This colossus of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild it looks like a dromedary. Starting from the teleportation point, go to the nanoguardian, defeat him and go up to the top of the ramp, destroy the eye to gain access to the main hall. Go all the way and go up the right ramp to access the colossus map terminal.
From the map it will be evident that you can control three rotating parts of the main hall that for clarity we will call the front ring the one closest to the head, middle ring the one in the center and the rear ring the one towards the tail. Open the menu and rotate the front ring three times. When it stops, go momentarily into the vertical corridor on the right, looking at the head of the colossus. From this position open the menu and rotate the front ring to turn the corridor horizontally so that you are a few steps from the first terminal that you will reach with a jump. Looking around you will see an eye that you have to strike to get rid of the grudge. From where you are, rotate the middle ring so that the first chest is within your reach and that you will easily reach by gliding.
Standing on the edge of the platform where the first chest is, rotate the middle ring and walk along the edge of the moving surface, being careful not to fall. Then drop down on the opposite side next to the second chest. Go to the back of the colossus and you will see a chest hanging from a rope. Block it with stacys, cut the rope and grab it with the kalamitron. Now rotate the three rings so that the power cables are aligned on the top of the frame. You can't get confused because well placed cables will be green, otherwise they will be red. When they are connected, a vertical disk will spin next to the front ring. Enter any opening on the spinning disk and open the third chest. When the rotation has brought you to the top, there is an exit above the colossus' neck. From the top of the spinning disc, glide into the shaft in the center of the disc and reach the bottom, avoiding grudges and laser beams. Hit the eye to get to the chest and return to the top of the spinning disk. Go to the platform where there is a cross-shaped lever and turn it clockwise, this will rotate the small disk to the right. The two discs have an electrode and must be positioned to create a circuit, so turn the lever until you initiate the contact that will raise the neck of the colossus, which in turn will activate a platform that leads upwards. Climb up this platform and get to the top to find the second terminal.
Go back to the main hall. From the back of the spinning disc, drop onto the platform that passes through the disc, when the longer side is to the right of the behemoth, looking at the head. From the edge, jump to the central platform with the green crystal, then proceed until you reach the vent on the opposite side of the main hall. Before interacting with the sliding energy connectors, drop down on either side of the colossus's tail. Glide to the fifth chest below you, then glide further down, precisely the starting point of the maze, then return to the tail and energy connectors. Use the kalamitron to move the energy connectors, two on each side, to create an electrical circuit that will move the colossus' tail up. Rotate any ring in the main hall, this will cut the power and the queue will return to its original position. Go behind the pillar at the tip of the tail, near an electrode. Replace the ring you turned to restore power.
The queue will return to the top but this time you will be above the pillar which will now act as a bridge and will allow you to get to the colossus hump. It is understood that every eye you see will be destroyed, that being said, inside the hump climb the ladder that leads to the platform above the door you entered from. Move the cross-shaped lever until the energy reaches the electrode to activate a platform that leads to the other hump, but that for the moment you don't have to go there. Then take the elevator to go down and watch out for two small platforms halfway between the floors because on one of them is the sixth chest to grab with the kalamitron, or stop the elevator with stasys. On the other platform halfway between the two floors there is an electric sphere, use stasys on the elevator and with the kalamitron take the sphere and drop it downstairs, as you will need it in a while. Take the elevator back to the upper room and use the platform to go to the other hump.
Hit the eye under the platform and clear the third terminal, then take the elevator back and go upstairs. Jump on the sliding platform, the one you used to go into the second hump, to get to the seventh chest in the room with a cross-shaped lever, which you couldn't reach from the opposite side due to grudge. Open the chest, go back to the previous room, take the electric sphere and go up the elevator to return to the ground floor. Destroy the eye in the corner of the room, lift the sphere with the kalamitron and connect it to the electrode above the closed gate. When it opens, enter the room. Take the sphere you see and place it on one of the two pedestals in front of the large closed gate, then retrieve the other and place it on the other pedestal. The gate will open and you will arrive at the fourth terminal. Go back to the room with the elevator that corresponds to the back hump. Do not go up the elevator but exit the room, you are on the back of the colossus, jump to your left, looking at the colossus's head would be the right flank, and glide around the right hind leg to land on the platform placed between the hind and forelegs right.
Walk into the right hind leg structure and enter the cubic room. The terminal is on the opposite wall but to access it you have to turn the back ring once. Interact with the terminal, rotate the back ring three times and exit the cubic room. Walk to the left side of the front ring, looking at the colossus's head and climb up the corridor. You should see two circular openings blocked by breakable rocks on either side. Throw a bomb towards the opening on the right, still looking at the head of the colossus, jump through it to get the eighth chest, then return to the corridor before. Now blow up the other crumbly wall, go through it, follow the path that goes towards the colossus's tail, arrive in a small room in the hind leg and take the ninth chest. Rotate the middle ring twice to align the main control unit horizontally, examine it and fight Ganon's Lightning Wrath boss.