The Falcon and The Winter Soldier it will not be the first branded series Marvel Studios to debut on Disney +, since the latter will be preceded by "WandaVision", Arriving on the streaming platform of the Mickey Mouse house next December 2020. After a long pause, due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the filming of the show is continuing at full speed in Prague and finally a new video has leaked online showing Wyatt Russell's “Captain America” in action against an enemy, at the moment still unknown.
The short video released by the account Instagram of FandimeFilmu.cz, which you can conveniently find at the bottom of the article, allows us to take a closer look at theUS Agent, and to the "character" differences with Steve Rogers. Unlike Chris Evans' "old" Cap, the character played by Wyatt Russell attacks his opponent with vehemence and brutality, thanks to the use of the vibranium shield.
?? The Falcon and The Winter Soldier dál natáčejí v Praze. V novém videu můžete vidět natáčení akční scény s Johnem Walkerem, novým nositelem obleku a štítu Captaina Ameriky. Stavte se u nás na webu fan.im (link je v BIO) kde na vás čeká čerstvý článek s posledními fotkami a podrobnostmi z pražského natáčení. ?? Prague shoot of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier continues. In this new video you can see the shooting of a new action scene with John Walker, aka new Captain America aka US Soldier. Follow us for newest pictures and info from Prague. Visit fand.im (link is in BIO) where you can find a brand new article with new photos from location and new informations. Video by: @michalorsagcz #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier #Marvel #komiks #CaptainAmerica #JohnWalker #Ussoldier #WyattRussell #nataceni # natáčení #behindthescenes #shooting #action #comicbook #shield # šántábfil # film
A post shared by FandimeFilmu.cz (@fandimefilmu) on Oct 16, 2020 at 12:22 pm PDT
Waiting to find out more details on the series, and in particular on the plot and what role Baron Zemo (Daniel Brühl) will have, we remind you that The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is expected to debut exclusively on Disney + in 2021, and will most likely see Falcon (played by Anthony Mackie) go on a long and winding journey alongside Bucky Burnes (Sebastian Stan) before officially becoming the next Captain America.