In Nioh 2 there are 150 Kodama, when you find them all, the Leader Kodama trophy will unlock. The game is divided into 6 regions, each divided into missions, for a total of 23 missions and 25 Kodama to search. You will recognize them for their particular appearance, they are spirits of nature that resemble small luminescent green men with a bowl for headgear. Most of them are in the main missions and some in the secondary ones. Often they hide inside wooden crates, in barrels, under the stairs, under the ground, other times they are clearly visible. Whenever you find one, it will position itself at the sanctuary, and then get the blessing at the end, which however only applies to the chapter in which you found them. By equipping an object with the Kodama Perception skill, it will be easier to spot them and they will appear as green dots on the radar. Collecting them all in each region will increase your starting number of free Elixirs for each of them, bringing them to 8 in case you find all 25 Kodamas in each of them. On the world map, when you scroll through a mission, you are shown how many there are and how many you have found. They are saved immediately and do not need to be recovered again if you die. None of them are missing, in fact you can get them all even after the story. To make it easier for you to find, this guide will show you region by region, chapter by chapter.
The Village of Cursed Flowers - 7 Kodama
Starting from the sanctuary take the left path until you come out in a larger area with a huge monster with big horns that looks like a bull and a spiny tail, cut the area and follow the path on the right until you find a fence, follow that path to find little Kodama near a tree with a dead body. Turn to go back but immediately turn towards the path on the right, pass over a wooden bridge and go forward until near a hut a monster comes out of the ground, continue running on the road keeping to the left until you turn, as soon as you turn you will find the Kodama. Go back and keep to the right, continue passing under a bridge to the shrine and go beyond, cross the wooden bridge to the left between the shacks and always keep to the left to find the Kodama hidden behind the last building. Go back, but as soon as you exit the back of the previous shack, immediately turn right and take the path with the fence. At a certain point the fence stops and becomes a walkway to reach the roof of a building. At this point, walk left on all the walkways that connect the various roofs. Once you have passed the roof with holes, drop down from the next house, enter the first house on the right (you recognize it because there are fish hanging outside). On the left corner of the entrance, hidden behind some baskets, is another Kodama. Exit, go straight on staying on the left. You will notice some crates on the ground in a corner, between a house and a rock face, break them to create a passage and go to the hidden Kodama. Go back but continue on the path along the left side of the area, pass under a torii and, on the right, well hidden behind a lantern, there will be a nice Kodama waiting for you. Turn around and keep going in a straight line, passing under another wooden structure and continuing along the path. Go inside and loot a corpse to find the gate key. Exit, go back under the torii and immediately turn left, pass the sanctuary and open the door with the key you just found and behind the door on the left is the seventh green sprite.
The Forest in the Dark - 2 Kodama
Positioning yourself next to the altar, and keeping it to your left, start the path, so as not to be mistaken you see a man on the right, take the fork on the right up to a slightly raised clearing with luminescent mushrooms, cut those under the tree and hidden there is the first Kodama. Go back a little and immediately turn right, continue following the road always keeping to the left until you arrive near a building. Outside the latter there is a chest, behind it the second Kodama is hidden.
The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames - 7 Kodama
Leave the altar on your left and enter the village. Turn first right, then left until you see a man crouched on his back with a spear in his hand, walk carefully without letting yourself be discovered and slip between the two shacks behind him, behind the left one is the first Kodama. Always continue behind the shack and resume the road on the right, keep left passing the house with the white entrance, continue to the left where the road is sheltered by the fence. Immediately after the fence it has an opening that allows you to climb onto a roof and immediately right onto another roof with holes. There is a sack on this roof and a Kodama under it, but first you have to get rid of a couple of enemies. Returning to the street with the fence you will see a path in front of you that leads you straight into a building, get to the bottom and throw yourself through the hole in the floor. Then down further down into a cave, as a reference there is a man by the fire, go left continuously until you come to a chest near some roots and behind it is another Kodama. Continue forward to exit the cave, walk on a boat that will act as a walkway, go under the portal and immediately turn right, pass the fire, and continue past the red flowers until you reach another bonfire. Enter the house immediately after and jump into the trap door on the floor, down below on the right is a large support beam and behind it you will see the Kodama. Climb the ladder to exit and as soon as you see the bonfire go immediately to the right, cross a wooden bridge, walk among the flames and always turn left. The right way is when you see a house on your right with wooden wheels hanging outside. Go straight ahead, pass between other flames, the path will lead you to a dead end at the end of which there is a Kodama. Go back, go back through the flames and slip under the portal on the left, then immediately under another portal always on the left, watch out for the enemies who want to hit you. Go right into the village to get past a burning building, then head left and up the ladder, at the top go left where there is a monster and then jump out the window to exit. You should now be on top of the rooftops, at the bottom is another Kodama. Go back and go up the ladder to re-enter the window of the previous building, go straight ahead to get to another ladder, go up it and immediately left. You are practically walking on a damaged wooden floor, you have to walk it to the end walking on the remaining wooden beams that form a sort of walkway. When you see a chest to the right and a little to the left behind a column is the last Kodama.
