The countless signed releases Netflix released during the last year, they certainly did not make us forget what can be called the first example of the successful original series produced by the American legal streaming channel. With the release of the official trailer of the sixth season of Orange Is The New Black (proposed below) the whole world has once again plunged into the narrow walls that hold our favorite criminals, to wonder what happened to them. Thanks to a kind permission from Netflix we were able to take a preview of the new season and discover the developments resulting from the occupation of the prison and its inevitable forced eviction.
In previous episodes we had left our protagonists struggling with the raid of special forces inside the minimum security penitentiary to quell the general uprising. During this raid Piscatella he was accidentally shot down by the police who intervened to recover the rebel detainees. The last episode therefore saw them surrender to the inevitable and accept their fate without putting up any resistance, but this fate has remained an unknown for us until now. In the previous video we saw the various people involved being partially reassigned to the institution of maximum security by Litchfield. While the fate of the missing girls has not yet been shown to us, we have been able to follow the transfer of Piper Chapman and her friends to their new "home". Divided by blocks and dressed in other colored uniforms - other than the classic orange and persimmon we were accustomed to by now - each will have to find a way to survive the new routine on their own. Between the brutal abuses of the warders and the constant harassment of the other prisoners, there will be Federal investigations in search of those responsible for organizing the revolt and the killing of the two guards found dead at the end of the riots. When they try to pit them against each other to find a culprit, their bond will be severely tested and their mutual trust will falter every day more and more during this new adventure.
As far as we've got to see, the entire season of Orange Is The New Black it will revolve around this federal investigation and the adaptation of each of them to this hostile environment. Over the course of the various episodes, the now will return inevitable flashbacks that will tell us more about the previous lives of people locked up behind bars and not. All of this will relate to their current situation and show us never seen behind the scenes who will delve into the motivations behind each of their seemingly inexplicable actions. There different setting will definitely give new life to this story, giving space to new characters and unpublished stories that will be added to the current ones already present, creating a very interesting and not at all obvious intertwining. Each episode will leave us glued to the screen in search of the next one, to finally be able to understand who will get away with it and who will pay the price. The final question to which we will all yearn, at each conclusion, will be one and only one:
"Where is Alex?"