A few days Rockstar Games has made its latest title available, Red Dead Redemption 2. The game is enjoying a lot of success (as was actually expected given the great talk that has been made about it). Among the features that have clearly attracted the public loudly, especially after day one, there are all those related to realism and the infinite activities that can be undertaken between game and end game. As we have already read in the other guides that we have proposed to you in recent days, such as the one dedicated to the care of the camp or the upgrading of Dutch's accommodation, the need for money will be a constant in the game world (which for good and evil makes it even more realistic). Whatever destination you choose for the "grain" you earn, the more you have, and the more problems you can solve. Here's how to go about lining your pockets in Red Dead Redemption 2!
The first step to guaranteeing you enough money to quickly improve yours equipment and being able to afford the new as you go through history is without a doubt completing all of them missions that the game will make available to you. it is therefore any type of quest, starting from the primary ones to the secondary ones, and without losing the fruitful random missions along the way.
Another piece of advice to treasure is undoubtedly linked to hunting. A careful study of the areas to be explored, of the flora and of the species, will be indispensable for hunt animals from which to derive resources to sell. Returning to limitless realism, we will have to pay attention to where we hit these animals: by hunting for game you can recover excellent fur and carcass, which if sold at butcher in the nearest town they will fetch you several dollars, but the way you kill him could damage or spoil that good. Also you will have to be in a hurry to sell them, since if you spend too much time you will only find yourself in the hands of the rotting material. Finally, honorable mention arrives for some defined species "Legendary Animals", which will give you other particular materials in addition to the standard ones, with a clearly very high value.
Looting it is a good thing? Morally - and legally - absolutely not nowadays. Yet in Red Dead Redemption 2 looting the corpses of the unfortunate who will perish under our blows will be fundamental. In this case we will be able to find not only money, the primary asset that we can spend as we want, but also the most varied objects - useful to you or not - which you can in turn sell, to stuff your personal coffers even more.
Also, if you are playing a Red Dead Redemption 2 and you want to discover all the secrets you can find below all our other guides:
- The UFO Mystery - How to Find the Alien Ship
- How to upgrade Dutch's accommodation
- How to contribute to the growth of the camp
- Guide to the approach to shootings
- Let's find out all the tricks
- How to increase the bond with your horse
- Guide to legendary animals
- Guide to means of transport
- Statistics system guide
- Guide to honor
- Dinosaur Bone Guide