Dark Omens - 3 Kodama
Enter the enclosure, walk down a stretch of road and enter the first building on the right, in the second room behind the crates is the first Kodama. Exit and go right, follow the street with the lanterns and fences, until you come to a stairway. After the first stretch you can immediately go left passing where there is a broken axis that allows access. Go straight and you will see the second. Go back, go down the ladder and resume the way back. At the first crossroads, turn right, as a reference further ahead there is a man, avoid him by passing on the road to the right. Enter a portal, follow the road, until you see a monster in front of you, avoid it by turning left into a path between the rocks. At the foot of the stone statues is the third Kodama.
The Sanctuary of the Viper - 6 Kodama
Enter the village and then go to the first shack on the right, at the top of a ladder is the first Kodama. Exit and take the path to the right, keep left until the torch, then go straight between the two buildings in front of you. Keep right and take the uphill path, turn behind the last house at the top to find the second one. Enter the house, go inside to the left and exit on the opposite side, then take the road back to the right. On the left is a building, go around it and go through the destroyed wall. From there you exit onto another road that takes you to the sanctuary, go further keeping to the left, then you will arrive at a crossroads where there is a person in the middle, take the branch on the right. Follow the road between the rocks to a cave with a puddle, next to it is a Kodama. Go back always going straight in front of you, you will come to a wooden bridge, cross it while continuing to walk always keeping your right, until under a broken bridge you find the Kodama. Take the direction to your right, as a reference there is a base with a kind of cracked snake statue. Climb on the broken bridge in front of you and go to the right, go under the stone passage and in the right corridor at the end is another Kodama. Go back, go back under the stone passage and this time go right, among the rocks that look like columns, under the roots is the last Kodama.
The Dark Monsters of Okehazama - 7 Kodama
Starting from the sanctuary take the road where the torch is near, proceed and pass what appear to be a couple of caves on the left, enter the third and, as soon as the mine widens, go right, then keep left and behind one wooden parapet near some trunks is the first Kodama. Go back to where the mine widens and go right. Follow the path and towards the end there is a fork and stay on the right. At the bottom, behind some old trolleys, there is the second one. Go back to the fork and enter the gallery on the right. Always stay to the right and when you enter another clearing turn right again. Go all the way to exit the mine. Go all the way along the mountain to a wooden bridge, cross it and enter the village. Keep going straight for a long way until you notice that the left fence has a break near a house, and just behind the fence is the Kodama. Return to the road normally, and climb the ladder leaning against a house on the left. Walk on the roof to go down on the opposite side near a bridge cross it and you will see that it ends with the sanctuary on the left, then turn right. Enter the woods, and then straight ahead in the middle of the trees, leaves and jump a couple of rocks. Under a rock face is the Kodama. Go back and out of the woods to the sanctuary and then go further on the road under the rocks that ends in a cave. Enter and at the fork go left, walk in the stretch lit by candles, keep left, then do not pass under the red beams on the right, continue straight until the end of a dead end where there is the Kodama. Go back and pass under the red beams, always go forward until a clearing opens with a building to the left, and immediately to the left on the ground is a Kodama. Go back and pass under the red beams, and always going to your left you will exit the cave. Always keep to the left, you will see some burning trees. What you are interested in is on the left a little raised, behind some vases there is the last one.
The Castle in One Night - 7 Kodama
Take the road to the right of the sanctuary, go under a stone arch, and go left. Follow the natural path, but when the grass is tall, look to the right behind a tree where the first Kodama is. Keep walking in the same direction, enter the first shack on the left, cross it and turn on the bridge to the right. Cross the bridge and follow the road to the right, until the road ends uphill on a clearing. Enter the first house on the top left, cross it and always go left along the pointed fence. Go up the ladder and enter the building, go up to the upper floor to go out on the balcony and go all the way around that in the end, behind a chest, you find a Kodama. Go back to the balcony and going beyond you will reach a ladder, go down to find yourself on a roof and drop down. Continue and, after the bridge, take the central road. At the next fork go left to enter a house, go to the back room on the right where there is a hole in the floor to find a Kodama. Go upstairs, exit onto the balcony which turns left around the house. Eventually drop down to the roof below, where there is a Kodama. Exit the house to return to the next crossroads, this time instead of returning to the left there is a small slope that leads to a pitch with boxes, and behind one of these there is the Kodama. Exit the village passing over the wooden bridge, first crossroads go left continue up to the second crossroads, to the right is a little climb, you have to go down to the left instead. Always keep left to go straight into a dilapidated house, cross it, cross the bridge in front of you and halfway down the ladder, go straight and then immediately left to another ladder attached to the rock. Go up and take the road to the right all uphill, until on the right there is a spur of rock, underneath there is a beam that you can use as a walkway and on its right there is a Kodama. Throw yourself down and take a short stretch of road that ends on a rock spur. Drop down because there is a Kodama I am a log.
