After a long wait, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is finally on the market and, as easily imagined, the work turned out to be simply gigantic. As per tradition for the various home productions Ubisoft - find the review at the following link -, once again the game will allow all interested to go in search of an enormous number of collectibles including the so-called Mysteries also appear, which can be presented in the following types: Tumoli, Altars of offerings, Mysteries in motion, Treasures of Great Britain, Events, Legendary Beasts, The lost Drengr, Daughter of Lerion, Anomalies of the Animus, Flying Agarics, Monoliths. Ledecestrescire contains a total of 13 Mysteries, which are automatically marked with a blue icon once synchronized through the observation points, and to try to help you find them all we have decided to make this guide.
Hoping that the text will be useful to you, we refer you to our section specifically dedicated to Assassin's Creed Valhalla, where there is further in-depth material.
Ready to discover all the Mysteries of the game? You can consult our dedicated text at the following link.
Before leaving you to the text, we remind you that in the following lines you may find some major or minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, regarding some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully, especially if you have not finished the game in its entirety.
1st Mystery - Jungulf
Start the "duel" with Jungulf. The three options you will have to choose are the following:
- 1st dialogue - Option number 2
- 2st dialogue - Option number 3
- 3st dialogue - Option number 1
2nd Mystery - World Event
You will need to find bear testicles and lichens. For the latter, break through the breach behind you and go to the other side to find them. For bear testicles, on the other hand, just head west until you find a bear's den; kill him and take his testicles. Bring it all to the alchemist to drink a potion that will end up in a deep hole in Grantebridgescire. Go back to the Alchemist and talk to him to complete the Mystery.
3rd Mystery - Agaric
Go through the gate that points to the seal. Once this is done, move on to the one that will appear immediately before you and follow the process for all five times required.
4th Mystery - Tumolo of stones
Move the camera to shape the required image.
5th Mystery - World Event (A Dance of Fists and Oaths)
If you have reached the 3rd Charisma Level, you will immediately get the password and you can proceed. If not, move to the back of the building, climb onto the wooden platform and read the note placed on the tree. At this point, talk to the guard who controls the entrance and you can enter the Fight Club. Beat the three challengers and you will have completed the Mystery.
6th Mystery - Altar of the Offerings
Offer three rabbit legs.
7th Mystery - World Event (The Ledecestrescire Sauce)
Get an eel for the "sauce". Fortunately, the man who'll give you the task lives near a stream full of eels, so getting one - you can use a fishing rod or just use an arrow - will be very easy. Go back to the man and you will have completed the event.
8th Mystery - Cairn
Stack the rocks to get the required shape
9th Mystery - World Event (Ax Sisters)
Get the church key hidden behind a rock overlooking the building's entrance. Talk to the woman you find inside and follow her to a field located to the southeast. Kill the occupants and loot the shepherd, then follow the woman back to a river. Here kill the wolves present, cross the river and talk to the girl to complete the Mystery.
10th Mystery - World Event (Stink of Beer)
Enter the cave and kill as many vipers as possible, then loot them to get their eggs. Once this is done, continue on the nearby path until you meet a woman. Offer her four eggs and you have completed the event
11th Mystery - World Event (The Twit Saga, Part 1)
Equip a torch and throw it on the thatched roof of the house. Follow the brothers to the door, move to the back of the building and move the cabinet to gain access to the mansion. Once inside, search on the table, then among the barrels and finally in the bags (placed behind a wooden panel). Once this is done, use the key and exit the house; talk to the brothers and you will have completed the event.
12th Mystery - World Event (Tamworth's Woman in White)
Attack the man placed on the staircase in front of the door and he will start to escape. Complete the dialogue and kill the Saxon who decides to face you.
13th Mystery - Anomaly Animus
Complete the platform section to get the Data Pack
14th Mystery - World Event (Skald's Lament)
Follow the man to a field where you have to kill all the enemies. Finally, escort the man back to his settlement.
15th Mystery - World Event (The Last Leaf of Autumn)
Talk to the girl then hit the leaf with an arrow.
16th Mystery - The Old Guardian
Talk to the man to get the key to his house, located near the huge tree in Repton. Loot the house, return what you have found to the man and you will have completed the Mystery.