Having trouble with Assassin's Creed Origins Stone Circles? Then this guide is just for you. To start this mission you need to complete the main quest called “The False Oracle”. There are 12 stone circles, you will get XP varying depending on the circles obtained, the goal is to align the stars. Having found all the circles, Bayek will return to the circle of Amun again to complete the mission finale. Just find any circle to start the related mission "Bayek's Promise". Before concluding the quest it is advisable to collect as much silica as possible, at least 50 units, which will come in handy to activate a mechanism that you will find later in the story, exactly in the Sphinx.
As soon as you arrive in Siwa head south you will find the stone circle of Amun, which is not the one that Bayek visited with his son.
On top of a cliff on the border with Fayyum you can find this stone circle. The constellation is located on the left of Amon.
To the north east of the Imen name, more precisely to the west of the Sekhmet temple you will find the stone circle of the Divine Lion.
The stone circle of Hathor is located in the name of Ka-Khem, you will have to go to the east coast of the larger island, exactly in the central part.
To find this circle you will have to go west of the Isolated Desert, passing the tomb of the nomads you should find some steps. Go up and you will come to a base, at this point you just need to turn east towards the cliff.
First you will have to go to the name of Uab in the north-central area, once again the circle will be on the cliff.
In the Oasis of the White Desert, on the west coast of the upper lake you can find this circle.
Go to the Qattara Depression, head east of the western mountains, on the west side of a path you will find the stone circle.
Here we are in Fayyum, to take the circle go to the swamp to the east and then along the lake to the east of Philadelphia.
Still in Fayyum but this time to the west, go to the lake, you will find the circle after following a path to the north.
Again in the name of Uab on the northeast part, you will find the circle not far from the bank of the Nile and in the northern part of a branch of the river.
Go to the name of Iment, head northwest towards the Mareotide lake, west of this you will find the circle.
During the trip to Amun, Khemu stated that he wanted to find all 12 circles and the Sphinx. To complete the first part of the promise it will be necessary to return to Amon and place the last stone to complete the mission "The false oracle". At this point it will be necessary to travel to Giza from the Sphinx. The entrance is at the back, follow the path, collect the treasures and the flint that you will find, then go down to the depths until you reach a large door. Whenever you complete a circle, a light will illuminate the diorama. Completed the diorama you can lift it to discover a cave that will lead you to a mechanism that can be activated with 50 pieces of silica. Only then will you be free to go out.
This concludes our guide on stone circles, we hope we have been useful to you. If you want to know ours on Assassin's Creed Origins, we refer you to our dedicated review. Stay connected with us so as not to miss other guides.