A Bloody Cry - 5 Kodama
Enter the burning city, go right and go up the first staircase. When you make the second one, turn on the balcony of the structure to the right and always to the right take the road again. Immediately after the portal, behind the lantern on the right is the first Kodama. Go back to the structure and exit on the opposite side, under the steps on the right there is a Kodama. Go straight, at the first crossroads go right, pass the sanctuary, until you go down into a cave. After the steps turn right, go up the stairs and then turn left. Enter the first corridor on the left, go down some steps and next to some tombstones there is a Kodama. Go back, go up the steps but immediately turn right, in a dead end behind the candles you will find another. Turn around and look left, go straight and drop into the area below. Go ahead, climb more steps, continue the path, cross an area with wooden buildings, pass them and keep going straight until you come to a floor with broken planks. Drop down and then straight up to a red door, on the right is the fifth Kodama.
The Empty Fortress - 6 Kodama
Enter the cave, then turn left all the way up to a ladder leaning against the rock. Go up, continue straight up to a second staircase, go up, cross the bridge and on the plateau on the right behind some bags is the first Kodama. Go straight, to the end, then jump down and go up the stairs, up to the ladder on the right leaning against the rock. Climb up, use the rafters as a walkway to the broken beam and drop down. Interact with a winch that will drop an elevator, climb it and head up. Then go straight ahead and then immediately left, then left again so that you will find yourself on the boards of a collapsed floor. Walk on it until you jump to the rock below and then one more time further down where the second Kodama is. Continue to throw yourself under until you get back to the elevator, repeat the same path for a while and that is to return to the room with the collapsed ceiling, only this time instead of going to the left you have to enter a passage to the right, drop down and follow the journey avoiding falling. Arrived outside, continue the road entering an opening in the mountain protected by an enemy, enter the structure and immediately go left and follow the natural path until you reach a bridge. Stop for a moment because to the right of the cloud there is a Kodama. Turn around to go back but immediately go left uphill and when the bridge splits go right. Climb the ladder attached to the house, stay on the balcony and go right, at the end there is a Kodama. Drop down and take the road, continue and go all the way up the staircase. When you get to the penultimate stretch, that leads to a building protected by enemies, turn right. A little further to the right, behind a turret at the bottom is a Kodama. From there go down and enter the first house on the left. Inside is a chest that contains a key that you can get after fighting an enemy. Continue the path always turning right, until you reach another staircase, go up, cross the courtyard, open the gate on the right with the key you just took and exit. In front of you on the right is a building with a staircase, go up it, enter the building and at the foot of the third armor is the last Kodama.
One way out - 7 Kodama
Follow the path until you get to the roof of a house on the left, drop off the roof to see the first Kodama. From there drop down twice, then climb the ladder in front of you, continue to the fork and go left. Where there is a big tree go right and always stay right, behind the second tree is the second Kodama. Behind this tree there is a wooden walkway on the right, go up and continue on the second one, then keep the road all the way to the left, then go along the right wall until you reach a fork, then go right, right again. Follow the fence to your left, and when it stops you will see a shack on the left with barrels next to it, break them because a Kodama is hiding. Go up the road and resume the path, when it stops jump down and continue. At the first fork turn right, go up to a bridge on the left, cross it, then go left. Arrived at the sanctuary, turn right, walk on the wooden walkway at the end of which drop down. Go ahead and at the fork turn right until you are on a branch of a large tree. Under the left branch there is another branch and hidden from view is the Kodama. Throw yourself on the road below and pass through the bright trees, at the end there is another Kodama. When you turn around you have to take the road to the right, go under the torii, under the stairs of the first building there is a Kodama. Continue on the road that takes you over a tree branch, drop down and take the road to the left. After a building there is a path to the left, follow the long path that will bring you back to the sanctuary. Go left and in front of the first building go down the stairs to the right, follow the road. Enter the first hut immediately after the turret, hidden in a barrel is the last Kodama.
