Inside cyberpunk 2077, registered work CD Project Red of which you can find our review here, you will be able to complete dozens of activities, including many Contracts. Let's talk about secondary missions, flagship of this software house, which even in its new futuristic-themed work can sometimes really put the user in difficulty. In this Cyberpunk 2077 Contracts guide we therefore want to explain every detail about each of these.
For more information on the game, we refer you to our specific section of Cyberpunk 2077, here is the link to access it, we also attach below all our guides on the game.
- Guide to all love affairs in the game
- Complete guide to all Tarot graffiti
- Guide to trophies and Platinum
- Guide to the endings and how to unlock them
- Guide to all legendary and unique weapons
- Guide to all legendary and unique armor
- Complete guide to the skills, attributes and talents of the game
- Complete guide to all vehicles in the game
- Complete guide to all bosses in the game
- Complete guide to all Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpsychopaths
- Drive the Porsche 911 and Johnny Silverhand's pistol for the Samurai Jacket
- Guide on how to repair your car
- Guide on how to make money quickly
- Guide for quick travel and points on the map
- Guide to creating objects
- Guide on how to get infinite money
- Here are some builds that are ideal for the game
- Guide on how to take the Akira inspired motorcycle
- Guide on how to unlock the secret ending
- Guide for resetting Skills, Attributes and Talents
- Beat on the Brat side mission guide
- The Prophet's Song side mission guide
- I Fought the Law side mission guide
- Tune Up & Epistrophy side mission guide
- The Beast in Me side mission guide
- Complete Guide to all Contracts
- Guide to the choices to be made in the story
- Complete Guide to Legendary Cyberware
- Guide to all websites related to missions
- Guide to the Colombario and who you can find us
- Guide to the most interesting Easter Eggs
- Guide to all side missions
- Complete guide to hacking and hacks
Before leaving you to guide, we remind you that in the following text you could read some major or minor spoilers related to Cyberpunk 2077, regarding various playful sections and different details on the story created by CD Projekt Red. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution before completing the game's campaign in its entirety.
Little China
1 - Play to Win
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
Go to the Kashuu Hanten, you will have to steal Jacob's ocular implant from the warehouse on the back. You will find an enemy inside and one outside. Once you reach the goal you can force the opening, if your stat will allow it or stun or kill the bartender for the key. Upon entering the room, however, you will notice a computer, where you will discover useful information, with which you can peacefully obtain the key from the bartender.
2 - Tiger vs Tyger
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sabotage
Go to the Cyberpunk 11 mega-building 2077 and go underground. Disable the cameras and study the path of the guards to successfully circumvent them, it is not very difficult. Choose whether to go to the right or left door, while the first does not require too much effort, the second need for sufficient technical capacity, you will eventually have to load the malware onto a computer.
3 - Blood Sports
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Mercenary Aid
You will have to go to the Tyger Claws dojo southwest of Little China, Cyberpunk 2077 area, infiltrating and entering underground. There is one shortcut in the nearby alley, but you will need a sufficient level of strength, but you can also climb to the roof (where a test of Technical Ability will be required instead). On the roof there is also an entrance that does not require any tests, but there is a patrol. After you get through it - we recommend an air attack - you can use your PC to disable the cameras. Continue walking around the dojo until you reach the training room, go right and take the stairs. You can either go into the hallway, where there is a camera (which you should have disabled earlier) or enter the door, where there is a Tyger Claws and another camera. You will have to free Roh and go back, escorting him to the Fixer.
4 - The Heisenberg Principle
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Sabotage
You will have to enter the dungeons, passing the three Tyger Claws. After a short chat, the two of them will go their separate ways, so you can sneak on. You can descend into the well, in case you have enough strength, or take the door on the left up the stairs, paying attention to the camera. If you have used the stairs you will need enough Technical Skill to open the door on the left, otherwise you will have to go through all the dungeons. If you have dropped into the well you will only have to walk a section of this road, meeting a single Tyger Claws. There are three more enemies in the lab, once they are defeated you will have to manually destroy the laboratory, it will also be enough to use a malware.
5 - Welcome to America, Comrade
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sabotage
Go to the port, in the eastern part of the Kabuki district of Cyberpunk 2077. You will have to place a GPS on a car, there are several guards and you will therefore mainly have two options. You can on the cabin at the entrance, proceeding forward, pay attention to the camera above. The second option is to enter through a side fence, through the right level of Technical Capability, and continue covered by the containers. It will be enough for you later place the GPS and walk away in silence.
