One of the first monsters you will have to defeat in Monster Hunter Rise, title of Nintendo of which you can find our review at the following link, is theArzuros. It is a not particularly strong creature, which in reality can be easily faced with any weapon. In this guide for defeat the Arzuros in Monster Hunter Rise we will give you some tips to better deal with it, to help you as you settle into the amazing universe of the new iteration of the brand.
Before continuing with this Monster Hunter Rise guide on how to defeat the Arzuros, we remind you that the text may contain spoilers on some game mechanics related to the creature. We therefore advise you to proceed carefully to avoid undermining, even partially, your gaming experience.
The monster in question looks like a bear and can be defeated with almost any weapon. However, you will have an additional advantage if you decide to fight him from a distance. The Arzuros doesn't have many dangerous attacks to watch out for, but it is good to consider that from time to time he will delight in one running backwards, trying to hit you in reverse when you least expect it, which deals really high damage.
After a few minutes you will be able to easily realize this most insidious move to dodge, as well as most of the attacks with which it will try to hit you, including one classic front loading. Also be especially careful of its sharp paws, with which it will try to scratch you as soon as you are in its range. The classic hit and run tactic is an evergreen against this monster.
Hoping that the guide on how to defeat the Arzuros in Monster Hunter Rise was useful to you, we would like to refer you to our page dedicated to the game, where there are the main details on the adventure and all our in-depth articles, you can access the following link.