Corps of Ice - 8 Kodama
Starting from the sanctuary on your right, advance but arrived in front of the portal, take the road on the right. Go ahead, go between the two wooden turrets and when you get to the next one, go left. Advance always keeping to the right, up to the fork. Take the central road, go through the trees and at the next fork go left. Stay on the left, in front of the first house there is a chariot that hides the first Kodama. Drop off the rock to the left of the wagon, go under the portal and after the first house turn right. Go down the stairs, near a house there are crates that hide a Kodama. Keep going down, cross a broken bridge, go forward to the sanctuary, then immediately left where there are more stairs. Arrive at the top, go all around the gallery until you find a ladder, go up and walk on this gallery too, at the bottom behind the boxes there is a Kodama. Go down and enter the house to go to the ground floor and exit on the opposite side. Enter the next building, go up the stairs to the top, then move on into yet another building. Follow it all until you throw yourself into the street in a street with pointed fences. Go up the stairs of the first building on the right, enter the first room on the left and in the far left corner behind the crates is the Kodama. Go up the stairs in the room, go out the window and go to another house. There are stairs in the room and below to the right is a Kodama. Go back, go back to the previous house, go down the stairs and go out into the street passing on the side to your left. Cross the courtyard and go under the portal with the banners, go down the stairs to get to the sanctuary, then immediately go left. Enter the first shack on the right to find a Kodama hidden under the sacks. Go back to the shrine and go under the next portal. Follow the frozen walkway, at the end turn left and always stay on the left until you reach a destroyed scaffolding. Go down to the ground, under the scaffolding there is another Kodama. From your position go right until you reach a ladder resting on the rock, climb it. Exit in front of you, there is a house with a pool of water nearby, enter the house and exit on the opposite side. Staying on the right, pass a large door, then pass the second one and immediately turn right. Go forward keeping to the left, you will make a stretch of road with the fence on your right. Eventually the ride will take you to a rooftop, and as soon as you get above you will see the last Kodama in the lower left corner.
Bird in Cage - 7 Kodama
From the sanctuary take the road on the right, enter the mine and take the fork on the right. Once you exit the opposite side, go left, and then immediately go down to the right into a tunnel. At the first fork go right, walk on a wrecked wooden walkway and drop down to the left at the first passage, just below is the first Kodama. From this location go right and when the road opens, turn left. Climb to the left to head to another tunnel, enter and when it opens into a cave, behind the barrels is the Kodama. Go back, go out and head towards the mill, continue the road to the left and along the edge next to a collapsed roof is the Kodama. Advance over the bridge, keep left and enter a tunnel whose entrance is made up of logs. Stay on the left, go down, stay on the left, cross the wooden walkway until you reach a ladder on the rock, go up it. Before exiting on the left there is a Kodama. Continue running, go under the first door and then under the second. Immediately turn left, go up the stairs to the houses and stay left. Drop down, enter a building and immediately turn right. Walk in the middle of a mud puddle, go further, once in a room turn left. Behind a wooden wall are barrels that hide a Kodama. Now enter the passage to the right of the wooden wall and go up the ladder at the end of the corridor. At the top go left, go through all the rooms up to the stairs, get to the top and pass the house below by crossing two red walkways. At the end of the second you will see that the walkway offers a smaller one on the left, take it to enter the link room. Right in front of you are some boxes behind which a Kodama is hiding. Exit the room and the catwalk and drop down, even in the hole on the next floor, because in the left corner of the room below is the last Kodama in plain sight.
The Golden Nation - 3 Kodama
Go up the stairs and go left until you exit the building into the zen garden. Go right behind the larger group of rocks to find the first Kodama. Go to the far left and go up the ladder, walk up the roof to the left to enter a room with piles of books. Go to the corner to find the second Kodama. Climb up to the roof and go exactly to the opposite side, enter the room and walk on the beams to find the third one.
Overflowing Waters - 9 Kodama
Take the road to the right of the sanctuary, always stay on the right until you reach a wooden bridge, cross it and turn slightly to the right passing between the poles that support a walkway. Go past a fence to the right and enter the building in front of you. Go through it completely, go right and go under the portal, then immediately turn left. Follow the road always left, enter the shack at the end to find a Kodama. Go back and go straight, enter the building in front of you, go up all the stairs to exit on the landing at the bottom of which there is a Kodama. Now enter the building and always staying on the same floor, exit on the opposite side where there is a ramp that leads to the roof of a shack. Get to the roof and then drop down to find another Kodama. Resume the path by turning right and then right again, until you reach a staircase. Go up and go to the building on the right, cross the walkway and turn right on the balcony of the building, enter the room, cross it to exit the opposite side. When you get close to another walkway, drop down and immediately go left to see a glowing Kodama. Now resume the path on the left, then go straight and when you arrive in front of a couple of houses go right, follow the road and then pass through the broken boats. A Kodama is located below some boats on the left. Exit the opposite side of the lagoon by climbing some stairs, go straight up to a tree in the middle of the water behind which there is a Kodama. Go back and turn left where there is a bridge, cross the bridge, go up the stairs and go under a portal that leads to a square. Go up the steps on the right, go straight, enter a red building and immediately turn left. Go down the stairs, behind the fence on the right there is a Kodama. Turn around and then enter the building on the right, then go to the inner courtyard on the left, at the end behind a lantern is the Kodama. Exit the courtyard with the staircase opposite where you entered, go around the building to the left and then exit through the crumbling portal. Immediately turn right, pass under another portal, and then right again downhill, in front of you is a destroyed house. Turn around to find the last Kodama.