6 - Problematic Neighbors
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
The mission is located in the Cyberpunk 2077 building between Cortes and Kennedy, you'll have to KO Tyger Claws Taki Kenmochi. In order not to shed blood it will be necessary to distract the first guard with a dispenser and take him behind, to continue in the same way, there is in fact a generator that will distract the second guard. You will then have to enter the hall and attack the target, it doesn't matter if you catch it or kill it, just put it in the trunk of the car outside to finish the assignment.
7 - The Woman of La Mancha
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Go to the market to locate Anna Hamill's house. You can try to talk to the scalpel or other people, in most cases you will have to bribe them. You can also hack the hotel computer, take a room or open the door with sufficient technical ability. You will be able to enter the house from the external air conditioning duct (they will give you a shock), or by opening the door on the top floor of the flight of stairs with the right Technical Skill. Once inside you will have to stand still, or else it will attack you. You will be able to continue the conversation so as not to kill her, by revealing that you want to help her and that she has been betrayed, or by opening fire. You will later discover that she has eliminated the traitors, still remaining killed, unless you have the background as a Nomad, in which case you will be able to make her escape unharmed.
8 - A Shark in the Water
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
The goal is Blake Croyle, is in a medicine shop near Kabuki, if you are not silent the enemies will continue to reach infinity in various waves. You can enter from the main entrance, from the garage, from the back (for this you will need high Technical Skills), or with a staircase leading to the roof. The target is sitting in front of a PC, you will have to carry it - whether it is dead or alive depending on how you conceal it - in the trunk of the Fixer.
9 - Monster Hunt
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Go to Cyberpunk 2077's Ho-Oh casino, east of Kabuki, to neutralize Jotaro Shobo. There are many ways to complete the Assignment, but we advise you to go through the main entrance, distracting the bouncer and going upstairs, is the option that won't require you to have Technical Skill and Strength. Once this is done you can force the force, if your Physical will allow it, neutralizing the first Tyger Claws, the camera and the one on the balcony. From here you will be able to attack the main enemy. In case you fail to force the door you can enter the double door, paying attention to the two Tyger Claws in the room.. Once you have taken the enemy's body, you can also drop down from the balcony.*
10 - Back to the Wall
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
Go to the Columbus Street building and explore it, you can enter by forcing the door, or using the balcony staircase. Once you have found the correct apartment, stay still, you will have to convince him that his actions will improve the efficiency of the corporations by helping the politicians. If you can, he'll let you take the drugs peacefully, then shoot himself anyway.
11 - A Great Evil in a Little Man
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | You must have completed the Monster Hunt | task Type: Sicario
Go to Allen Street, near the harbor. You will have to attack Jae-Hyun, it is located in the farthest area. To reach it you can climb up come on roofs, neutralizing the guard and deactivating the camera. It is also possible to enter from the slum, bypassing the enemies one at a time, it will not be easy however. You will then need to take the body to the Fixer in case you haven't finished it, otherwise just go back to the rooftops.
12 - Last Access
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Theft
Go to the Eisenhower Ave residential building, you will be able to access in three ways. The main door requires a Strength Test, for the open window accessible from the canopy you will need high Technical Skill, but it is also possible to opt for the garage on the left. You will have to reach the stairs, depending on where you entered the situation will change. If you have forced the door you will notice them immediately, entering through the window you will have them on the right, otherwise you will have to cross the garage defeating the guards and hiding their bodies, and then access the metal walkway. Arrived in the basement you will have to defeat the two Scavengers, then take the laptop and escape. If you read the files on your laptop you will discover a secret about the Charles Scalpel, which will offer you discounts.
13 - Fixer, Mercenary, Spy Soldier
Reputation Level Needed: 4 | You must have completed the Welcome to America assignment, Comrade | Type: Theft
Go to the Adams Street hotel, you can pay, distract or KO the receptionist to enter. Take the key in front of the counter without being seen, or it will attack you, to distract him you can try to comment on what you saw on television. Paying it you will have no problems and with the Street Life background you will also have a 50% discount, with the Technical Capacity you can instead open the door on the side and get around it. Use the stairs, then choose one of these ways. With the Technical Ability you can open the door on the left, breaking the glass panel and going to the balcony you will have to make a high level of Physics, but you can jump to the other side paying attention to the camera. There are only two hostiles, when one goes out try to enter to get the shard. Attention, if you start a fight, a lot of reinforcements will arrive.
