The world of role-playing games seems to be in better shape than ever given the recent releases. The community is also growing every day and the opportunities to share hours of fun are never lacking. In this luxuriant landscape a great note of credit certainly goes to scene. A quick glance is enough to see the enthusiasm that reigns, data supported by comforting numbers. One title in particular is getting decidedly positive feedback from role players. Let's talk about Not the End, role-playing game created by Claudio Pustorino and edited by Fumble RPG.
Honorable mention also for Pietro Bastas who signed the magnificent illustrations in the manual. After enjoying considerable and quick success during the Kickstarter campaign, this project was named Role-playing game of the year - 2020 during the recent edition of Lucca Changes. A remarkable, well-deserved and due achievement. Not the End is a game capable of satisfying different types of players thanks to an original system, as well as able to give very high moments, both for the master and for the players.
Not the End is an RPG that differs from the more classic ones, for several reasons. First of all regarding the setting. This title it does not have a default setting or the boundaries within which the adventure takes place. The master and the players have the full freedom to choose where to set the story they are living, without any geographical or temporal limit. The events can take place on a distant and desolate planet, or perhaps in a remote era populated by fantastic beings. The adventure may even come to life in the corridors of Hogwarts or in the magical worlds of Miyazaki. Original or taken from some fictional work, any type of setting is welcome.
Another original element of Not the End is the game system, Named HexSys. Here the dice are replaced with gods token of two different colors, necessary to establish the successes and test failures. Based on his actions and the dangers he faces, the player will draw a certain number of tokens to see how the action will proceed and the consequences it entails. It is easy to imagine how this choice creates dynamism in the narrative and in the adventure, leaving considerable space for the growth of the character.
The pillars of Not the End
As stated in the first pages of the manual, this role-playing game is based on three pillars that guide the storytelling and the growth of the characters. Not the End is well structured three key concepts:
- Take risks for what you consider important. The heroes are called to live dangerous adventures during which they will have to make decisions of a certain narrative weight. The player must therefore always push himself further and thus take responsibility for his actions, embracing successes and failures. The latter are not to be seen in a negative sense because they give volume to the character and his growth during the adventure. The game encourages you to take risks as you will be better able to explore the traits of your hero, enriching the personal and collective experience.
- Let history change your hero. The characters that populate the stories of Not the End are not mere pawns in the hands of an omniscient and bloodthirsty narrator, as is mistakenly thought for some titles. The heroes are three-dimensional and every aspect of them is essential to give depth to the adventure, which is why they continue to grow. The crucial tests are chosen by the player, who will face them aware of living a fundamental moment of the adventure. These lead to the achievement of the goal or surrender in the face of danger. Everything is in the hands of the player.
- Experience each ending as a new beginning. The end is a very important concept in Not the End. It can relate to the end of a crucial moment, of a relationship, of a long path of redemption. Just when something seems to end, the hero begins a new chapter in his life. This allows you not to stop at the clashes that ended in failure or an obstacle that seems insurmountable. These are occasions that help the narrative by leading the player to invent, "write" a way to get up and make their character evolve. You know, many times the great masters are the mistakes. The same goes for Not the End.
More than just a manual
The Not the End game manual is a real masterpiece. The square format - not at all common - it encompasses 229 pages of illustrations and rules, all paginated and edited with a minimalistic and clean design. Everything perfectly in order, not a smudge or redundant elements. The structure is tripartite:
- First, dedicated mainly to the player, we find the game rules. In addition to the basic ones, other more "advanced" ones have been added for those who are familiar with the mechanics and who intend to give greater depth to the adventure;
- The second part is dedicated to master, with tips to make the story more compelling, give more depth to the enterprises and lead the heroes to moments of great fun;
- In the last chapter we talk about thesetting. The authors showed the steps to create new scenarios, in line with the needs of the party. For a one-shot or a long campaign, this guide is thorough and simple, also enriched with playable examples. Why not enter a fantasy world populated by mighty mechas right away?
It seems reductive to say it - or to underline it - at the end, but it is necessary: that of Not the End it is not a simple game manual. Reading it, one captures the passion for the stories, for the narration of great adventures. At the center are the players with their imagination, which they give life to boundless and ever more detailed worlds. All the elements necessary to play eventful sessions are provided, where the thickness of the individual character is enhanced; not only from a role-playing point of view, but also as regards the evolution of history. It seems to have a perfect fit storytelling manual, of film script, more than a "simple" regulation.
The introduction of the poster by Fumble RPG reads:
There are no perfect games.
If you are looking for that game that will cover all possible settings and game styles of all your friends ... Get over it, there is no such game. Any game, even the most famous and popular ones, cannot do everything. Those who try to do everything generally end up being either too complicated or too general. The games you will find try to tell something specific.
Not The End has what it takes to cover all possible settings and satisfy those players who love to characterize their character in every detail. Are you ready to risk it all and go on an adventure?