The Frenzied Blaze - 8 Kodama
Looking at the sanctuary, take the small climb to the right and then drop down, you are now in the burning city. Go ahead to where the first house is and move to the left, go forward and turn left after the tree, then immediately right, and left again where the first Kodama is. Go back around the building on your right, the one where you found the first Kodama, go the full circle to go up a walkway that takes you through the barricade at the back. Go straight and pass the portal, then immediately turn left, right again and then straight ahead passing over a bridge. Continue the path ahead of you for a while until you pass through a studded door, and behind it is a Kodama. Go back to the shrine, then go right and walk along the fence on your left. After the fence you will notice a burning building in front of you, you have to go through the fire and then turn left to go up a ladder. From that roof, go right to go up to the next one where the Kodama is. Go down and pass through the flames, then turn left and go up the stairs of the building in front of you, go around the patio at the end of which there is another Kodama. Go back a little bit to enter the building, go through it and exit on the opposite side, immediately on the right there is a pile of rubble, climb on it and go down when you reach the end. In front of you there is a gate, go out and turn right. Behind some boulders on the right is the Kodama. Go back and go through the gate, enter the first house on the right to find another one. Exit the house through the door opposite you entered, then immediately go right, go through a studded door and go to the next studded door. You are now in a courtyard with lanterns on a sort of stepped pyramids. Behind the last left is a Kodama. Go back through the two studded doors, then go through two more portals and enter the burning house immediately to the right. Cross the room in the middle of the fire going to the room on the left, behind the wall there is a ladder, go up and walk on the roof, then on a smaller roof that leads up to another house, on this house walk on the roof from the left side to the end to arrive above a courtyard. Jump down, go right and pass the wooden fence, turn left because behind a wall is the last Kodama.
The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno - 8 Kodama
Take the road to the left of the sanctuary walking over rotten wood and through the water until you come to a fork with a large rock in the middle, then take the road to the right. Immediately after at the foot of a tree there is the first Kodama. Go back turning right after the rock, go a little forward and then turn right behind a wooden structure where there is a ladder. Climb on the stilts, go left where there is the fence with the spikes, at the end of it there is an opening, go down to find another Kodama. Go down further and turn right, walk close to the rock turning around to the right until you return to where the structures are. Go ahead and cross a bridge, take the road to the right until you find a ladder that allows you to climb to another stilts. At the top, turn around leaving the house behind and walk on the walkway to your left where at the bottom you will see a Kodama. Continue on the walkway then drop down to exit a large wooden door. You can take a tour in the middle of the rice fields and go out a little higher or go straight on passing under a portal. Go ahead and just before a turret on the right is a ladder and up at the top is a Kodama. Go down and this time go in the middle of the rice fields, looking down are the ones on the right, inside a tank there is a Kodama. Return to the normal road and enter the village. Immediately turn right, straight at the end there is another Kodama. Go back, exit the village and immediately jump off the bridge on the right side, underneath there is a Kodama behind the shooting range. From there going to the left there is an entrance between the rocks, go through the cave up to a ladder, go up it. You find yourself on the edge of a destroyed floor, go left, far left where that a staircase, go upstairs, there is a room from which you can go out on the balcony, go all the way to find the last Kodama .