14 - Hippocratic Oath
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will have to make Lucy Thackery escape, imprisoned in a Scalpel clinic. You can enter the front door, passing from behind the desk at the right time. You will then have to go to the double door, but for the whole path you will have to be careful of the movements of the Maelstorms. A second possibility is to make your entrance from the side of the structure, if you have sufficient technical capacity. When you reach her she will ask for help with a patient, you can cooperate (remember to stay down), but then you will have to take her out anyway.
15 - Flight of the Cheetah
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You'll have to get Hwangbo to safety, is in the room 1237 of the motel in Northside. After you find it you can go to the right of the room, to force a door in case you have enough Physical points. On the left you will have no problems, at least if you climb the steps to avoid the Tyger Claws. Drop down and neutralize the guard, you can steal a car to get out with a start.
16 - Dirty Business
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
You will need to find Gottfried and Fredrik's studio, near the territory of the Maelstorm. Passing through the center you will reach the moving barrier, deactivate all the cameras. Once the guards split up you can take them out, go up the steps and do the same, using the air conditioner to distract one. Climb to the roof and dodge the last Maelstorm, enter the window. To the north-east there is an opening door with sufficient technical capacity, you will avoid most of the enemies. Once inside, take it BD_9430 on the shelf, you can then go out to take it to the exchange point.
17 - Never Sell Bear Skin
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
You will have to steal a van from a warehouse. To enter you can use the fence - in the south corner - then take the door on the right, or go through the door on the north side through the Technical Capacity. In this case you will have to disable the two cameras and climb up, then enter a window for the walkway, remember that on the ground floor there is a shard. Whatever your choice, you will have to disable the cameras, neutralize the guards and use the computer to access the van. Watch out for the Tyger Claws, the stairs will take you to the van. Climb up and drive it, the doors will open by themselves and the enemies will not chase you.
18 - Rite of Passage
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Theft
You will need to reach the hideout in Meaty Fish, pay attention to the Maelstorm and the entrance camera. Once inside go right, turn off the camera and take the stairs. Aim at the computer in the room, with a Physics test you can enter directly from the stairs, otherwise you will need to go through the other rooms, full of Maelstorms and cameras. Once you've got the data, you simply have to go back, or use the Technical Ability to enter the door that will lead you to the corridor to the outside.
19 - Virtue to Pigs
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | You must have completed the Playing for Time | Assignment Type: Theft
You'll have to steal a recording, it's in the warehouse. You can climb up to the roof using the crates to enter the room with the computer. Looking at the material you will unlock a second conclusion, which will lead you to get double the loot once delivered to Aaron, unless you decide to post it, which will completely void the reward.
20 - Risks of the Trade
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will need to free Hel Cantos from Autowerks, with sufficient technical ability you can open the double door, otherwise you just have to climb from the outside and jump into the window. You will have to decide what to do with Anna, who is having a cyber-madness attack. You can either fight it, or go to the room in the west corner to talk to a Mox, which will connect you to a nearby corpse. This way you can hack Anna and stealthily KO her. Free Hal from the container in any case, you can also talk to him before you've fixed Anna, but you will receive a lower reward. If you leave without saving it after one day, the mission will automatically be marked as failed.
21 - Freedom of the Press
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
Go to the WNS News building, you can easily open it with a good technical ability, or go up on the roof. As you advance towards the goal - an office - you will find many traps, therefore pay attention to deactivate them. Once you meet Max, don't move, and approach the dialogue cautiously. In case you don't answer or move he will kill himself immediately, then let him reason and talk in the time limit, and then end the conversation normally or land him behind. Then go to the exit at the end of the corridor towards the Fixer car.
22 - Bad Thieves
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
You will need to go to the Wicked Tires warehouse for a shard. You can cross the fence from the south or the broken wall after the guards move away and then climb onto the roof (watch out for the camera). In the latter case, you can also enter the warehouse room by forcing the door. If you enter from the main entrance you will have to crouch and always proceed to the right, from the roof you can simply use the shelves to do parkour and from the small room you will just have to follow the wall. As soon as you get the goal you can exit the main entrance and go left, avoiding the guards and the camera.
Japan Town
23 - Olive branch
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Special Delivery
You will need to meet Sergei Karasinsky in an alley on the Cyberpunk 2077 map, located off the Silk Road. Get in your car and drive to the Tyger Claws restaurant. During the journey you will notice some noises in the trunk, you can stop and open it, and then decide whether to continue the assignment, your reward will not vary.
