Inside cyberpunk 2077, registered work CD Project Red recently arrived on the market, the player is faced with different enemies of all kinds from this universe Cyberpunk. Among these, we also find i Cyberpsychopaths, that is, those who have lost their minds and are currently a big problem for society due to their aggressiveness. These are very fearsome opponents who could KO you at any time, so better not chase them too much and wait until you have upgraded V enough. In this Cyberpunk 2077 guide to Cyberpsychopaths however, we want to explain where to find them, how they work and how many there are.
For more information on the game, we refer you to our specific section of Cyberpunk 2077, here is the link to access it, we also attach below all our guides on the game.
- Guide to all love affairs in the game
- Complete guide to all Tarot graffiti
- Guide to trophies and Platinum
- Guide to the endings and how to unlock them
- Guide to all legendary and unique weapons
- Guide to all legendary and unique armor
- Complete guide to the skills, attributes and talents of the game
- Complete guide to all vehicles in the game
- Complete guide to all bosses in the game
- Complete Guide to All Cyberpsychopaths
- Drive the Porsche 911 and Johnny Silverhand's pistol for the Samurai Jacket
- Guide on how to repair your car
- Guide on how to make money quickly
- Guide for quick travel and points on the map
- Guide to creating objects
- Guide on how to get infinite money in Cyberpunk 2077
- Here are some builds that are ideal for the game
- Guide on how to take the Akira inspired motorcycle
- Guide on how to unlock the secret ending
- Guide for resetting Skills, Attributes and Talents
- Beat on the Brat side mission guide
- The Prophet's Song side mission guide
- I Fought the Law side mission guide
- Tune Up & Epistrophy side mission guide
- The Beast in Me side mission guide
- Complete Guide to all Contracts
- Guide to the choices to be made in the story
- Complete Guide to Legendary Cyberware
- Guide to all websites related to missions
- Guide to the Colombario and who you can find us
- Guide to the most interesting Easter Eggs
- Guide to all side missions
- Complete guide to hacking and hacks
Before leaving you to guide, we remind you that in the following text you could read some major or minor spoilers related to Cyberpunk 2077, regarding various playful sections and different details on the story created by CD Projekt Red. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution before completing the game's campaign in its entirety.
Within the title there are a total of 17 Cyberpsychopaths, well spread over the entire surface of Night City. These, as already mentioned, are quite difficult to deal with, so be prepared to use your weapons correctly and hack the surrounding areas, as well as having to escape in case of approaching death. You will discover their existence after talking - in the initial stages of the game - with Regina, who will ask you to KO them all
For the rest you will only have to turn to Night City and among the events that will take place nearby you will happen to note the presence of a Cyberpsychopath, who will have to be defeated through a fight. Then you just have to warn through your mobile Regina, to progress in the aforementioned mission until they have all been knocked out. So here is the list of all Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpsychopaths divided by zones, with advice on how to defeat them.
Little China - Alec Johnson
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". It is located in a warehouse near the shore, you can access it from a street adjacent to the river. USA a heavy machine gun for long distances, but it is also very dangerous in melee thanks to its arms, which tends to use once he reaches 50% health. Make good use of the shelters in his arena and equip yourself with a shotgun - as well as some quick hacks useful for the occasion - since it will get very close in the second phase of the fight.
Demons of War - Matt Liaw
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". You will find it in one road under construction between Kabuki and Japan Town. He prefers his sniper rifle and long range weapons, to put him in difficulty you will therefore have to approach (we advise you to sneak from the left side).
Help is Coming - Mower
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". Go toresidential building next to the Allen Street River, in the area isolated from the Militechs. The opponent tends to do fast movements and to blend in, remember that you will not be able to take shelter in the main atrium. Thanks to the EMP you can reveal it, try to be resistant to electrical damage for the occasion.
Bloody Ritual - Zaria Hughes
You will need to have completed Playing for Time and arrive in the night, after 20:00. It is located in Northside, in the Maelstorm Territory. It is an opponent who attacks with blades and ranged weapons, it can also blind you during the fight, try to keep her at a distance to make sure she only uses her gun.
Where the Bodies Fall to the Ground - Ellis Carter
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". It is located near Totetanz, in a dead end street, you can take her from behind with a sneak attack to inflict massive damage. He uses a machete to fight closely and manages to dodge the bullets.
Underground - Lely Hein
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". Follow the train tracks to reach the place, is lurking at the end of the path and is ready to play hide and seek, use a sniper rifle and make the most of the shelters.
Dance with Death - Diego Ramirez
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". He uses a shotgun and can teleport, blinding him with the specific hack you will be able to defeat him without too many problems, take advantage of the short range of his weapon to repair yourself and recover life when necessary.
Lex Talionis - Spaceboy
You will need to have completed “Transmission”. You will need to open the garage door north of the Grand Imperial Mall. The enemy has several allies on his side and will put you in trouble for this, try to destroy them one at a time by progressing slowly.
The Wasteland - Euralio Alma
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". It is located in the camp near the indicated place, you will have to try to hit the battery on his back, and then continue the battle with firearms.
Second Chance - Zion Wylde
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". Once you reach the second car to the east you will be attacked, the enemy is on a platform. You can engage it from a distance or approach it slowly from the side of the rocks, in the latter case remember to defuse the laser mines near the platform, if you don't take it down quickly it will try to escape.
House on the Hill - Sam Milton
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". Located on a guarded farm surrounded by laser mines, you can enter from the broken side of the fence. The psycho is in the garage and will attack you right away with a shotgun, pay attention to the car since can make it explode, which is likely to KO you, but remember that you can proceed the same way.
Santo Domingo
Economic Doctor - Chase Coley
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". In the courtyard of the clinic in Rancho Coronado, you will meet the psychopath while fighting with a guard, make the most of the grenades immediately after it is defeated.
Too Little, Too Late - Tamara Cosby
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". In the underpass south of Mega Building 4, you will find it in front of the entrance to the camp. He will use a lot of quick hacks and throw turrets at you, turn them off before it's too late. It's not very fast and close range combat might be for you.
Words in the Wind - Cedric Muller
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". It is located in a parking lot, in the lower part. Use a shotgun, therefore try to keep your distance as much as possible, but remember that can be cured, wait for it to do so before dealing a massive amount of damage.
The Phantom of Night City - Norio Akuhara
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". In an alley with various Tyger Claws bikes, gang that will help him in the fight. You can mark it so as not to get confused as soon as you meet its gaze, he will use a blade at first (so keep your distance), but it will then switch to firearms, try to eliminate all the other enemies first.
Jealous Hearts - Dao Hyunh
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". You will find it on the balcony of a restaurant, use only a gun and you can use your advantage by shooting it right away, before it reaches you and becomes downright lethal.
Letter of the Law - Gaston Philips
You will need to have completed "The Rescue". Enter the enclosure through the open door, beware of the many mines and traps. It is located on the back, it's very fast and running you could stumble upon mines if you don't remove them all. Fortunately, the area also offers various shelters-