Twilight Region
Ruin Draws Near - 7 Kodama
Before the sanctuary there is a bridge on the right with barricades, go along it and enter the building. Immediately to the right is a ladder, so go up. Arrived at the top behind a crate is the first Kodama. Go down from where you came up and go straight ahead, at the height of the fires turn right and then straight again up to a ladder on the right. Go up, enter the room, go left, at the bottom behind some arrows is the Kodama. Go up again, enter the room with the bell and pass it, then go up another small ladder and from this point go down the stairs, enter a room on fire, continue down until you enter a room with a large one on the left. barrel and a sagging wall. Collapse the wall, enter a closet and behind a chest is a Kodama. Go up the first flight of stairs, but this time go straight ahead. Go a little further, turn left where the bell is, go further and exit on the wooden walkway, turn right and walk it until you enter a room on the right where there are books piled on the ground. Go to the next room with the broken floor, drop down downstairs and in a room next to the target and arrows is a Kodama. Exit the room, go straight, then left and immediately right, go a little further and then right again, where in front of you you see a bell in the flames. Go to the right of the bell, go forward and resume the external walkway turning right, make the slight slope, to the left is a building, enter the room where there are books on the ground. Exit immediately left, resume the path that enters another room and immediately turn left. Continue the path that takes you into another room on the left, go through it all until you see the sanctuary on your right, go up the ladder in front of you to enter a room with another bell. In front of you is the broken floor, drop down on the beam below you, walk on it and you will arrive next to the bell. Turn around to the left where there is a destroyed staircase, under it is a Kodama. Throw yourself further down to the lower level, go left and exit, behind the wall on the right is the Kodama. Go back into the room, go to the bell and then turn left, go straight, until next to a corpse on the left is the last Kodama.
The Two Faces of Hospitality - 7 Kodama
Enter the village and immediately left is the first Kodama, immediately turn left, follow the road always left, enter the building to the right of the turret, behind the left door there is a Kodama. Exit and go right, keep right, ignore the climb to the right and go straight, make your way between the rocks and at the end of the rocks on the left is a palisade, behind it is the Kodama. Go under the portal next to it and head to the next one, go under it and then immediately turn right, keep right until the road ends, then throw yourself under. Go straight ahead and after a very short time you will see an abandoned boat, under it there is a Kodama. Return to the road and turn left, passing over a boat that acts as a bridge. Go ahead and as soon as the road ends, throw yourself down, then immediately turn left, and at the crossroads turn right, go straight and climb the ladder leaning against the turret. Go up and at the top is the Kodama. Go down and looking at the turret go left, and then immediately turn right, go forward until you find a ladder leaning against the rock, climb it and go right, make the left hairpin bend where there is an enemy who is fumbling with a cannon. Beat him and fire two cannon shots. Now go back throwing yourself down a couple of times to do first, go under the right portal, go straight up to a tree on a small relief, under it there is a Kodama and a Sudama. Go back, go back under the portal and go straight, follow the path that goes to the left, go up the ladder and redo the road where you saw the cannon. At the cannon turn right to the sanctuary, go through it, cross the bridge, go under the portal and turn left, go into the house behind the curtains, immediately turn left, and enter the next room. Behind the armor is the last Kodama.
The High-spirited Demon - 6 Kodama
When you are in front of the sanctuary take the bridge to the left, go through the portal, go to the building in front of you. To the right of the staircase, hidden behind a bumpy wooden wall is a Kodama. Return to the shrine which will be on your left and take the path in front of it which in this case will be on your right. Take the road that will be all downhill, if you want to hurry there are points where you can jump down, until you pass under a stone arch. After the arch, on the left there is a tree and a climb always on the left. Go up the hill and go ahead to the right, below you on the right is the roof of a house, jump on it and on the right side you will find a Kodama. Now jump off the roof on the left side and immediately go left, and then immediately right a little bit uphill. Go through the house in front of you, and drop down. Now go through the trees and follow the rocky path uphill, on the left there is a fallen tree that forms a bridge, cross it and turn right, go through a fence of tents and turn right. Behind a fence on the left is a Kodama. Go back, reenter the enclosure of tents and turn right, go under a portal, to the left behind the gate is a chest and behind the chest is the Kodama. Take the other exit on the left, go straight and pass another portal, turn right, then left, go forward keeping right until you reach another portal, go ahead following the path that will end on the roof of a house. Drop down to the left side, go straight, move slightly left to pass a fallen tree that acts as a bridge. Continue straight, you will see a turret with a ladder, stay on its left, go forward always remaining on the left, pass a large fence on the left and turn left. Then always keep to the left where you will see another tree that acts as a bridge, walk over it, go down the road and turn left, further to the left there is a tree behind which there is the Kodama. Go back, go up on the trunk on which you passed a little earlier, go back to the side of the previous fence which this time will be on your right, go a little forward and after the portal turn left, go up a little and turn the first on the right. Continue the climb that will take you to curve to the left and then immediately to the right where there is a broken wall, enter and to the right is the last Kodama.