24 - We have your wife
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
Go to the building near the Raymond Street of Cyberpunk 2077 from the damaged wall. To enter you can use the back door or the roof window with sufficient strength. Pay attention to the cameras, once you enter the structure you will have to go to the northeast corner, KO the Tyger Claws in front of the door. In the basement use the walkway above, neutralize the guard at the end of the path and talk to the woman. For the return use the north wall, go up the stairs and exit the way you entered.
25 - Greed Doesn't Pay
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
You will need to enter Leah Gladen's house, you will have 4 ways. A quick hack will open the elevator door, you can climb the stairs and open the door with sufficient technical ability, use a diversion to steal the elevator key from the receptionist, or finally climb from the outside and enter the window. Scan the dispenser, then use the button in the kitchen to unlock the secret door, read the messages on the computer. Follow the map and go to the Wired Head, use the stairs or the elevator and neutralize the Tyger Claws. You can then use the side door with the Technical Ability, bypassing the guard and going into the office. The other option is to enter the main hall and use the refrigerator to distract the guard near the last door. You can avoid it by passing through the bar, with one more test of Technical Skill, and then go to the office and defeat the enemy by stealth. Take the item and go back the way you have already traveled, or take the corridor.
26 - A Desecrated Temple
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Sabotage
Go to the temple of Milagro Terrace, reaching your goal by gradually deactivating the cameras. You can use the two side ways to avoid most problems. The left one needs more attention, since there is a guard, for the right one you will need to have enough strength to open a door. Continue avoiding all the Tyger Claws and deactivate the cameras. To reach the computer and install the virus you will have to go through a double door, then take the road in reverse to exit the temple.
27 - Wakako's Favorite
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will need to go to Chang Hoon Nam's hideout. You can enter with sufficient Physics from the ground floor, or from the back by climbing. From the stairs you can go to the basement, watch out for the traps. You will need to check the emails on the computer, examine the body and take the shard on the shelf. To get it you can force the opening or access the grate, paying attention again to the mines. Then go back to the owner of the hiding place and graft it.
28 - Overheated Situation
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will need to free 8ug8ear, in the Japan Town section of the Night City of Cyberpunk 2077. You can enter the building from the main door distracting the guards, from the fire escape on the northeast side with sufficient Technical Skills or from the stairs to the roof, neutralizing the guards and man. on the telephone. Take the coolant from the sink and use it to lower the woman's temperature, then retrace your steps or throw yourself off the balcony if you have enough life.
Charter Hill
29 - Until Death Separate Us
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
You'll need to get Mister Gutierrez's shard from his attic. Take the elevator and choose how to access, from the door on your left with sufficient technical ability, by breaking the window and climbing to open the grate with enough force, or by jumping on the balcony and passing from the right. In the first case you will have to pay attention to the camera and go up the stairs to the left, going into the office. For the second option you will have to continue down the hall to the office, and for the last one you will have to go through the kitchen and stop the camera and then go up the stairs. Grab the shard and trigger a disaster recovery from your computer, then take the elevator back.
30 - The Tiger and The Vulture
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
Go to the entrance to the sewers, up to the entrance to the casino. Pay for the Tyger Claws or use a hack to distract him with the TV and move on. With sufficient technical ability you can jump part of the path from the sewers, to take the shard directly by neutralizing the two guards. Otherwise you will have to go all the way, from the main entrance enter the casino and find the netrunner by hacking the computer, you will need some Technical Skill, but deactivate the camera. Go and get it upstairs, you can go through the hole in the ceiling to avoid the Tyger Claws with sufficient technical ability, or distract it and take the stairs. Above deactivate the camera and neutralize the enemies, up to room 6, where there is a Tyger Claws next to a computer to silence. Don't pay attention to the person sitting, rather take the shard on the desk and go out the next door.
31 - Family Heirloom
Reputation Level Needed: 4 | You must have completed the Ghost Town | Assignment Type: Recovery
You will have to take the registrations in a parking lot. You can enter from the door with good technical ability, from the garage, or from the west by forcing entry with a Physical check. Walk bent close to the wall on the right without being seen, the objects to be recovered are in a red locker, you can also take out the only enemy present. You will also be able to take the car to the garage if you want, once again defeating a single enemy.
