Resident Evil 7: How to Get the Shotgun [PS4 - Xbox One - PC]
In this guide we see how to unlock two of the weapons present in Resident Evil 7: the M37 shotgun and the M21 shotgun.
Don't forget to also consult the complete Resident Evil 7 cheats and guide card for other useful guides on this game.
In Resident Evil 7 you will see the shotgun already in the early stages of the game, after going through the main hall of the Baker residence. The M37 (working) shotgun is maintained by a statue, but there is a problem.
When you try to get it, a door will lock, which will force you to leave the rifle in place.
To get the M37 shotgun out of the statue you will first need to retrieve the Key of the Scorpio (if you have difficulty follow the guide to find ALL the keys of Resident Evil 7). You will need the key to access the grandmother's room where you will find a rifle similar to the one held by the statue, but broken (this is the M21 rifle).
Grab the broken rifle (M21) and take it to the statue to replace it with the working one (M37) which you can then take with you.
Remember that later in the game you can use a wooden toy shotgun found in the children's room to replace it with the (broken) M21 Shotgun you left on the statue. Then you just need to use a weapon repair kit to have the second shotgun working too.
Do as shown in the following video and the shotgun will finally be yours !!!