“You are in an inn, and at some point you see a shady figure enter…” How many adventurers have started a new campaign with these words? It doesn't take much to identify with aboundless setting, rich in dangers, dungeons full of treasures and uneasy encounters. All elements that never get bored and that anyone passionate about RPGs he lived in his own adventures. Today's gaming systems, speaking of the most “mainstream” titles, allow you to face decisions and consequences in a complex and never univocal way. There is no single way to solve a problem. In short, blades or fireballs are not always the solution. How did the creation of a modern system? It is easy to think that the rules and the mood of those times were quite different from what we are getting used to, and undoubtedly there are those who dream of experiencing these sensations, perhaps taking a dip in the past. This dream can finally be fulfilled. Old-School Essentials it's all you need to experience an adventure with a different atmosphere, let's say “vintage”. Now that the so-called are returning OSR - old school revival - we cannot fail to mention this interesting title.
What are we playing at?
Old-School Essential is a pen & paper role play of setting classic fantasy, the same one that made millions of players dream in the first editions of D&D. The air you breathe is just that, with an 80's flavor. Written by Gavin Norman and back from a very lucky one Kickstarter, arrives under the direction of Need Games!, a national guarantee.
OLD-SCHOOL ESSENTIALS is the retro-clone RPG of adventure, exploration, danger, monsters and magic, built with simple and straightforward rules that allow you to start immediately and immerse yourself in decades of adventures with a balanced system and perfectly compatible with the rules B / X of 1981.
Sharpen your swords, draw your bows, memorize your spells, raise your sacred symbols, prepare your equipment and fill yourself with healing potions!
With OLD-SCHOOL ESSENTIALS an ancient world, full of dangers in dungeons and fun at the table, awaits you!
Source: Need Games!
Il Tome of Rules, a manual containing the game rules (complete with chapters dedicated to monsters, spells, magical objects and treasures), comes with a very accurate graphics, with a modern and minimal cut. Special mention for the tables that you will find inside, illustrations in different styles of the highest level. Nothing heavy to the eye, indeed. An excellent example of obsessive care for a product that wants to offer a look at the past of fantasy RPGs.
True collectors will be able to buy the Box Black, which contains the manuals of:
- Basic rules;
- Setting rules;
- Monsters;
- Spells of the wizard and cleric;
- Treasures.
Old-School Essentials immediately offers an adventure for first and second level characters, a great start for adventurers who can't wait to jump into the action. Inside the oak, this is the title of the adventure, will make players discover an intricate maze of roots, within a witchcraft dungeon to explore. Are you already sharpening your swords and preparing new spells?
On the road
Before entering a new land or the maze of a claustrophobic dungeon, as is now the practice, players will have to design their own character. Old-School Essential proposes very simple mechanics and easy to learn to complete the personal file. Unlike the latest fantasy RPGs, this title does not offer a wide choice of classes and races to combine with each other, just to fit into that retro spirit already mentioned. The classes that can be impersonated are:
- Cleric: he has sworn to serve a divinity with all of himself and will undertake his task thanks to great fighting skills. His doctrine forbids him the use of sharp weapons, but this will not prevent him from making his way through the enemies with hammers and other blunt weapons;
- Elf: tall, slender, they like to party in the woods and become dangerous if upset. They master all types of weapons and armor and know how to use magic.
- Warrior: fight, fight, fight. And of course perfecting the fighting techniques… because the world is a dangerous place, but the warrior is more;
- Halfling: always nice and skilled in hiding. Lovers of a quiet life and the comforts of home;
- Thief: great deceivers and pickpockets, they live the adventure in the name of stealth. Very versatile given their abilities, they could save their companions from many unpleasant situations. They always have a trusted contact around the world;
- Mago: the scholars of the group. Through countless hours spent on huge grimoires and tomes they have learned to master magic and countless spells. The time they spent uncovering new magical secrets affected their poor knowledge of weapons. They use daggers with little skill, no armor so as not to ruin the dress;
- Nano: squat little men and dungeons, where they spend their time working, eating and enjoying very strong drinks. Fighting creatures, be careful to choose weapons of the right size.
One of the aspects that struck us most and we most appreciated about OSE is the possibility of making the character grow also in terms of followers (o mercenaries is specialists) And domain. Adventurers will be able to build strongholds and populate them with subjects, and hire people who will do the work for them. Whether it's clean or dirty, it doesn't make much difference. L'equipment is an important component in this game, you immediately understand that the presence of certain objects has not only an "aesthetic" or taste purpose. In short, this is to say that you will not find yourself using (perhaps) only the rope, as happens in other titles.
The description of the weapons, gods means of transport and mounts it is equally detailed and allows you to give greater volume to those parts of the adventure that are usually managed in downtime. It also requires a higher concentration for the tests problem solving, putting the player's inventiveness at the center. The characteristic of intelligence is not just a number that defines an aspect of your character: the player must be inventive, dare with solutions that may not be foreseen.
Old-School Essential is one very pleasant surprise especially for those who have recently entered the world of RPGs and have never had the opportunity to try these old school systems. Only reading the manual makes you imagine situations where imagination can make a difference. All that remains is to try it and immerse yourself in a new adventure.