32 - Two Wrong Things Make One Right
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
Go to the under construction subway of Cyberpunk 2077 to steal a van at the back of the construction site. You will have to get around an enemy by going down the stairs, you will be able to take advantage of when looking at the computer. Once there, wait for the two men to move away, approach the closest one and hide behind the column. You can hop on and off to complete the mission.
Rancho Coronado
33 - Error 404
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sabotage
Go to the indicated garage and take out the henchman in the building near the security fence, then use the PC to read the email and deactivate the cameras. Go to garage 66 of Cyberpunk 2077, we advise you to climb it with the crates on the roof, hide from the sniper and deactivate the turret. Get close to your computer whenever possible and upload the virus, then go back to the roof and escape by jumping around the buildings.
34 - Nest in the Cuckoo
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will need to free Jasmine Dixon by entering the main entrance. From the south you can jump onto the scaffolding with a difficult jump, then jumping to the next roof with the crates, then opening the double door if you have enough Strength. From the entrance you can or steal a shard, which will give you Dixon's location, located in the corner office which can be reached by an opening door with high technical capacity. Turn off the camera once done, or wait for it to turn around to hide. Take the stairs to the left and continue crouching, put the guard down and open the door. From the roof you simply have to go down and get to this last point. Take the woman through the double door to the roof, then go to the street.
35 - Family Matters
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Recovery
You will need to enter the house, either through the back door or the front door with sufficient Physics, or through the roof. ISexamine everything with the scanner once you enter, you will have to take the shard in the safe. The keys are in the basement, but there will also be one of the Cyberpsychopaths of Cyberpunk 2077. You can silently neutralize it, search it for the key.
36 - For my Son
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Sicario
Go there and pay the Animal or try to threaten it with a Physical check, you can get in for free if you win the duel with Rhino. Another way is to pass the entrance by sneaking out of the containers. In the first case, go through the VIP area paying attention to the cameras and neutralize Logan. For the second case you will have to use the yellow pipe to go up, with sufficient technical ability you will reach Logan directly, then distracting the guard, otherwise you will have to use the ladder. Follow the signs for an emergency exit after you shoot down and grab Logan, then put it in the trunk, if you have killed it you can also leave it in the structure.
37 - Farewell party
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will have to free Flavio on the first floor of a house. You can enter from the main entrances, but they are guarded, or from the right side, thanks to a lower veranda, and then sneak off the floor, making sure that the Sixthas are not yet talking. Go up the stairs and you will find Flavio in the bedroom, be careful of the enemy just above the stairs. Once you get the man, go back and go to the garage, use that car to escape.
38 - The Syndicate Counterattacks
Reputation Level Needed: 4 | Type: Sicario
You have to take out Vic Vega, on the first floor of an office. With high technical skills you can enter the garage, with a good physicist from the main gate, or neutralize the guard and pass from the room next to the reception, again from the bathroom on the north side or - finally - distract the receptionist and steal the key from the desk to use the double door. Once you have passed the lower floor, paying attention to the enemies, climb and pass the patrols to go to the right, the table will provide you with the perfect cover. Go to the west corner and neutralize the enemy, then exit the window with the body if you have left it alive or without it. In the first case you will have to carry it in the fixer's trunk to complete the assignment.
39 - Serious Side Effects
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
You will need to go to Cyberpunk 2077's Dewdrop Guest House, sparking a conflict or following one of these methods. You can grab a room, forcefully force the window on the side or do the same with the fire door above the flight of stairs. In the back you can open a door with the Technical Ability, and again on the west side there is an additional force window. Inside you can also find Booker Updlike in room 103 on the ground floor, opening the door with the Technical Ability or bribing the guard technician, who may also be threatened for not paying. Scan the body and ventilation system or scan the computer in the foyer (accessible with the Technical Ability) to find that you need to go to 203. You can force the door or enter room 200 and jump between the windows. You will find some Sixths guarding the objective, once they are settled open the small chest and launch yourself from the balcony.
40 - Serious Side Effects
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
You will need to go to the Cyberpunk 2077 Kendachi Factory, here's how to sneak in. You will be able to open the north gate with the Technical Capacity, continue to the left and take the ladder to the walkway in order to enter. You can also climb from the west corner to jump over the fence, walking up the wall and going to the garage, making sure there is a clear green light. When the sentry in the garage turns you can break into the underground passage and continue. The last way is to force the gate to open from the scaffold with a Physics test. In the first case you will have to follow the walkway to the office paying attention to the guards, in the second you can exit from underground and climb the ladder paying attention to the guards, then going to the right. In case you have forced the gate you can go up the ladder to the right and go right again, it is the safest way. Steal the data from the computer and go through the door to the northeast to exit, you can go through the gate of the fence with sufficient technical ability or climb the crates in the east corner to escape.
