Little is missing, we know. The web is in turmoil and all the most important sites in the gaming sector are having their say on what this E3 2017 could offer us. But this year one of the most important companies in the sector could give us some more surprises. We are talking about the mother of Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, our (by me particularly) beloved Bethesda Softworks.
The image you see above belongs to a tweet recently posted by that joker Pete Hines, vice president of Bethesda, who wanted to create some hype in our children's hearts by making us stamp our feet with impatience. In fact, at the sight of this adorable artwork, my gaze fell on that damn detail at the bottom right. Coming Soon. What do you want to tell us Pete? Are you by chance suggesting that during the day of Sunday June 11 will something new be announced? A sequel? A new title? A reboot? The wait is getting exhausting but we hold on. Meanwhile, let's start with some speculation.
Let's get our hands on: there is a possibility that part of the event Bethesda is dedicated to some healthy complacency about the good sales of Prey. So let's get ready to put up with several minutes of “how good we were” also because a little vanity is always good for us, especially when we reach such important goals.
According to the latest rumors, too Quake champions will have its space during the convention, perhaps with the presentation of a beta which could attract the attention of many gamers. Returning to the mysterious yards of Bethesdaland, in addition to a completely new title, the appearance of two really important titles is also to be expected: Wolfenstein The New Colossus and the second chapter of horror that has divided fans of the genre in two, that is The Evil Within 2. I am a person full of hope and should a second chapter of The Evil Within be announced I could start screaming like a XNUMX year old at the One Direction concert. I'm part of that large group of people who loved the first chapter, with its strengths and weaknesses (guys, we're talking about Shinji Mikami).
There are also high hopes for the announcement of a Fallout: New Vegas 2, or on the communication of some news on the much inflated The Elder Scrolls. Unfortunately, regarding these last two titles, a teaser trailer is to be expected but, trying to be very realistic, we can't hope for the announcement of a release date. We poor fans of Fallout we can not help but wait for the announcement of a second chapter of one of the most successful side-titles of the franchise. Vault-Tec's please stand by message appears in our dreams every night.
It is clear that the expectations that the public has on Bethesda are mainly focused on the release of a reboot or a sequel to one of its franchises., yet there is a distant echo that gives hope for the release of a new title, which perhaps could become a new saga in the future. Let's face it, the success of Prey was almost like a bolt from the blue and above all showed how much this company can give to the public, so it would be nice to be able to undertake a completely new adventure with the brand of this historic house, which too often tends to rest on its laurels and fall back several times on titles with “guaranteed” success, such as Elder Scrolls. Come on Bethesda, dare a little more because we will love you anyway!
In short, in Bethesdaland anything is possible and to find out what this immense playground will offer us we should wait for 18.30 pm (American time) on Sunday 11 June. Here we will enjoy the show on June 12 at 03:30 in the morning. Most of us will spend a night battling sleep or, if you are like me, you will use your insomnia to find out what dear Bethesda has in store for us.