![[Gamescom 2017] Where the Water Tastes Like wine Hands On](/images/posts/30e6059b0e0a20f6e275484a1af51409-0.jpg)
In this case I have no doubts, and maybe it will be my character as a storyteller to speak for me, but among all the titles that were presented during the Gamescom 2017 held in Cologne, Where The Water Tastes Like Wine is what struck me most, fascinated, kidnapped. Developed by Dim Bulb Games, this game manages to merge multiple emotions in a single channel, conveying them all in a mystical experience. Obviously, as it is clear to expect from an independent title, this experience is not perfect, but based on some feedback and filing out the weak points, we could potentially find ourselves facing a "triple I" (at least for those who prefer this type of games) .
We will begin the experience of Where The Water Tastes Like Wine entering a house, where without hesitation we will sit down to play poker at a ... very special table. Once there are only two left, us and a man in gray with his face covered in shadow, we will find ourselves playing all our chips, as we have the highest point obtainable in our hand. Yet once we get to discover the cards, the ones we have in hand are anything but poker cards ... and the man in gray turns out to have a wolf face. obviously our possessions are not enough to cover the debt we owe to him, and therefore we will have to pay it back in another way. The protagonist will thus be stripped of his flesh, and will have to roam throughout the territory of the United States of America in search of stories.
Each of our stops, in a territory or in a city, will allow us to witness particular events on a textual level, with the possibility of choosing what to say or do while we assist you. These experiences of ours will become small stories, which we will have to choose carefully and rmeet characters scattered around the map (which are exactly 16). The role of the latter is fundamental, because it will be them, once you have earned their trust and you have convinced them to speak, to tell you their personal stories. Stories of a certain weight, the only ones that can arouse the interest of the man with the wolf face. The choice of the approach with the characters will be ours, and it will not always be possible to make them open to us at the first attempt (perhaps we have not yet found a suitable story to tell them): we will in fact choose which of the dozens of stories to tell them. , based on what we have experienced and collected around. These individuals want to hear something particular, almost specific, that portrays topics that are important to them at the time. Pay close attention to what they will tell you, for clues.
The technical sector of the game is however at a basic level, with very simple graphics in the exploration phase, but with very inspired drawings and tables in the dialogue and storytelling phases. The atmosphere created by these, combined with a splendid and immersive soundtrack, manage to create a goosebumps empathy. The only wrinkle concerns the audio track that acts as a background to the exploration, which, if listened to repeatedly (even if splendid), risks being redundant; I therefore hope that an alternation of at least 3 or 4 tracks of the same level will be created and that they will be able to confer the same synergy with the title. Impressed as never before, I look forward to (and you should too!) The release of Where The Water Tastes Like Wine during the first quarter of next year. If these are the conditions, you will probably not be disappointed.