41 - Latest News
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Sabotage
Get in Ted Fox's car and go to the parking lot. Beyond the garage door is the van you need, you will need to install a tracker. If you force the door, you will be exposed to two cameras, we therefore advise you to jump on the billboard to the east and enter the perimeter, along the fence. Open the shutter at the bottom and take out the man inside as well as the one in the garage, install the tracker and go back. Another way is to use the dumpster to climb onto the roof, to enter the garage from a window, is faster and more risky.
42 - Hack the hacker
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Sabotage
Go to Cyberpunk 06 Mega Building 2077 and use the elevator. You can avoid the first two guards by going into the room to the right, we advise you to jump from the stairs to access the hiding place, and then continue and break through. To avoid the jump you can use the apartment on the right. In this way you will enter the room with the computer, disable the camera and kill the guard Lucius Thoran, which will guarantee you a obiettivo additional. Load the virus and go back following the same path.
43 - Liquidation
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Theft
Aim for the computer on the upper floor, to enter you can jump over the fence, avoiding the main guarded entrance. You will now have to enter the factory, here is what you can do. Go to the edge of the fence to the east and take care of the camera and guard, then do the same once you get around the corner. You can either go through the open gate, remember to disable the camera. In the first case to continue you will have to go through the security room, once again setting the guard and the camera, to turn left and go up the stairs to the server room, there will be only one guard. If you pass the gate you will have the stairs on the left, you will find a guard, a civilian and a camera on the way, as well as an enemy and another camera in the server room.
44 - Flying Drug
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sabotage
You will need to go to the Cyberpunk 2077 building taken by the Wraith, we advise you to go to the back to be more stealthy. Neutralize the first enemy and go up, you will find two more. There is another one on the roof, go over it and go up the steps to the transmitter, disconnect the power with the Technical Ability or destroy it manually, it is also possible to use a quick hack. Then just go back.
45 - No Fixer
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will have to free Iris Tanner, she is at the back of the Cyberpunk 2077 outpost taken by the Wraith. We advise you to pass the perimeter from the container to the northwest. Take care of the turret and the Wraith, then go south. You can ignore the enemies outside, but deal with the man in the room and the kidnapper guarding the woman. Now retrace your steps, retrieve as a secondary objective the vehicle you have already encountered on the path and escape.
46 - Big Pete has a Big Problem
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Sicario
You will need to find Big Pete in the basement of the place, the easiest way is to the west, where two enemies shoot a wrecked car. You can fix them or avoid them, then use the cabinet to get on the platform and reach the door to the walkway. Watch out for the Wraith in the path and jump over the railing to enter the lower part of the structure. The enemy is from behind, but you can also talk to him so as not to kill him.
47 - Trevor's Last Race
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
The body is in a Wraith outpost, get to the south corner and climb into the cars. Continue to the northwest corner, go up the stairs and enter the room with a hole in the floor, make your entrance. You will hear two men talking, one will walk away and the other will enter the room where you are. Neutralize him when he has his back to you, Then take Trevor's body from the freezer and go back the way, then put it in the trunk.
48 - Dancing on a Minefield
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Special Delivery
You will need to find the vehicle in the minefield, keeping in mind the mines and the Griffins on patrol. You will notice it easily, it is just below a wind turbine, you can also scan the body to complete the secondary objective. Drive to exit, making sure you have a safe path to follow, then make your way to the Dakota workshop.
49 - Training Partner
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
You will need to enter the vault and steal the shard from a robot. You can buy it and have it delivered to you, or steal it to save money. Arrive from the south and bypass security, go up to the roof and get the target from a shard from the back of a van.
50 - Missing
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You need to free Ben from a farm, we recommend the garage to the east to enter. Use the stairs and go down, to unlock the door you can use force or take the key near the computer, on the desk. Talk to Ben, go back and use the car in the garage to get to a driver who is waiting for you.