Stray Cats - 5 Kodama
You are in a circular pitch, in front of you you can see the sanctuary, turn around completely, among the vegetables there is a Kodama. Now go to the sanctuary and turn left, cross the first bridge then turn right in the middle of the water. A little further on on the left there is another bridge, cross it and turn right always in the middle of the water. Go ahead, from the water you will pass on the ground and turn left, come to a boat, get on it because there is a Kodama. Go back past the house on the left, turn slightly to the left and then slightly to the right on a small climb. On the right is a house (with a cart outside), go around it all the way to the right and behind it is another Kodama. Now turn around, you have the house on your left, go around it and take the path to the left, keep right, go forward, you will see a turret on the right, enter the wooden building at the bottom. Cross it to exit on the opposite side, resume the path, enter another building on the left. When you enter go immediately right, then left and enter the door in front of you, behind the door on the left is a Kodama. Exit the building on the same side you entered and make your way back to the turret you saw earlier, then turn left before the turret. Go straight up to some stairs that take you down, you can also choose to jump, just below there is another staircase and you can do the same thing. Cross the bridge, turn left and keep left, go forward up to a ladder, go up and immediately turn right, walk on the bridge and then immediately right, under the rock at the end of the run is the last Kodama.
Dream Region
The Mausoleum of Evil - 9 Kodama
Take the road to the left of the sanctuary, go up the first staircase on the left, the second on the left, the third on the right and the fourth on the left. At the top jump off the cliff to the right, turn left to find a Kodama. Turn around and take the road to the right, drop down and cross the bridge to the right. Go ahead, pass to the right of the building, go around it on the left where there is a ladder. Climb the ladder and walk on the balcony to the right along it to the end where there is a Kodama. From this position jump down where the fence is interrupted, turn left passing under the house between the columns until you reach a hole in the floor. Throw down, turn right where there is another hole in the floor, ignore it at the moment, but to the right of the hole there is the possibility to pass behind the fence, turn behind it to the left and walk on the edge of the ledge until you find a other Kodama. Go back to the ledge and this time throw yourself into the hole you ignored earlier. You have landed on an inlaid floor, walk on it until you get to where the floor collapsed, drop down to the right and climb the ladder in front of you. Then go up the second ladder that you will see on the left, go forward, then on the right there is a bridge to cross. At the end of the bridge turn right, there is another bridge to cross, at the end drop down, turn right where there is a ladder to go down. Now you are in a cave, go out, go down other stairs and then launch forward, go through a building and enter another with curtains and immediately turn left. There is another bridge, follow it for a while and enter the first house on the left, exit the opposite side and take the path immediately to the right that makes you go around the house. At the bottom there is another Kodama. Go back but instead of turning left around the house take the road to the right uphill. At the bottom drop down, enter the first building and then back into the house with the tent. Only this time turn left first but without exiting go slightly right at the bottom where there is a ladder. Go down, at the end of the two flights of stairs, exit the house on the right to re-enter the house in the next room on the left. Walk inside carefully keeping close to the right side and go to the Kodama. Always go back carefully, go out the door and take the bridge in front of you to the ladder on the left, go up and enter the house on the right. When you are inside enter the room on the left, then the next one and from there turn right to go up the ladder. Now that you are upstairs exit the house by turning right and then right again, go to the building opposite, enter the room on the left where the books are on the ground, go through the next room to exit onto a small corridor where there is a ladder that you have to go down. When you are down exit the first door in front of you, enter the second room and exit to the right to enter another room. From this exit to the right and stay to the right to find a Kodama near some carpets. Exit the room and go left, go through the door and exit the house turning right. Turn right, you have a ladder to the right and a bridge to the left, drop down into the gap between them one time and then again from the rock below. Now take the road to the right, cross an octagonal platform, go up the slope on the left to the end where the second house is, turn on the landing to the left to enter it, cross the room to the window, underneath there is a bridge, jump on it to go downstairs. You don't have to walk on the bridge but you have to turn around 180 degrees to enter the room under the one you were just before. Turn right, exit the door and jump onto the bridge below you to go down another floor. Also this time turn completely 180 degrees and enter the room behind you, go out the opposite door and immediately to the right is a Kodama. Enter the room and interact with a winch on the left that will turn the bridge where you were just before, cross it and enter the room to exit the door at the back, take the short path to the right and then drop down to fall back on the octagonal platform. Make the climb again and go back to the building at the back starting from the top as before. Enter the first room on the top floor, cross the bridge to enter the room below, only this time turn all the way to the right, exit the window and jump off the bridge to the lower floor. Turn completely 180 degrees and enter the room below the one you jumped into. Go right and exit the opposite side, go right and drop from the balcony on the bridge to the right that goes uphill, go all the way to take the Kodama. Drop down to the balcony below, enter the room on the right with the curtain and go through it. Go over a bridge and enter the next room, go straight and exit, go up the ladder in front of you. Go through the building and go up another staircase, another one, go into the corridor in front of you.
