Nintendo Switch has seen the arrival of many important titles over the years, some of which have also indelibly marked the current generation. However, too porting e remastered they were important protagonists for the hybrid console, both as regards works coming directly from the first party of the Kyoto house and from external companies.
Recently, more precisely in the last Direct Mini, we have seen for example the announcement of major arrivals such as BioShock, Catherine: Full Body, XCOM 2 and Borderlands. These are certainly not the last titles released in the past that will arrive on the platform, and probably already in 2020 we will have the opportunity to see others. For this, we have therefore decided to think about the remasters and ports we want on switch, referring both to rumors that have emerged in the last period and to a bit of imagination.
First Party
Thinking about Nintendo games it is impossible not to immediately talk about the rumors concerning the series of Mario in three dimensions. Seeing Super Mario Sunshine, the Galaxy and 3D World (the most likely) on Switch, even on the laptop, would really be the dream of many, as well as the best way to celebrate 35 years of the mustachioed plumber. On the other hand, a new appearance of the immortal Super Mario 64 seems more difficult, which could however be perfect in the event of the release of the coveted N64 online, unfortunately still a utopia at the moment. In addition, even if it is not part of the classic 3D titles, we would love to see the return of Paper Mario: The Millennial Portal, certainly one of the most successful chapters of the RPG saga created by Intelligent Systems.
Another welcome return would be that of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, although Nintendo just over a year ago declared that there were no plans for its development. Beyond this, it would be great to relive that adventure a second time in high definition, perhaps with some slight tweaks here and there aimed at perfecting some less successful aspects. The much-requested Wii could then also come Metroid Prime Trilogy, the subject of many rumors, yet never announced by Nintendo. Let's face it, there would be nothing better to dampen the endless wait for the fourth chapter.
Finally, despite being the platform that has certainly produced more ports for Nintendo Switch, there are other first party works Wii U which deserve more visibility thanks to the success of the hybrid. Among these we can mention Xenoblade Chronicles X, even if it could lose something from the absence of a second screen, or Pikmin 3, another game whose port is very noisy. What would benefit the most is certainly Star Fox Zero which, as mentioned in another article, was criticized for too complicated controls and could therefore find new life on Switch.
Third Party
Just as, suddenly, various chapters of Final Fantasy arrived on Switch, both main and spin-off, we would like other series to have a similar treatment, such as that of Person. As much as it may seem undoubted, there may be some hope. Atlus had in fact proposed a survey in this regard, with incredibly positive results. Furthermore, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, a port of Catherine: Full Body, currently exclusive to PlayStation 4, was recently announced. So it would not be too strange to find other titles of the company never previously arrived on Nintendo consoles.
Other major sagas that we would see as perfect additions to the platform could be Square Enix products such as Kingdom Hearts o Nier. In the first case, given the publication of Dream Drop Distance on 3DS, a porting of the collections seems quite plausible to us. As for Nier, considering that the announcement of the re-release of Replicant took place only for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, it is perhaps a little more distant hope. We wouldn't mind a few more installments in the series either Tales of, present on Switch only with the popular Vesperia, but that could still say a lot with episodes like Symphonia, already published on GameCube.
Last wish, definitely illusory, is to see the return of The Last Story, action RPG directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi and released on Wii in 2011. Title of a Mistwalker who, from that moment, has focused almost exclusively on games for mobile devices, and who could hardly dedicate herself to a remastered of the genre, even if obviously everything it's possible.
In short, we have seen some titles and series that would greatly benefit the console's already excellent stock, some of which are supported by more or less reliable rumors. Speaking of re-editions, we remind you that next May 29, in addition to the games already mentioned, it will also be available Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. And you, on the other hand, what other ports and remastered would you like to see on Nintendo Switch?