Since 1939 the whole world has been invaded by iconic superheroes. Founded as Timely Comics da Martin Goodman, in 1961 it becomes the very famous Marvel Comics. Among the many names to which we owe the worldwide success of the company, the one of certainly stands out Stan Lee. At the top of the company throughout the period from 1941 to 1972, he is known by all as the creator of our favorite superheroes. But what lies behind this magical and fantastic world? Any fan, at least once in their life, will have dreamed of being able to work for Marvel and be part of this universe. Marvel 616 is the new docuseries coming on November 20 2020 su Disney +, born to delve into the "dark side" of the Marvel realm, hitherto kept hidden from all eyes. We will talk about the effects that this phenomenon has had in our everyday life, from improvised superheroes to the most famous cosplayers, passing through designers who have always been in the shadows. A title that will make fans of this world even more proud to be part of it.
Eight exceptional directors
Eight episodes of about an hour they will be absolutely sufficient to deepen this project far and wide. In each episode you will see a different topic dealt with, in order to allow anyone to watch the episodes according to their preferences, without necessarily having to follow a thread. In addition to the topic, you will also notice a slight change in the narrative style, being each episode directed by a different artist. The choice to change eight directors for eight episodes could make it more varied and fun, even if the differences are often imperceptible. As previously mentioned, the topics covered will be different, more or less fun and interesting. There will be episodes dedicated to the art world, such as the one directed by Clay Jeter entitled "Incredible Artisans"; episodes dedicated to the world of cosplay, such as "Tutti in costume" by Andrew Rossi and episodes such as "Japanese Spider-Man" by David Gelb, dedicated to an unusual and funny Japanese Spider-Man. In addition to these, you will find:
- “Higher, further, faster” directed by Gillian Jacobs
- “Lost items” directed by Paul Scheer
- “The Marvel Method” directed by Bryan Oakes
- “In the spotlight” directed by Alison brie
- “Out of the Box” directed by Sarah Ramos
Despite some directive differences, the same narrative method will be broadly preserved in each episode. As in almost most documentaries, also in Marvel 616 there will be many images ready to describe what we are talking about, while the voices of various experts and protagonists will talk continuously about the topic being told. There is certainly to say that we are not faced with an easy-to-see content. The length of the episodes and the way in which the various topics are treated make it all very theoretical and not very entertaining. In short, only a great Marvel fan will be able to follow everything in detail without yawning.
In conclusion we can sum it all up by saying that we are talking about a niche content, created by Marvel New Media together with Supper Club. Definitely an excellent content, necessary in the Disney + library, already full of products for the little ones but still lacking in documentaries of the genre. Probably shorter episodes and with a few less chatter would have allowed everyone to enjoy them fully. It must also be said that fans of the genre will be very happy with Marvel 616, which will surely make them feel part of an even bigger universe. As slow and at times boring as such a series may seem, it could help many people become aware of a whole new world. What is certain is that after having seen the episode "Everyone in costume", no one will be able to resist the temptation to buy a costume for the new upcoming fair.