Despite the various controversies raised towards theInside Xbox of 7 May concerning above all the lack of real gameplay scenes as promised by the House of Redmond, we certainly cannot say that the event was not full of announcements! Microsoft has in fact shown one trailer after another, bringing back disappeared IPs, like Scorn, but also inserting new goodies, like the one we're going to talk about today. One of the first announcements was indeed Chorus, new singleplayer title developed by Deep Silver Fishlabs.
After having released a spectacular trailer that showed, albeit in speed, what could be the potential of Xbox Series X, Deep Silver has revealed some very interesting details on what will be the plot of the title and also on what some mechanics of the production could be, without obviously revealing too much information, which will surely be revealed as we get closer to the release.
The circle
Starting from plot of the brand new combat shooter set in space developed by Deep Silver, we know that it will revolve around a story of redemption. The Chorus campaign will in fact follow the events of Nara, a dangerous pilot who once belonged to a dangerous criminal organization and, indeed, according to the details released, she should even be one of the person to whom her foundation is owed. Nara, probably following a traumatic event, decides that the Circle - this is the name of the dark cult - must be destroyed and this arduous task will fall to her. Fortunately, Nara will not be alone and to accompany her in this dangerous mission we will find Forsaken, a sentient spaceship.
From what we glimpsed in the trailer, it wasn't hard to understand that Deep Silver has decided to focus on a 'setting decidedly gloomy and that, at least as far as the artistic direction is concerned, it seemed to us a lot inspired by Control, 2019's third-person shooter developed by Remedy Entertainment. Thanks to the statements of the developers we also know that the title will also allow us to explore space stations and some "places that are far beyond our understanding".
As mentioned above, Forsaken is the name of the Nara ship on which the gameplay. From what emerges from the trailers and from the details released later through the official Chorus website, we know that Nara will be able to rely on extremely lethal equipment, composed of the different weaponry available to the spacecraft. In the course of the adventure, Nara will also be able to unlock several ability related to extra-sensory perception, al teleportation and telekinesis. The player will then be able to chain Forsaken's weapons and Nara's abilities to face opposing ships and, according to the development team, create spectacular clashes.
Chorus, as reiterated several times during the presentation at the Inside Xbox and the trailer shown, will run with a resolution of 3840 x 2160, so 4K, and i 60 FPS. Thanks to the presentation video we were also able to take a first look at the technology Ray-Tracing of Xbox Series X, which will obviously be used in Chorus allowing developers to work much more efficiently on the lights and shadows of the environments, without forgetting the excellent work done on reflections and particle effects.
In short, Chorus is certainly one of the most interesting titles presented at the Inside Xbox and, above all, one of those of which we could have a concrete taste. We can only wait for more news from Deep Silver Fishlabs, which will probably arrive by the end of this year. We also remind you that the title is expected for 2021 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia. In case you are interested, we also invite you to retrieve our article in which we summarize all the titles shown at the event on May 7th.