The shrines inside The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild they are points of reference that, as you continue in the adventure, you will meet along your way. Many of them are labyrinths or, in any case, very complex structures. This guide will reveal how to solve all the Shrines of the Tower of the Twin Mountains.
The shrine serves as an intro to the effects of the wind on your paraglider and is located east of the origins tower, just south of the path leading to the Twin Mountains, just before the Hylia River. Go up the stairs to the left, then make a wide glide across the room to get to a chest. Then cross the room again in the same way using the fan on your left. The last fan will make it easier for you to fly to the altar. Try making a detour to the right to get the second chest. When you get to the altar platform, put the paraglider back to prevent the speed from pushing you into the abyss.
West of the Twins' stables, in a small pond you will find the shrine surrounded by quills. From the southwestern plateau he could glide and reach it. Use glacyor to generate ice blocks that will allow you to go through the first two entrances. As soon as it's done, turn around and with the same method get to the top platform to get the chest. When you are in the main room you will have to create other blocks by placing them in a way that can guide the spheres towards the concave spaces.
HIRO HIRA SACRARY - shrine challenge: don't step on the flowers
North of the tower of the Twin Mountains, on the islet of the beach of flowers you will find the shrine. To get there you have to walk slowly through the Ocoba flower labyrinth without touching any of them. If you can't, you can always create updrafts using fire and glide directly at the entrance. At this point, cross the stream by climbing on the wooden raft which, if necessary, you can block with stasys. Similarly proceed to the second stream, trying to stop to retrieve the chest at the bottom using kalamitron. When you get to the last room, make a block to get the second chest out of the water, then make another block near the cracked rocks and climb on it, throw a bomb and get to the altar.
It is positioned under the north peak of the Twin Mountains. The puzzle to be solved is similar to that of the Shibe Niiro shrine. You have to rearrange the spheres in order to reproduce the configuration of the shrine. You have 25 housings in front of you divided into five rows of five housings each to position the balls, starting from the first row at the top, counting from left to right, the balls are to be arranged as follows: first row second housing, second row fourth housing, third first row housing, fourth row third housing, fifth row fifth housing. Before concluding by interacting with the altar, use the elevator to reach the observation base, then glide over to the chest behind the wall next to the elevator.
Opposite each other, on the southern peak of the Twin Mountains. As mentioned before, here too there is a puzzle to position the spheres, and here too we will tell you how to do it, same scheme of 25 housings, five out of five rows starting from the first at the top: first row fifth housing, second row first housing, third row second housing, fourth row fourth housing, fifth row second housing. Like the other, before interacting with the altar, go down to the observation base and glide to the chest behind the wall next to the elevator.
It is located between the Twin Mountains on the road that overlooks the north bank of the river. Step on the switch on the floor, a sphere will slide into the housing and activate a platform that will lead you to the next stage. Climb on another switch on the floor and a new sphere will appear and move towards the end of the first platform, but be careful to move from the switch just before it reaches its destination to allow the sphere itself to slow down so it doesn't fall. When the sphere is positioned in the hollow you can climb on the moving platform to continue the path. Climb on the switch again to release the sphere. When it is about to reach the end of the platform, drop off the switch. This movement of yours will cause the platform to move upwards to act as a springboard, so that the sphere can reach the recess. At this point another platform will lead you to the platform you have just used. Before reaching the altar, lift the metal barrel with kalamitron and place it on the switch you pressed last, in doing so the platform will rise and give access to the chest.
Located on the hill northeast of the Calbarico village, following the directions on the screen, it will explain some of the key features of the fight. In the first room there are two chests and another stands along the way to the altar.
RAHNA ROKI SACRARY - shrine challenge: the stolen sphere
By sliding a sphere into the pedestal east of the Calbaric village, in the forest to the south near the source of the radiant fairy, you will reveal this shrine. The needed sphere is near Impa, inside his house in the village itself, and you will get it after solving the three challenges called “In search of the cuddles”, “The fireflies in the eyes” and “At the source of the fairy”. Once you have completed the quests, go to Impa's house where a cinematic and the challenge of the “The Stolen Sphere” shrine will start. At this point, sit comfortably by the fire and wait for the night to arrive. At around 22pm one of the guard soldiers named Dorian will leave his post, follow him at a safe distance using the stealth effect for the duration of the stalking, until he reaches the pedestal east of the village. When he stops to ask someone to be seen, approach him so that a cutscene starts. Defeat the Yiga big shot and you will receive the orb. When you are in the shrine go to the altar and on the way open the chests.
It is located southeast of the Twin Mountains, along the stream that springs from the main river, but is hidden behind rocks that you will destroy by shooting an arrow bomb from the opposite bank. You can also throw it a little higher into the stream and wait for the current to carry it past the rocks and then detonate it. Inside the shrine, interact with the first terminal and start a gyroscope-based puzzle. It involves aligning the pillars horizontally to create a bridge that connects the other platform. Putting the controller upside down you will see the opposite side of the pillar where a chest is hidden. The second puzzle consists of aligning three groups of stairs and then directing them with the floor plan controller so that they form a bridge with the next platform. To tackle the third puzzle you have to reach the chest on the opposite side of the structure and then flip the controller. Now maneuver for access to both the chest and for the ability to jump back to the terminal. Open the chest that contains the key that will unlock the final door. At this point, position the rotating device so that the stairs slide down from their starting position, maneuver slightly by orienting them until you create a bridge that leads to the closed door, open and go to the altar.