The official trailer of Project Power, superhero themed film that will arrive exclusively on the platform Netflix. The film in question sees among the protagonists Jamie Foxx in the role of Art,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a New Orleans police detective, Dominique Fishback as a young woman named Robin e Machine Gun Kelly in the role of a person endowed with "flaming" power.
Project Power sees in the control room Ariel Schulman e Henry Joost and was produced by Eric Newman and Bryan Unkeless with a screenplay signed by Mattson Tomlin. You can find the trailer at the head of the article.
The official synopsis of the feature film reads:
In the streets of New Orleans, the rumor has begun to spread of the existence of a mysterious pill that gives superpowers, different for each individual who uses it. The downside: You don't know what's going to happen to you until you catch it. Some people develop bullet resistant skin, others have invisibility or super strength, others have more deadly reactions. But when the Pill sets off a crescendo of crime and plunges the city into grave danger, a local cop (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) joins forces with a teen drug dealer (Dominique Fishback) and a former soldier driven by a desire to revenge (Jamie Foxx) in order to fight power with power, taking the risk of swallowing the pill to find and stop the group that created it. to