51 - Goodbye Night City
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will have to rescue Bruce Welby, in a Militech building. Among the various possibilities we recommend entering from the east and using the Technical Expertise to open the doors, or introducing yourself from the south, knocking out the enemy in front of the gate and turning until you enter the security room. Go up the stairs and keep lower, you will be able to avoid the guards. In the detention room, disable the cameras and escort the target out,
52 - Love and Radar
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
You will need to go to the Militech base near the Lone Star Motel in Cyberpunk 2077, we advise you to make your entrance from the southwest and enter the gray container. Climb to the top and pass the fence, so you will avoid all the safety measures present. Go to the garage and get into the vehicle, get into fourth gear and run without stopping.
View of the Ray
53 - Old Friends
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Target Karubo Bairei, in the kitchen behind the bar. Enter the back with the Technical Ability to have the road cleared. If you can't, you will be left with the only chance to enter the front door and sneak away when the bartender walks away. Get Karubo out from behind, take him out if he's alive or leave him in in case he's dead.
54 - Risk
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
Go to La Cartina, aim for the underground. You will be able to open the back door of the Technical Capacity or the garage gate by force. In case you can't, there is a roof window that will suit you. You will enter a corridor with a sentry and need to use the elevator or stairs. You can also evaluate the main entrance, distracting the enemy and continuing up the stairs. Once you arrive in the basement neutralize the two Valentinos in their respective rooms, then grab Jim Greyer's shard from the table. Then go out by retracing your steps.
55 - Bring me the Head of Gustavo Orta
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Go to the complex and take the lift to the XNUMXnd floor, your target is Gustavo Orta. Using the intercom, in case you have the street life background you can easily enter. You can either force the door and wait for the Valentinos to be distracted, enter the shutter in the alley and jump, deactivating the cameras and continuing until the enemy near the pool table is knocked out, in the latter case you can use the double jump to arrive directly at the correct ledge. Once you meet Gustavo, decide whether to kill him or listen to him, in the latter case he will escape and you can go back without his men attacking you. In case you knock him out without killing him, retracing your steps will be quite complex.
56 - Private Collection of Senor Ladrillo
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Theft
Go to Cyberpunk 2077's Dicky Twister, you'll need the shard upstairs. With enough strength you can get on the dumpster and quickly get to the room with the offending desk, otherwise you will have to decide how to move. You will have the opportunity to force a door to the south, open one to the east with the Tech Skill, or enter the entrance using the Tech Skill to pretend to be an audio man. The last resort is to pay to enter. In all cases except the first you will find yourself in a corridor, you'll have to get past the sentry and disable the cameras. Climb up and pass the glass panel to see the desk, from the left you will find a camera and a Valentinos to be knocked out, then take the data and exit the double door leading to the balcony, you'll have to jump down.
57 - The Masterpiece
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Recovery
You will have to take a car from the Sixths, entering with a Strength check from the garage, front door, back door, or open gate. You can enter under the pits of vehicles so as not to be seen, you will have to overcome several enemies to reach the stairs, taking care of the one at the top and the one at the bottom. Then enter the office and use the virus, then go out and get Jake's audio, avoid doing damage in the guide to complete the secondary objective.
58 - Fifth Column
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
You will need to steal data on the top floor of the El Pinche Pollo restaurant, going through the door on the left with the Technical Ability (after stopping the camera and distracting the guard) or asking the Valentino on guard if he is Jack's friend and if he can let you pass (You will need to have completed the Heroes mission). Above there will be a guard on the phone and a camera, once you have the data stolen and exit the window.
59 - Psicofan
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Theft
Take the elevator to the seventeenth floor and use the Technical Capacity to enter 1702, or go up the stairs to the right and enter the roof. The guitar to pick up is upstairs, in a room full of memorabilia, scan the photo on the bedside table and enter 2065 to pass. You can also use the Physicist to force the door, or the Intelligence to hack the PC in the bedroom, but you will always activate the alarm in the first case and if you fail also in the second.
60 - Eye for an Eye
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Target Tucker Albach, in a guarded condominium, you can easily enter from the back with the Technical Capability, the east side is the other option but it is well guarded. Security is on the ground floor only, reach the stairs after passing or neutralizing them and use the fridge as a distraction for Tucker's guard. In the office of the woman will start a conversation, you can also not kill her by taking a payment from the safe.
61 - It goes up or down
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
Go to the Cyberpunk 1 Mega Building 2077, in the underground area by going right after the stairs. You will have to take out El Gallo, who is constantly following a path, you can also leave him alone by sneaking the scandium from the cassette in the elevator. Another option is to talk to him without threatening him, ask him if he has the scandium bars and say they won't be needed in this state, then deny, or use technical proficiency.