The Golden Castle - 8 Kodama
Enter the palace in front of you, when you arrive in front of the sanctuary, turn left, take a small stretch and go down to the right, immediately turn right after the lantern and walk in the water, always staying to the right until you reach the first Kodama. Go back a little and turn right after the rock, go up the stairs and walk on the left corridor, keep turning left and go up the right stairs. Enter the room in front of you and exit the door on the right, turn right again and go up the staircase. Go straight and exit through the door on the far right. Go ahead and move to the right, exit the building, walk on the roofs in front of you and at the bottom turn on the right roof, go down to the right side of the roof where you are now and take the Kodama. Now go up and go to the left side of the roof to enter a building, go down the two stairways to the sanctuary, turn left and then the path takes you to the right. Enter the first room on the right, enter the next room immediately to the right, at the back corner there is a Kodama. Exit the room and enter the one in front of you slightly to the right where there is armor, turn right again and exit the house. Go slightly to the right to see some ladders leading down into the garden with the pond, walk into the pond and under a tree is a Kodama. Turn around leaving the tree completely behind you and take the ladder ahead, go up only the first stretch and immediately turn right then enter the first room on the left. Turn left, go a little further and go down the stairs, enter the room on the left and immediately left again where the bathtub is, in the corner there is a Kodama. Exit the room with the tub and go to the exit in front of you, keep right and exit the first passage on the right, then right again to find a ladder. Go up and turn right to find a Kodama near a wall. Turn around leaving the wall behind you and turn right, go all the way to the left, then left again and go up the stairs. Go straight and enter the room on the left where the sanctuary is. Go to the right of the sanctuary, go straight and exit the room, then move slightly to the left where there is a staircase. Standing in front of the staircase, look down to his right, hidden behind some cloth panels is a Kodama. Go up the stairs, go straight and exit at the bottom left, then left again and up the stairs, go straight on the corridor and turn at the bottom right, then right again and in the back corner is the last Kodama.
Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo - 8 Kodama
You are on the paved path in front of the shrine, looking at the shrine take the left direction, at the end of the path behind a large tree on the left there is a Kodama. Go back and go all the way back to the end, turn left after the house, go up the stairs and go through the black decorated door. Enter a courtyard, keep left and behind a large tree at the far left is a Kodama. From the tree enter the building on the left, go forward, go up the stairs and turn right, go slightly to the left passing between a panel and the wall, enter the hall further ahead and turn right. Exit, turn right, then slightly left to pass between the beams, go forward and after the second row of beams, on the right is a Kodama. From this position turn to go back going straight ahead, go down the stairs, turn left and take a short path strewn with stones, turn right, cross a bridge and enter the wooden gate. Turn left, go up the ladder, in front of you is a bright yellow rock, break it to activate a passage. Go all the way uphill in front of you, when you get to the top, a passage of roots will rise on the right, which you activated by breaking the rock from before. Walk on the bridge of roots, it is a rather long path at the top of which there is the sanctuary. Take the road back to the right of the sanctuary, enter the courtyard where there are trees, go left, go up the stairs and enter the palace. Go straight and exit on the opposite side, turn left, go all the way around the building and you will find a Kodama. Go back slightly and go down the stairs to the left. Turn left and go up a bridge of roots, reach the end and stay on the left. Break the glowing yellow rock, exit and climb the root bridge. The bridge will descend and join another stretch to allow you to continue your ride. Then go up the stairs in front of you and immediately turn left, go around the building and you will find a Kodama. Go back a little bit and enter the room on the left, exit immediately right, make the descent of roots, go forward and cross another bridge of roots. At the end turn right and then left, go forward to a new wooden building, go up the ramp but don't enter, instead turn on the right landing to find a Kodama. Go back, go down the stairs and immediately turn left, go forward and climb a bridge of roots to an enemy-protected pitch, with the glowing white rock on the right. Break the rock and go down the root bridge. After the first stretch you will see a Kodama below you on the left, but to reach it you have to take a long ride. Finish descending the bridge of roots, a little further on to the left cross a wooden bridge, go straight and at the crossroads with a large boulder turn right. Immediately after, on the left, go up a bridge of roots, reach the top and enter the house and immediately turn left to go out. Cross the square and go up on the root bridge in front of you, go down to take the Kodama you saw earlier from above. From this position throw yourself down to the left, immediately ahead there is a ladder leaning against the rock, climb it. As soon as you get to the top, turn right 360 degrees to go up another root bridge. Climb up and you are back where you destroyed the bright white rock. Breaking the rock, behind it you have opened another bridge of roots downhill, go through it and at the end turn left, after the sanctuary go under the portal on the left and go up on the bridge of roots in front of you, pass under another portal that accesses a courtyard.
Now that you have found all the Kodamas you will get the Silver trophy.
If the indications given were not enough, you can help yourself by watching the PowerPix videos, which we thank.