Dark Souls è difficult. This is one of the most classic accompanying phrases with which the title was framed, at least in his own first years of life. Certainly this is not its primary characteristic, we well know the way in which this saga (including Demon's Souls) has treated the very first pioneers and explorers, even in other respects. Yet over time, to the detriment of anyone legend subway, it was the charm to prevail over a particularity that, at least according to what it seems, still today takes victims. Over the years, then, the medium has undergone an important transformation, arriving at a powerful one massification of video games, which has dramatically amplified their use. They were therefore the new consumers to lay the foundations for the subsequent production of the market in question, a market that from a certain moment onwards managed to elevate the aforementioned saga, making its issues virtues and symbologies.
Many gamers, especially in this period, have been attracted to the so-called "souls like". The launch of the Playstation 5, accompanied by the "remake" of Demon's Souls, progenitor of this school, has opened the gates of a hated as much loved Boletaria to all the fragile hearts of new consumers, ready to invest their money and time in a business that 10 years ago he made many brave people shed bitter tears. The fear towards these titles, in fact, he was not only fueled by the way in which his worlds were written and drawn, but also and above all by their difficulties, from the fact that they did not care in any way to accompany the player in the adventure, catapulting him from the beginning into the most indefinite danger. Certainly it was not too artificial a difficulty and with a minimum of study, attention and a lot of patience the situation became quite enough. decipherable, to the point of being overcome even with ease.
Then the tree. The first Dark Souls, for a whole host of implications social e commercial, dramatically amplified the curiosity towards these titles, breaking the limits built with the first niche of fans and leading to a very important caution general… yet the difficulty remained; such and such, net. A wall that, without the necessary precautions, was ready to crush the experience in two. Curiously, however, even thelove towards the work of Miyazaki he continued to grow undisturbed, fueled by a whole new passion, and by less fear. At least in appearance.
To be or not to be?
The fruition expansion of video games has also led to consumerist implications previously unknown. Probably thanks to the increase inmiddle age of those who play and the greatest availability of money personnel, in many cases there was a increase in purchases, without however concrete playful developments. Put simply, very few gamers engage in a video game until the end. It is as if the general attention of consumers is reduced to minimum, pushed by a fame that fails - and probably does not want to - materialize fully. This phenomenon is easily noticeable with the Souls, especially by analyzing the percentages completion of their trophies.
Yet the web remains chock full of "experts" ready to swear that they have finished the game without suffering any damage, ready to give you the most detailed advice in case of help, ready to insult you where you are unable to advance, ready to boast of their abilities as "adventurers". Is platinizing a game like Dark Souls that essential? No. But how much it affects the difficulty, sometimes even suffocating, of these video games on the various runs faced and above all on that "golden patina" to cover elitism of the most toxic enthusiasts?
Be a expert it means having faced something, even several times, studying its angles, characteristics and features in detail, knowing every nuance. However, the completion percentages they speak for themselves… what does this mean? It means that all the "entertaining" possibilities we are available, in many cases have created something unexpected: enthusiasts who have built a love towards something, without but get in touch with it all the way.
This is a rather widespread phenomenon on the web. You look a video of your favorite youtuber and then posing as an expert. The to prefer the vision of a difficult game on the internet can be linked to infinite motivations subjective, which however acquire a twisted charm when a real vision is built from the vision mask. Here is the typical difficulty of the Dark Souls DON'T it is actually addressed, but completely contained by different means. All this should make us reflect not only on the game in question and on the way it was built, but on the importance that is given to the game. own image, at this point drawn of false appearances. Certainly the difficulty remains one of the many elements to feed this particular implication social, which here assumes a centrality, too emotional and curiously introspective.
The importance of the challenge
Difficulty remains one of the elements stations in a video game. There challenge towards something complex, getting involved, risk, defeat and advancement. These are all characteristics basic existing since the very first works built within the sector. Obviously this should be outlined in a certain way, following some guidelines that allow an approach, or maybe a growth by the player himself, who puts his body and soul into it. If you work hard, come prize, this is the fulcrum of the gaming experience. There must not be too much sadism, nor a meaningless construction, too artificial, in conclusion. Reaching a treasure with all the difficulties involved can, on the one hand, inspire and frustrate on the other. Therefore a "right difficulty" is built around the possibility of one success not only personal but also practical, material and emotional.
Starting from all this, one can choose to build a personal "expertise", one growth curve which, attempt after attempt, inspires you one awareness, also automated, different from before; you can choose to follow guide e online advice, or simply to give up. In many cases, in fact, the difficulty only limits the progress, it limits the want to continue, especially when excessive. Spending hours and hours against a boss, walking and retracing the exact same places to try to get something, can easily putty, limiting the expressive possibilities of what is in front of you.
With Dark Souls, for example, from the very beginning you are catapulted into a open world, in a world that does not oblige us to follow any path, even if its own voice it becomes clear from the very first attempts at exploration. Having to necessarily learn it can be seen as a limiting and partly redundant choice. Of course, here we end up in the "subjective" dimension of those who choose to venture into such experiences. However, the current one remains curious interpretation of a difficulty that remains identical to its past. Exit the Playstation 5, the "remake" of Demon's Souls comes out and many buy it, perhaps the same ones who at the time mistreated it for its difficulties too high e punitive. Now these same people, however, take it curiously, following a whole phenomenon social e consumerist, far from the technical properties of a video game that remains quite aged badly.
Here is that fashion he changes everything, he succeeds in his cyclicality (this thing is especially noticeable in the tailoring sector with styles that keep returning from the past) to propose products that we know, reinterpreting them in a key that exploits one new view, but at the same time identical, developed through other elements. Letting yourself be guided by the products in the spotlight outlines a whole series of typical attitudes of contemporary consumer, who sometimes puts aside personal taste by shaping it into something else (or had he put it aside at the beginning following the legends?). Now everyone, or almost everyone, loves Demons' Souls, a video game of the past that also opens the curiosity towards the other Souls. All they want to face the difficulty, even artificial in some moments. All follow in the wake of a success next, putting aside the previous fear. Everyone, absolutely everyone, rediscovers a modern love previously disgusted and now raised almost to status symbol ... will it all be true?