We have now entered the heart of the Christmas period and in these days that separate us from December 25th, we are still looking for some gift that can make our loved ones happy. Precisely for this reason, we have decided to make a list of titles useful for all lovers of wargames, boardgames and cardgames.
X-Wing Second Edition
Buy it on Amazon for € 35
If you have friends or relatives in love with the universe of Star Wars, one of the titles that he might most like to receive is definitely X-wing. Even if the aspects of the game are different and there is a complex regulation, we believe it is a good time to give away the basic set of this Second edition, since the title of Fantasy flight is experiencing a second youth. The developers have decided to close the gap between historical players and new players, with the release of the new edition, which in addition to giving new life to the title, will soon add two interesting factions: Galactic Republic e Separatist Alliance.
Buy it on Amazon a
15 €
If your friend or you are a lover of style card games Magic o Destiny, KeyForge it will surely be a precious ally to surprise your friends. It is true at the moment the game has been so fast that the base sets will not arrive before 2019, but this may not be a problem. Fortunately the game published by Fantasy flight, does not need a basic set to start playing, also because the rules, easy and not too difficult to master, can be easily downloaded on the internet.
It would also be fabulous to give or give us a couple of decks from the game, also because in addition to the surprise effect of the unwrapped pack, there will be the surprise effect of the deck that they will find inside. Even recreating the tokens during the Christmas period will not be a problem, the classic legumes that are used for bingo or the chips to play at the merchant at the fair will certainly come to our rescue, all easily usable tools. Then you are ready to forge the three keys of KeyForge?
Buy it on Ebay for € 52
If you like abstract games, simple but not trivial, Reef is the game for you. In this board game, published by Ghenos Games and designed by Emerson Matsuuchi, you will find yourself developing a coral reef on your personal board, horizontally and vertically, trying to buy and complete the objectives that, from turn to turn, will be available. Beautiful materials and graphics, easy to understand and explain. This title is certainly suitable for those looking for a game to play with the family, also suitable for the little ones but able to involve adults as well.
Jurassic Snack
Buy it on Amazon for € 22
Bruno Cathala It never disappoints. Playagame proposes a nice game for two players, in which dinosaurs will have to feed on the bushes that make up the game board, being careful of the terrible T-Rex. The mechanics are so simple that it can also be played by smaller children than indicated on the box, while offering a fairly deep gaming experience. This title is suitable for those looking for a board game that can introduce children to board games (and those who love dinosaurs, of course).
Pandemic: The fall of Rome
Buy it on Amazon for € 42
If you love collaborators and want to try your hand in the guise of the Roman Empire against the Barbarian peoples, the new episode of P, published by Asmodee, it could give you great satisfaction. The goal of the game is to stem the invasion of the barbarians and try to ally with them, before they take over the Empire. Those looking for a challenging game to play in a group (up to 5 players) or even, why not, solo.
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soul Wars
Buy it on Amazon for € 103
If for this Christmas you feel in the mood to pamper yourself a little or you have that friend
really fan of fantasy you can not miss the new and brilliant
introductory box of fantasy miniatures game: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soul Wars. With this product we can indeed say that the company Games Workshop has
really hit the mark. With the recent landing in the second edition the game has only seen improvements and leaps in quality, bringing back its good old war camps so many players from past eras of Warhammer.
The box contains all the essentials for a two-player game, the
brand new design proposed in recent times in fact provides us with miniatures
ready for easy and guided assembly that will take you to play with the models
in no time at all! The box includes two armies ready to face each other, a set of introductory rules to be able to fight sooner and a magnificent manual
of introduction to the hobby and the engaging "lore" of this vast universe
Scythe: The Rise of Fenris
Buy it on Amazon for € 52
Released this year, The Rise of Fenris is the latest in the trilogy of expansions for the famous Scythe: it is a modular expansion (like the previous ones) accompanied by a campaign. Modules are introduced gradually as you play the campaign, but it is also possible to insert them into normal games of Scythe, combining them with each other or with those provided with previous expansions. The Rise of Fenris it is the ideal gift for those who already own it Scythe, ensuring several hours of gameplay and new mechanics to fans of the title.
Code name
Buy it on Amazon for € 20
From the titles born from the brilliant mind of Vlaada Chvátil, Code name it is certainly the most suitable to play in the Christmas holidays: it is a party game for 2-8 players, but in reality with a single box you can reach an indefinite number: we at Resources4Gaming we arrived at games of 14 players (6 per team, plus the two teamleaders) with excellent results. Divided into two teams, the players will impersonate spies in search of the code names of their team: following the cryptic indications of the team leader (who can pronounce, at each turn, only a word and a number) they will have to guess the names connected to the word suggested, interpreting the information in their possession and exchanging opinions between them.
There are several versions of the game: in addition to the classic, we would like to point out "Codename: duet"With rules more suitable for two-player games and"Code Name: Visual“, With images instead of words.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault
Buy it on Amazon for € 40
The saga of Warhammer Underworlds with a new cycle: Nightvault. The Necroquake of Nagash, God of Death, has made such an impact across all realms that it even reaches the heart of Shadespire, the City of Reflections. The ancient crypts of Nightvault, theater of unspeakable horrors and mysteries of the Katophranes, they opened up releasing all their magic in the streets of the Cursed City.
New bands, factions and game mechanics are available to us players to enrich our gaming experience and continue in an exciting new chapter, our passion for the latest home skirmish Games Workshop. Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault is the new base set, designed for the second season of Warhammer Underworlds. It is a must-have product for anyone who wants to start or continue playing Warhammer Underworlds, what better gift for a fun-filled Christmas?