62 - Under Close Watch
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sicario
Go to the storage room at the Cyberpunk 2 Mega Building 2077 and target Jose, upstairs. We advise you to enter the fence to the west and go up the ladder, bypass the guard and use the Technical Ability to continue, taking down Jose from behind. In case you don't have enough attribute you can go through the hole in the wall to the east and disable the camera, take out the guard and continue to the warehouse. Wait for the Valentinos to finish talking and take them out one by one, then go up the stairs until you reach the goal. Read the messages on the computer and go out with him if he's alive, or alone if you've killed him.
63 - The Lord Gives, The Lord Takes Away
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Recovery
Go to the garage to steal an SUV, climb over the fence if you have enough Physic to force the garage door, remembering to disable the camera. Otherwise, you can climb to the roof from the fence and then descend through the blocked opening, which you can open with the Technical Skill. The last way is to get over the east wall and neutralize the Valentinos by going into the hole in the floor behind the car and continuing from there. Whatever your path has been, knock out the enemies and escape by vehicle.
64 - Burning goods
Reputation Level Needed: 4 | Type: Rescue of a Mercenary
You will first need to log into the electronics store, we advise you not to go through the main door as you will be immediately identified. Instead, you can open the garage gate or door with your Physical or Technical Skills, arriving in the warehouse. You will also have the opportunity to open the south shutter and arrive in the office instead, approach the two thugs to start a conversation and return to the office, then pass them to the warehouse. Here you will have to neutralize the enemies to get to the south stairs. There is only one Animal in this place once this is done only Rebecca will remain. You can avoid killing it, you will still have to put it in the trunk of the Fixer.
65 - Lack of Empathy
Reputation Level Needed: 1 | Type: Sabotage
Go north to Memorial Plaza, from the public entrance on the left you must first drop your weapons, but not by the back door on the right. You can use a power jump to get to the mission window right away. From the main entrance, use the stairs and keep an eye on the guards, continuing to the server room. From the back door you will have to go south instead, up to the stairs with a single enemy, go up two floors to reach the objective. Neutralize the Animal and infect the computer, retrieve the weapons before running away in case you have deposited them.
66 - Serial Suicide
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Theft
You will have to steal data from a computer, clashes will cause the arrival of many enemies. From the west you can use the Technical Ability to open a door, or enter the security room to continue through the grate or one of the two doors. In the corridor you will find a civilian that you can save, in any case, you will have to go left. Neutralize the enemy and go down the stairs, disabling the camera. Below you stop the man at the computer and the camera, steal the data and retrace your steps.
67 - An Uncomfortable Killer
Reputation Level Needed: 2 | Type: Sicario
You will need to go to the 7th Cyberpunk 2077 Club for Jack Masseur, using the background from Street Life with the guard outside or paying. With the Technical Ability you can instead take advantage of the elevator to the east, remember to reach the security room to disable all the cameras, entering however will require you to deal with an enemy and sufficient Technical Ability. The enemy is in the VIP area, enter the dance floor room and take the stairs to go upstairs, silently pass the worker when he moves. Go into the window and enter the opening in the floor to reach the bathroom. When you meet him he will speak to you, tell him you want to talk and he must leave town for the best result, or you can kill or stun it.
68 - The Follies of Councilor Cole
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Theft
You will have to infiltrate Cyberpunk 2077's Gold Beach Street going unnoticed, from the water everything will be easier. Once you get to the port, go up the ladder and bypass the guard, deactivate the camera and enter the security room through the window. Download the recordings and get back in the water.
69 - Laboratory Guinea Pigs
Reputation Level Needed: 3 | Type: Sicario
Target Joanne Koch at Cyberpunk 2077's Biotechnica hotel. Avoid the well-guarded main entrance by choosing the door on the east or west side to open with the Technical Ability to reach the elevator. The other option is to go right into the bar when you go unnoticed. Go to the security room and you can disable the cameras. Continue up the elevator to the 243th floor where there will be several guards to attend to. Go to the attic XNUMX and with the Technical Ability open the door or go up the stairs and enter the apartment through the roof. Joanne is immersed in Braindance, kill her or wake her up. In the second case he will ask you to make a backup of his session, if you don't he will try to escape, if you accept he will call the guards. If you stun her, you'll need to take her to the roof instead, where there are two guards.