fact a purple indicator will be visible above them.
- Arches: dive into the water and cross the river under some ruins. You will see the first cup on the shore above some protruding rotten beams.
- Wayfares: follow the path for a few meters to find it immediately on the left.
- Dronehop: in front of you you will see a large structure with tree branches. Below it is the cup.
- KZ: go slightly right under a dilapidated structure that forms an arch.
- USRC: here too there are large abandoned structures and you have to look at the foot of the largest.
- Miriam: is a few steps ahead of you under the ridge on the right.
- Fard: cross the wooden bridge and turn behind the first building on the left.
- Jomei: head towards the parable and after a few steps you will see it.
- Odyssey: go down the hill and after a while it will appear in front of you.
- Sterling-Malkeet: walk on the path in front of you to see it on the right.
- Metallurgic: pass the bonfire keeping to its right, walk on the snow for a while and you will find it immediately.
- Tunderheads: you will see the cup at the end of the covered path.
Here is a video to give you a visual reference.
Where are all the Metal Flowers
The 30 Metal Flowers of Horizon Zero Dawn, may be remnants of ancient technologies that have begun to appear in the wilderness, generally in secluded places, surrounded by a triangle-shaped flowerbed. Also in this case the map will show you all the positions and to locate them activate the Concentration skill, therefore the flowers will be indicated by the usual purple markers. Collecting all the flowers will unlock the “All Metal Flowers Found” Trophy.
- Mark I (B): use the ropes to overcome the chasm. When you land you will see the flowers near the landing spot.
- Mark I (A): go down into the cave under your feet and follow it until stalactites block the way. Hit them, enter the next area and collect the flowers.
- Mark I (C): walk between the two buildings, climb the hill and you have arrived at your destination.
- Mark I (F): go down the cliff and dive into the underground river and swim for a few meters. The flowers are on the left.
- Mark I (D): go straight towards the fir, the flowers are just before it.
- Mark I (E): are clearly visible at the foot of the building in front of you.
- Mark I (G): also in this case they are in front in the middle of the lawn under the building.
- Mark I (H): Immediately after the bonfire, go ahead a little.
- Mark I (I): in the middle of the meadow at the foot of a small tree.
- Mark I (J): Cross the wooden bridge and go right behind the tree.
- Mark III (C): walk on the snow in front of you and go over the rock.
- Mark II (B): swim across the river and climb the islet.
- Mark II (A): pass among the corpses and go a little further on.
- Mark II (E): stands next to the metal monster.
- Mark II (C): dive into the water and go to the opposite bank, then go up a little.
- Mark III (J): under the arch of the bridge.
- Mark III (H): immediately after the cactus.
- Mark III (I): Climb the rope to go to the top of the rock pillar.
- Mark III (B): right in front of your eyes.
- Mark III (A): follow the path for a few meters.
- Mark III (F): Climb the rock in front of you. When you reach the top, leave the bonfire on your left, go a little further and then turn behind the rock on the right
- Mark III (D): in front of you on the river bank.
- Mark III (E): Climb the rock, get to the top and walk briefly the path.
- Mark III (G): immediately after the plants on the ground.
- Mark II (J): walk along the ridge to your left, jump over the pile of debris that bar your way, proceed and a little further on there are flowers.
- Mark II (I): among the cacti.
- Mark II (H): Walk forward and head to the first tree on the left.
- Mark II (D): on top of the rocks in front of you.
- Mark II (F): get on the bump in front of you.
- Mark II (G): go up and go behind the first rock on the right.
Below we attach a video to give you visual reference points.
These are all the places to find all the Ancient Vessels and Metal Flowers in Horizon Zero Dawn. For more information, you can read the constantly updated section dedicated to guides.
Thanks to PowerPyx for the illustrative videos of the collectibles that we have proposed at the bottom of the article.